Him and their stars

Chapter 205 Martyrs

"My name is Francis Morey, Brigadier General of the Internal Security Forces. I am not well-known, but all of you here should know me." He looked at the people present and paused.

Vice President Maria Merson and Prime Minister Konoe Taylor looked at each other. Both sides signaled the other to speak first, but neither of them was willing to speak, and they immediately fell into an awkward stalemate.

Seeing this scene, the oldest person present, Marshal Ronald Aylwin, the military commander who had just celebrated his eightieth birthday last month and the leader of the community uniform team, sighed deeply and said: "Frank ...You went a little too far this time."

"I'm really sorry, Your Excellency, I have caused big trouble." Facing this veteran of the independent era, Brigadier General Francis Morey showed a considerable degree of respect and apology, but his attitude was not at all disrespectful. Songsong: "It's just that you also know me. Now that I have done it, I will definitely do it to the end."

Marshal Elwin nodded blankly: "So, what do you want?"

"...I need you to provide a Fletcher 4 destroyer to arrive here within half an hour to connect with the Azul Princess. The Chief of Staff, Admiral Schwartz, who is being unreasonably detained, must be on board. , as well as several senior generals who were unreasonably detained, and their families. I have put the list in your work mailbox. In addition, I want 1 billion gold dragons." He paused and repeated: " It’s the Golden Dragon! I don’t want banknotes and other promissory notes and money orders. I’m a soldier and I don’t understand these nonsense.”

"Indeed, I don't understand these silly things. The golden gold coins look comfortable." Marshal Elwin paused, looking through the screen and scanning the combat robots in the corner of the screen, frowning Tighter.

He pressed his temples and looked at Prime Minister Konoe, who suddenly showed a headache expression: "Frank, you have to understand that communication between the Ministry of Justice and the Procuratorate involved where General Schwartz is detained takes time. As for the 100 million gold dragons... Well, it's not like the central reserves don't have such reserves, but mobilizing them also takes time. As for the ships, we have to coordinate with the National Defense Committee. Well, Chairman Nishita is okay ?"

Morey smiled lightly and adjusted the camera to let everyone look at Keith Nicita, who was sitting quietly in his seat.

Mr. Chairman of the National Defense Committee has a calm expression, sitting posture is very upright, and there is even a bit of pride and unyielding in his eyebrows. He is indeed much more elegant than Mr. President Noxham, who has a pale and frightened face.

The marshal's eyes just swept over the president and the chairman of the General Assembly quickly, and most of the time he was still staring at the battle robot at the edge of the screen.

"Oh, by the way, this is National Security Assistant Mr. Shahrul Gander." Brigadier General Morey on the other side of the screen pointed the camera at the elegant middle-aged man not far away from him.

"Since just now, he has been trying to persuade me to negotiate. What a dedicated gentleman! What he said is exactly the same as Prime Minister Konoe! Is Mr. Gander really in security affairs? Not in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?"

Probably because Brigadier General Morey's attitude is now more friendly, Mr. Gander also managed a smile and said: "Well, you're very grateful. I did serve in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

Morey smiled and nodded, ignoring the other party, and said with a smile: "From now on, every half hour, we will execute a group of hostages. The first time is one, the second time is two, and the third time is Four, the fourth time..."

The fourth time is eight? That's okay. Even if this matter drags on for four or five hours, not many people will die. The big shots on the other side of the screen seemed to have breathed a sigh of relief. You know, there are more than 20,000 people on the Blue Princess. Even with such a killing method, they can still last for a long time. As long as no big shots or important foreign guests are killed, it will still be acceptable after that.

But at this time, Brigadier General Morey showed a serious smile: "Unfortunately, it is not eight, but sixteen. I am a boring person. I like mathematics, but I don't like addition and multiplication. I prefer squares."

Then why are there two the second time? Does the square of one become two? It’s impossible for a physical education teacher to teach math like this, right?

Except for Brigadier General Morey, there were probably many people present who wanted to complain like this, but no one dared to say it.

Everyone's hearts suddenly rose, but before they could stop, Morey pulled out his pistol again and pulled the trigger directly on Mr. Gander, the security assistant next to him.

Mr. Gander was shot through the forehead and died in an instant. The eyes that lost focus were also filled with confusion and horror, almost exactly the same as those of Brigadier General Robnan who died before.

It was probably also difficult for him to understand why the other party acted irrationally, so he could not rest in peace. Of course, thankfully, he at least suffered no pain before his death.

There was another scream in the bridge, but it quickly stopped under the suppression of Morey's men and the armed robots, and gradually turned into some low cries hidden in the crowd.

Brigadier General Morey turned around and saluted everyone: "Sorry, I have no personal grudges with you, and I will not abuse you. As long as you don't do any irrational behavior, whether you want to cry or scream, you can do it. There is no problem. This is the nature given to us by the spirit of the universe and the master of all things. There is no need to suppress it!"

