"Captain Mary, the Grand Canyon is ahead." Outside the Grand Canyon, six or seven American Aurors dressed as Muggles rode on broomsticks and traveled quickly.

"Stay alert! We are facing an internationally wanted criminal, so proceed with caution!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Several team members replied.

Suddenly someone pointed forward, "Didn't the Muggle weather forecast say it will be cloudless today? What is that?"

In the distance, black clouds gathered and swirled in the sky like a funnel, forming a cloud pillar that stretched across the sky and the earth.

"I've never seen clouds like this!"

Something was fishy, ​​Mary frowned, "Let's go! Go and have a look!"




No, I won't die!

Suddenly, in the midst of the madness, a glimmer of clarity suddenly emerged.

Countless pictures, information, knowledge, words, emotions, and concepts flashed through my mind, like furious flames, destroying all logical networks.



White freshness promoting hormone.


Mandrake juice…

That’s it, mandrake juice…

Saliva, thunder and lightning, mutation...


Mandrake juice is an ingredient in Animagus potions, but it's only supposed to remove petrification...

But the white fresh hormone activates the cells, activates the magic power, and puts them in an extremely active state...

Thunder and lightning are the drumbeat of transformation...

Half-finished potion...

The most terrifying mutation...

The white fresh hormone accelerated the mutation, turning him into a deformed monster with crazy proliferation of various tissues...

He will be drained of all his magic power and turned into a mass of flesh and bone...

I will die...



do not die!

Stay alive, stay alive, stay alive!

at all costs……

I want to live!

Crows croaked around the huge black-winged monster.

"Quack! He killed the divine bird..."

"Gah! We should regard him as king."

"Gu! But he seems to be dead..."

"Gaga! He's dead!" Gu Gaji gloated a little, "Mo Ga is dead! Insects are delicious! He's dead, let's go!"

Miss Guagugu went up and said again, "You are dead, go away! Moga is not dead! He will not die! He is the strongest good bird!"

Suddenly, the hill-like black-winged monster twitched, and an intestinal tract on its back was torn off, but a beak grew out of the blood.

"Ah, Ga, Gong..."

A dull sound came from the cumbersome and terrifying mountain of flesh.

The sound gradually grew louder, mixed with countless hoarse roars and wails, becoming more and more harsh and high-pitched.

Gradually, the crows heard the sound.

"Amado, Animo, Animado, Animagus..."

"Amado, Animo, Animado, Animagus..."

"Amado, Animo, Animado, Animagus..."

The sound shook the void and seemed to resound in the minds of every crow, causing their souls to sway accordingly.

Suddenly, with a sound of "Gah!", a crow from the Gugaga clan cried out, joining in the chanting in its own language, then spread its wings and flew up, surrounding the body of the black-winged monster and circling upward.

Then another crow flew up.

Whooping, all the crows flew up in circles, forming a black tornado in mid-air around Murphy.

Wind and thunder gathered in mid-air, and dark clouds suddenly rose and piled up into mountains. Suddenly, the black clouds were disturbed by the crowd of crows, and gradually formed into spirals, winding down from the sky, like a giant pillar, running through the sky and the earth.

The song of the crows merged with the voice to form a magnificent chorus.

"Amado, Animo, Animado, Animagus..."

"Amado, Animo, Animado, Animagus..."

When she got closer, Mary realized how huge the cloud pillar was, and the tornado was hundreds of meters thick, lashing the earth like a whip from the gods.

"What is this sound?" someone suddenly said.

Amidst the deafening wind, they heard a grand chorus, which seemed to be a mantra.

Then, they saw a sight they would never forget.

Thousands of crows flew outside the tornado, and their cries formed the accompaniment of the chorus. The crowd of crows seemed to be divided into several torrents, coiling around the tornado, forming a repeated cycle, like an eternal upward ladder.

Suddenly, a dazzling flash of light burst out from the tornado. It was a huge thunder that hit the ground from high altitude.


The moment the electric light lit up, they also saw the huge figure in the tornado.

With two wings on its back, it has the head of a bird and the body of a human body.

The figure that looked like an ancient god slowly stood up. Thunder and lightning struck him one after another, forming a dense and terrifying thunderstorm. Then, as if it could not withstand the power of the thunder and lightning, it rolled up With his wings, he turned himself into a huge egg.

"Amado, Animo, Animado, Animagus..."

Murphy didn't notice anything happening outside at all. There was darkness and nothingness in front of him.

A huge brain is growing and expanding at the center of the storm. Every second, billions of neurons are generated, and every second, tens of billions of synaptic connections are established.

With the violent catalysis of white fresh hormone, Murphy built an unprecedented super brain.

At the same time, total recall is like an infinitely powerful data mining machine, digging out all the scenes connected to any tiny memory link.

All the memories emerged in his consciousness, and he wandered through them as if he were experiencing his whole life again.

Such violent data mining will naturally bring huge losses. Every second, hundreds of millions of neurons in this super brain atrophy and die due to overload use.

But Murphy doesn't care.

He retrieved all the information he knew and calculated all possible paths...

"Animagus transformation is a ritual..."

"We can think of it as a process of praying and making wishes to a certain magical administrator - called the 'Magic Network' by the conjuration research team..."

"It's very simple to become a high-level Animagus. You just need to mix in some genes of the animal you want to become during the formation of the potion. This mixture will cause the potion to mutate... "

"White freshness promoting hormone..."

"There are some steps in the ritual that have no real effect, but they cannot be omitted..."

"If you want to break this 'convention', you need enough willpower and enough skills..."

Gradually, my thoughts became clear.

The facts are clear.

The aphrodisiac activates the mandrake juice and accelerates its entry into the ritual of the Animagus potion.

Then, the blood, venom and body tissues of the thunderbird and basilisk, as well as the action of thunder and lightning, caused violent changes in the potion.

Thus, he began to simultaneously transform into a magical Animagus and a dual Magus - Thunderbird, Basilisk...

It is no longer possible to stop transformation.

If you want to survive, you must transform successfully.

First, summon the crows to join in the ritual with the same voice that was used on Kingsley before.

Secondly, rely on the super brain to build a stable biological form that can survive.

Finally, use the spell to guide your own will and promote the transformation towards that form...

The biggest difficulty is: usually the transformation of the Animagus takes at least one or two months or even half a year or a year. Such a long time is enough for the wizard to clarify his own thinking and communicate with " "Magic Network" reached an agreement and formed a stable Animagus form.

However, he did not have a month.

He didn't even have an hour!

There is a limit to the magical power of the aphrodisiac, and once its effectiveness ceases, the animagus transformation enters its final stage.

Ten minutes have passed since he took the whitening accelerator, and he can't have another ten minutes!

He kept activating his giant brain, thinking desperately, faster, faster...

Suddenly, fierce electric light surged, scorching hundreds of thousands of neural links, but he keenly captured a trace of abnormality. He captured that moment, and then in three microseconds, he understood That moment.

While those nerves were burned to coke, a complex electric field network was established. It replicated the structure of neurons, but replaced the inefficient biological matrix with electromagnetic fields. In a few milliseconds, a complex electric field network was formed. An electromagnetic neural network.

The transmission speed of its nerve signals is: 300,000 kilometers per second.

The scorched neural network does not regenerate.

The magic power of the whitening booster is about to wear off.

How much time is left?

three minutes?

One minute?

Or ten seconds?

Or, just one second left?

There was no time to hesitate.

In an instant, the electric light spread through the entire giant brain, burning 90% of the cortex in a microsecond.

This is Thunderbird's power, now temporarily at his disposal.

There are still 5 microseconds left.

But now, he can think at the speed of light.

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