They walked around the tree, and after a while, they came to the center of the mutation.

That's a huge pit.

"If you want to continue to get closer, it's best to summon the guardian spirit." The wizard reminded.

Azir summoned a silver wolf spirit, and the boy behind him summoned a silver snow leopard.

The pit is nearly a hundred meters wide and bottomless. The walls of the pit are also covered with the same "death curse" as seen on the trees before, and even some terrible decaying energy is escaping in the air. This is why the wizard asked them to summon the guardian spirit.

The silver radiance of the guardian spirits helped them resist the erosion of those decaying powers, allowing them to get closer to the pit.

At this point, the power of the escaped death curse had become unbearable. Even with the protection of the guardian spirit, they soon felt an uncontrollable weakness.

"Your Majesty, cough...we have to get out of here..." Azir said.

But the young man turned a deaf ear. His eyes suddenly turned silver-white, as if he had penetrated the real world and saw the hidden past and future.

"I saw...darkness." The boy said, "Lightning, disease, storms and death..."

"He has black wings, two horns, and is covered in scales. Alexey calls him the Horned God..."

"Crows, thousands of crows..."

"The terrifying magic power...even the ancestor giant spirits are vulnerable..."

"Black hair... black eyes... I saw his face..."

Suddenly the young man screamed and suddenly woke up from his trance.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong?!" Azir was taken aback and even forgot to hide the other party's identity. "Are you injured? The great shaman often says that you can't channel often, as this will cost you your life..."

"I saw it," the young man said, "I saw his face."

"What? Is it scary?"

"No," the boy shook his head, "it's very beautiful."


"I also read a little bit of his thoughts..." The young man seemed a little confused, "Azir, what is an antenna? Also, what happened to Muggle society?"

Next to the train, another wizard said: "Azir Shaman, we have checked, this is the train of the Muggle president, our two wizards: Vitaly Pirzegud and Niel Bellin Ski was responsible for protecting him. But now they are both missing.”

"Vitaly..." Azir frowned. He was a student at the same time when he was studying in the ancestor's tomb, and he was very powerful.

It turns out he was on this train.

"How about a Muggle President?"

"He is fine. Some of the Muggle soldiers in the car are dead, and some are injured. They are all unconscious now. They seem to have been cursed."

"This can't be an accident." Azir said, "There must be a conspiracy. Did these Muggles see anything?"

"We interrogated several of them, and most of them were a little confused. Some said that many crows were attacking them, and some said that werewolves were attacking." The wizard said, "There are many signs of fighting around the train. They What they said should be true, but it seems that a lot of their memories have been erased, and what they said is in pieces.”

"Where's the Muggle president? Have you interrogated him?"

"He..." The wizard didn't know what to say. "He seemed to know nothing, but he said he encountered divine revelation. He saw God."

"They're in."

Dozens of kilometers away on the outskirts of Bryansk, the werewolf mercenary Radwan watched Chobagov's special train enter the city and withdrew his gaze.

"No problem here."

After speaking, he looked at Murphy and asked doubtfully: "What are you going to do about Qin Yeli? Then let him go? How can you guarantee that he will listen to us?"

"The matter is too big, and it is impossible for the Ministry of Magic of the Soviet Union to not notice it. The train is too damaged to be repaired, and the dead soldiers cannot be resurrected. The scene can only be left as it is. The wizards of the Soviet Union will definitely investigate. Train, if they use a stand-in or some other method, they will probably find out, and if they follow the clues, we may be exposed," Murphy said.

"As for how to make him obedient...he is an Orthodox believer. Although he was not religious at all in the past, he is now a fanatical believer."

"He will think that he has received divine inspiration and that maintaining the unity of the Soviet Union is a sacred mission given to him by God."

"He will use whatever means necessary to achieve this goal."

"Of course, he will continue to receive guidance from 'God' to lead him to complete his mission."