Even so, who dares to really liberate their nature at this time?

Across the screen, Vice President Merson almost wanted to scream, but she finally covered her mouth at the critical moment. , Prime Minister Konoe looked pale, looking at Mr. Gander who was still dead, with joy and pity, and mixed feelings in his heart.

Marshal Elwin, who had seen too many dead people, could not lose his composure, but the expression on his face was as heavy as a dark cloud.

Morey said: "Oh, I forgot to tell you that time is counted from now on, not half an hour. This is Francis Morey, and there is another message from the Azul Princess. You can continue to think about it. .I am very grateful to Mr. Ergande who once served in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He is really good at negotiation and bought you half an hour. If everyone in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs could show such ability, many tragedies would not have happened. Alright?"

"Don't do stupid things! Everything on the Azure Princess is under the control of my rule. In addition, the people on the Feixue 48 destroyer opposite are also my comrades. Once any of your ships are found to have entered the cordon, They all immediately opened fire on the Azul Princess! So, one last reminder to you, don’t do stupid things! I believe in your sanity!”

The brigadier general gave everyone a military salute, and then broke off contact without explanation.

He looked through the bridge and immediately saw the two destroyers that had turned into a pile of space junk, and felt a slight pain in his heart. However, when Feixue No. 48 slowly came into his sight, Brigadier General Morey's little reluctance disappeared.

"These are all...necessary sacrifices!" he said to himself. He also said the same to his other companions, which of course also included Major Oishi and Captain Du Wen who were commanding the Feixue 48.

At that moment, he felt that his sight seemed to have passed through the steel fortress that made up the ship and the constraints of the universe, and he had an instant look at the two friends on the Flying Snow.

"We are traitors now, but we will be heroes in the future!" He said to himself again.

Commodore Morey looked at the red and blue cruiser further away, painted with sexy buns. Now it has been frightened and stopped outside the range of Feixue 48's main gun.

Are they all students of drills? Morey quickly determined the identities of the two ships and ignored them. In comparison, the more than 300 security personnel on the ship who were locked in the security room, and...that person, were more likely to pose a threat.

"Is he really dead?" Brigadier General Morey still lacked a sense of reality. He himself is also a fourth-level psychic, and he has barely stepped into the threshold of the high-level. He is very aware of how strong the vitality of the saints in the high-level is.

"No matter what, you are the winner! You succeeded in the leapfrog challenge. Don't you feel that you have grown a lot?" There was a vague voice in his mind.

"Anyway, you can't look back, can you?"

yes! There's no turning back! If you succeed, you will still have a future! my future! Admiral's future! The future of community!

Morey clenched his fists, feeling like a martyr carrying a heavy burden.

In the conference room on Earth, a group of big shots who dominated the country fell into oppressive silence. If there wasn't a backbone present, I'm afraid this silence would have lasted for a long time.

Self-motivated lunatic! Either he is possessed by a dirty thing, or he is a dirty thing himself!

Marshal Aylwin cursed in his heart, tapped his hand on the table, and after regaining everyone's consciousness, he said to the Vice President: "Madam Vice President, now Mr. President cannot perform his duties. It’s up to you here.”

How can I make the decision? I have no experience with this kind of thing?

Although Ms. Merson was thinking about it day and night, she hoped that Mr. President would die in an accident one day, so that she could directly take office without having to endure the Shura field of the general election. But the problem is that she rose to the top from the rank of senator. She came to the position because she looks very close to the people, speaks well, and has good relations with the media. She has never been a local administrative or ministerial chief, and she does not have the necessary decisiveness at all.

"Marshal, you are the expert. Everyone here needs your wisdom and courage!" Ms. Merson said to the marshal.

It is true that she does not have any talent or ability to make decisions on the spur of the moment, but she still has basic politician skills such as scapegoating.

The marshal smiled and looked at the Vice President, who was only half his age and could be considered a MILF, and began to feel embarrassed in his heart.

I'm an expert on shit! I've sailed on ships and fought in wars, but I've never dealt with this kind of thing, right? If you don't want to take responsibility at this point, that's all you are.

However, it is understandable that this woman does not dare to make a decision. The president, a large number of senior officials, and a group of important foreign guests were actually held hostage in the sky above the capital star. It was such a long time to see him alive!

Who would have thought that the person in charge of security for the entire event would jump in the opposite direction? Really, what is that kid Wang Jingyang doing? Didn't he know his deputy had mental issues? Didn't you swear that you are the best at perceiving and judging hostility?

Although Marshal Elwin didn't know much about mysticism, he had really seen the supreme power of Wang Jingyang and his brothers. Because of this, he was chosen to be the commander of the Blue Guard against all objections and was responsible for the security of the last part of the Navy Day celebrations. But I didn't expect that such a thing would happen.

"High-ranking psychic masters don't mean they are omnipotent! Marshal Li taught me what he taught me. Why did I forget to clean it up when I got older?" He smiled wryly at himself, and then thought of another possibility: "This, it won't Did he jump backwards too?"

