High Priest in Japan

Chapter 39 Escape

Look, what I found. Qin Heqing looked at the dark corner, the short-haired girl with green eyes and even a little crimson, who was in an ambush posture of a beast.

It turned out to be a half-demon. Yue'er, who looked over along the way, was also a little surprised.

Anyway, in her long but small world memory, this is one of the few half-demons she saw with her own eyes.

It can be seen from this that the number of half-monsters surviving in the world is so rare, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are giant pandas in the world of monsters.

The half-demon girl didn't answer, she just bared her teeth at Qin Heqing vigilantly, her muscles tensed up, full of aggression like a beast that really sensed danger.

That's right! It should be a half-demon who has just awakened the demon power and was dazzled by the tyranny released in the blood. Yue'er glanced around again, looking at the men around the girl who didn't know if they were alive or dead, and the half-demon girl Pausing for a moment on the broken clothes that still remained on his body, he made a very positive judgment.

What should I do? Do you want to deal with it? Yue'er turned her head and looked at Qin and Qing.

As a shikigami, she doesn't have the general human concept of things and nonsense. Everything is based on the master's will, and her personal thoughts are second.

So no matter whether the half-demon girl was forced to awaken due to being abused or for other reasons, as long as Qin Heqing judged her to be an enemy, she would dare to attack.

After all, monsters and monsters have always been incompatible since ancient times. Although there were not many monsters who died in her hands, there were still three or five monsters.

Even if the strength of each monster is not too strong.

Is there still a chance to recover? Yue'er could see things and Qin and Qing could see them, so she couldn't help but pondered for a while, and asked.

Yes. Yue'er affirmed.

Then catch her first, and we'll talk about other things later. Hearing this, Qin Heqing no longer hesitated, and immediately decided.


After finishing speaking, Yue'er was not wordy, and the whole person entered a fighting state.

The half-demon girl was excited, and immediately rushed towards Yue'er.

The speed was so fast that it was almost like a black line.

But it didn't exceed Yue'er's capture limit, so her expression didn't change at all. Once the thousands of flowers scattered, Yue'er disappeared with Qin and Qing in place.

The half-demon girl's attack failed, and she landed on the ground and searched her surroundings vigilantly.

Then the next moment, the petals that were scattered due to the impact of the half-demon girl suddenly vibrated, as if being pulled by an invisible force, they spun rapidly, turning into a petal tornado, and quickly wrapped the half-demon girl.

With that terrifying power, Qin Heqing was really worried, whether he would kill the half-demon girl alive.

Be careful not to get killed! Qin Heqing couldn't help reminding loudly.

Don't worry, I know it well. Yue'er said confidently.

And the situation is indeed the case, the attack of the petal tornado created by Yue'er is not enough to kill the half-demon girl on the spot, so in the next second, several white sharp lights flashed, and the petal tornado created by Yue'er It disintegrated violently and exploded in all directions driven by inertia.

The half-demon girl reappeared from the tornado, with scarlet eyes in her erect pupils, fixedly staring at Yue'er and Qin Heqing who were the spectators of soy sauce.

Yue'er didn't hesitate, turned her handprint and pointed, and a flying bird shot out like lightning.

The half-demon girl flashed to the side nimbly, jumped to the top of the buildings on both sides of the street, and then jumped down, grabbing Yue'er with awe-inspiring murderous intent.

Yue'er raised her head calmly, and a barrier blocked Qin Heqing and Yue'er like a shield.


The half-demon girl hit, and the shield formed by the spiritual power immediately became turbulent under the attack of the half-demon girl.

Then Qin Heqing raised his hand, spread his five fingers, and a ball of light shot out like a missile.

Spiritual power skills - spiritual bullets.

It is a superficial skill that a practitioner can use as long as he has a certain amount of spiritual power reserves, and it is also the most basic spiritual power skill that all spiritual power practitioners can master.

The function is similar to the spirit pill, which can produce different powers with the change of the spiritual power in the practitioner's body, so although it is basic, it is still a very good combat skill in terms of practicality.

The half-demon girl had nowhere to escape, she tightened her body and resisted Qin Heqing's attack.


The half-demon girl shook violently, and then clinging to the wall next to her like a gecko, she stared fiercely at the two of them again.

Yue'er didn't respond, it was still Asuka attacking, hitting the opponent.

It's just that the number is no longer one, but as if it exploded, it has become more than ten.

Sensing the threat, the half-demon girl jumped away from where she was, vertically to the opposite wall, and then bounced back, back and forth several times, onto the top roof. , disappeared into the night without looking back...

I really don't love fighting at all, and I will quit as soon as I say it. I don't know if this is due to the instinct of the half-demon girl's human consciousness, or if the monster consciousness is aware of the threat and understands that if you continue to fight, you may not get any good, so you choose to retreat.

But no matter which one it is, it is not good news for Qin and Qing.

At least their battle was for nothing, not to mention not gaining anything, but also wasting a lot of spiritual power. Later, it is very likely that they will need to use the food reserves in the demon refining pot to make up for the consumption of next month tonight.

And more importantly, the half-demon girl didn't know what to think about, if the ghost knows what kind of moths will be made after that.

Although that actually has nothing to do with him...

Let's go, let's see if we can get anything else tonight. Qin Heqing sighed helplessly, and said to Yue'er who was beside him who was also somewhat disappointed.


At the same time, Qin and Qing also noticed more and more loopholes in their actions——

That is, there are no fighters who are good at controlling or restricting the enemy's actions. Otherwise, once the locking skill is activated, how can there be room for a half-demon girl like a half-battle and fleeing?

So, for enchantment spells and so on, it seems that after going back, I really have to step up my studies. In order to avoid being run away by cunning, shrewd and difficult monsters next time you encounter such monsters.

By the way, Yue'er, do you know any yin and yang techniques that can lock and track? Qin Heqing asked after thinking of something again on the way.


It's a pity, I don't know if the city is too small or there are too many temples in the city. After traveling all over Xinzuo City, Qin and Qing didn't encounter any ghosts on the road, which made this night tour completely in vain. Reluctantly, he took Yue'er back home, washed and slept, and hoped that Mr. Kakuda would have something special tomorrow.

Sure enough, we should think of a way to see if there are other ways to collect ghosts. Qin Heqing, who was sitting on the bed watching the late-night drama, thought absently.

Thanks to Whose Heart Does the Breeze Blow for donating 500 points. Thanks to Shana灬, sp921218 and I don't understand the world of Europeans for their respective rewards of 100 points.

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