Radwan probably had some guesses about Murphy's methods, but he also had another doubt, "Then why didn't we do this to him and Chobagov from the beginning?"

"Because... both of them are idiots." Murphy sighed.

It is true that spiritual seeds can change a person's beliefs and thoughts, but it cannot improve a person's intelligence and logical level. It is difficult to turn a weak coward into a strong-armed tyrant, nor can it turn a person who only knows how to fight for power. The guy who doesn't know how to govern becomes a mature leader.

Therefore, Murphy wants to replace people directly.

But at this moment, under forced circumstances, Kotoneyeli could only stay.

Fortunately, he still understands power struggle. At least at this stage, it is enough to use him as a murderous knife.

As for the future...

Being despised by thousands of people and eventually dying as a martyr, isn’t it a fitting fate for a generation of saints?

Presumably he will also feel that he got what he wanted.

It's so good.

However, the president specifically listed such a big incident. As long as the Soviet wizard was not a fool, he would have guessed that the incident was aimed at the president.

Although the seed of the soul is hidden, there is no guarantee that the Soviet wizards will not discover it through some evil means, and even if they cannot discover it, it is difficult to predict what they will do in response.

I just hope that most of the wizards in the Soviet Union are like Alexei who don't care about the life and death of Muggle society.

But no matter what, the changes in Muggle society will most likely attract the attention of the wizards of the Soviet Union, but it is difficult for them to be as unnoticed as planned.

In the wizarding world of the Soviet Union, I may have to deal with it in the future.

Alas, why do so many people come out and get in the way every time I want to do something?

"Azir, what do you think?" The boy walked out of the Muggle President's tent and asked the young shaman next to him.

"It seems like he was beheaded or controlled by some kind of curse..."

"That's what I think too," the young man said, "but I didn't find any traces of magic. Did you find anything?"

Azir shook his head, "No. But if the person who released this curse on the Muggle president can kill the great shaman, no one in Alkaim City will be able to find any traces."

"So, foreigners did it."

The young man was thinking, he raised his fair face, looked at the clouds on the horizon, and suddenly said: "Erase the memories of Muggles and treat what happened here as a simple accident. Also, don't tell Ivan and Muggles." Matters related to President Gua."

Azir looked at him doubtfully, "Your Majesty, the guy who killed the great shaman may be planning to do very terrible things to Muggle society. Does your Majesty want to cover up for him?"

The young man did not answer, but suddenly asked: "Azir, who do you think will win between me and Ivan?"

"What... you..."

"Don't pretend like it's the first time you hear this topic." The young man said politely, "Ivan is my uncle. He governed for me when I was young and did a good job. I am very grateful for his contribution. But I’m fifteen years old and I have the right to take back my place.”

"Of course."

"But, I will not win." The young man said, "Even if the great shaman is not dead and supports me, it will be the same. Ivan is very smart and knows how to win over people's hearts. In ten years, almost all the great nobles of Alkaim They all have interests involved with him. They will not stand on my side."

"So, you want to use external power." Azir understood, "But this is too dangerous. You have already seen the power of the other party, how evil it is..."

"But it's strong, isn't it?"

Azir was speechless for a moment.

To be able to turn this forest into something like this...even the great shaman might not be able to do it, but he would believe that the other party was a real demon.

"But it's still too risky. I know you want to get rid of Duke Ivan, but this is a man who can kill the great shaman without restraint and curse the Muggle president. He acts without scruples. Cooperating with such a person is no different. To put yourself on the you want to risk Alkaim being embezzled?"

"So what if he wants to take Alkaim? He is a man."

As the young emperor spoke, he released the illusion, and his long silver hair fell down. His—or should I say, her—face became much softer, from being unparalleledly handsome to becoming the most beautiful person in the country.

"And I am a woman. A very beautiful woman."

The Magic Queen of the holy city of Alkaim said with absolute confidence: "No one can refuse me."

If you don’t want to see Maozi, that’s fine. Do you want the white-haired queen?

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