Marshal Elwin just thought this, and then quickly shook his head in his heart. Although he began to doubt the abilities of Wang Jingyang and his brothers, he absolutely trusted their character.

The marshal looked at the Vice President and the Prime Minister like a naughty child begging his father to tell him the truth. Considering his age, he can definitely be the father of these two people. However, he also knew that if he made any mistakes in his decision-making and caused any tragedy, it would be these two people who would push him out and take the blame.

Forget it, at this age, nothing matters anymore.

...Tsk, that old boy Paris is so lucky. He went to the "New World" to be happy, so he doesn't have to worry about the mess here.

Thinking of this, Marshal Aylwin made up his mind and began to give orders: "One billion golden dragons, ships, and Admiral Schwartz, I hope everyone will prepare. At least we must make an appearance to make Morey trust us. We are indeed preparing!”

The vice president looked at the prime minister, who gritted his teeth and nodded with difficulty: "I understand."

Alas, they are all important national precious metals and foreign exchange reserves!

"Also, give me Morey's schedule for the past six months! I want to know where he has been, who he has met, and what unknown things he has been exposed to! I will know within twenty minutes!" Marshal stared at Looking at the heads of the intelligence departments present, their eyes were like sharp knives, as if they were about to kill each other.

Elwin snorted and opened a light curtain. It turned out to be a hand-painted painting. It was the combat robots on the Blue Princess.

"This, this is..."

"When I was young, I graduated from the Royal College of Art. I studied sketching and engineering aesthetics..." The marshal wanted to boast proudly, but then he realized that it was not the right time, so he coughed, pointed at the picture and said: "This is Morey's robots! As far as I know, they are not any active military combat robots in our country or even in major military countries. I want to know their models and sources! Check them immediately!"

"Is this still twenty minutes?" the person in charge of Guotong said bravely. They are in the civil service establishment, and they probably think it will be easier to talk to them this way. What else to do? Didn't you see that the person in charge of the committee, a major general, was so trembling that he didn't dare to speak?

"Fifteen minutes! In one second at night, I will tie you all to antimatter bombs and throw them into the white dwarf together!"

Everyone's scalp was numb without even imagining that scene. There was nothing else they could say except nodding and hurriedly saying goodbye and taking their men to work. However, someone in the crowd who didn't know that person suddenly whispered: "Anti-matter bomb...isn't it still being tested?"

"Isn't that better?" Marshal Aylwin said.

The person in charge of the National Unification and Committee Unification stumbled, and their movements to go out were even more hurried.

The marshal pressed his temples and was about to explain other matters when a staff member of the presidential palace rushed into the conference room and happened to pass by the senior officials of the intelligence department, almost bumping into him.

"What's wrong?" Ms. Vice President shouted in a deep voice. She always looked a bit domineering like a strong woman.

"Ms. Vice President, Excellencies... Outside, people from all major media have gathered outside! Demanding that we announce the truth of the incident! This..."

"When did it leak out?" Prime Minister Konoe was furious: "What do the people in the Propaganda Department do for food? Where are the people in the Information Department of the Presidential Office? They should all be tied to torpedoes and launched into a black hole!"

"There are many reporters on the Azul Princess. He just talked to us, and everything was broadcast through the equipment carried by the reporters..."

All the community rulers present were frightened and almost jumped up in panic. They quickly wondered if they had made any mistakes before. This is much more important than the lives and deaths of the 20,000 people on board, plus the President and a host of foreign guests.

Of course, they were not fools after all. They were sure that the footage obtained by the media should only include Brigadier General Morey's side, and it was impossible to photograph their own side. Only then did they regain their composure.

The marshal pressed his temples a few times harder: "How much I miss Marshal Li's era! There were still press controls at that time. Although other countries were always saying that we were not free, but at least... not It will be as troublesome as it is now!”

These words were so unpolitically correct that everyone present was laughing and didn't know how to respond. Of course, it’s really hard to say whether someone took the opportunity to keep a little notebook.

"Let the Dragon's Breath Gauss cannons on the Scorching Sun Fortress and Eagle Castle Fortress be prepared... At the same time, dispatch two battle cruisers equipped with high-power light spear main guns and the Dauntless to approach." Marshal Aylwin began to give the order.

"...Long-range artillery fire may indeed kill the rebellious Feixue 48 with one hit, but the distance is too far for us to guarantee a hit. In addition, it is also difficult to guarantee that it will not affect the Blue Princess next to it." A general Probably guessing what Marshal Elwin was thinking, he couldn't help but remind him.

"I know, but execute the order." The marshal pressed his temples and asked, "Where is our nearest warship from the Blue Princess?"



"Yes, they are the two roving Yushi-class ships that have just finished the exercise! But the people on board are all students!"

The marshal was startled when he heard this, and then fell into deep thought.

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