There are many types of cancer cells. Under different expression conditions, the surface antigens are also very complex, and various markers are also diverse.

For example, carcinoembryonic antigen, which is commonly associated with gastric cancer, colon cancer, and pancreatic cancer, alpha-fetoprotein, which is associated with testicular cancer, gastric cancer, liver cancer, etc., and carbohydrate antigen 19-9, which is associated with gallbladder cancer, colon cancer, etc.

In addition, there are various common tumor markers such as neuron-specific enolase, prostate-specific antigen, and squamous cell antigen.

There are many tumor markers, and the sensitivity or specificity of a single marker is often low. Under certain physiological conditions or certain benign diseases, some tumor markers can also appear, so it is difficult to use them as the only basis for tumor diagnosis.

Even in the era before Murphy's rebirth, automatically identifying cancer cells without manual means was very difficult.

After much thought, Murphy finally decided to use evolutionary algorithms and deep learning to train the virus.

The general idea is this: use several or dozens of more invasive viruses or bacteria to form an experimental group, and then continuously feed various normal cells and various cancer cells, and artificially pass through the mind. Various types of cells are labeled to complete training.

These markers include: whether there are cancer cells, the pH of cell tissue, cell morphology, and the characteristics of various known normal cells and cancer cells.

The feedback mechanism is extremely strict. Any individual pathogen that kills normal cells more than three times or fails to kill cancer cells more than three times will disintegrate and die.

Through this method and the accelerated evolution of trace amounts of freshness-promoting hormones, it is estimated that more than five million times of training are enough for these bacterial groups to grow into specialized cancer cell killers.

If you can train 90,000 times a day, you can see results within two months.

Such a bright future is really gratifying and congratulatory!


Murphy almost dropped the petri dish in his hand after calculating. Ninety thousand training times a day, I can't finish them even if I don't eat or drink!

He immediately realized that he couldn't do this alone.

It must be subcontracted.

The number of 90,000 training times per day, if divided among ten people, means 9,000 times of training per day. If divided among 100 people, it means 900 times of training per day. If it is divided among 1,000 people, it will mean 90 times of training per day, and the degree of completion should be guaranteed. of.

The most troublesome problem among them is actually how to enable these thousand people to transmit information to the germs through the seeds of the soul.

Teach the mind-seed spell to a thousand wizards?

Then the world will probably be destroyed the day after tomorrow.

Suddenly, a bold idea appeared in Murphy's mind.

Perhaps... we can build a spiritual seed interconnection network.

Whether it is Mogar Werewolf or controlling the virus through the mind seed, it has been proved that two-way communication through the mind seed is feasible. Then as long as the protocol is set up in the mind seed, one-to-many communication can be achieved through node jumps. Many-to-many communication is possible.

However, for the sake of safety, all communications must be forwarded through Murphy himself, which leads to the problem of information distribution between servers and multiple terminals.

This thing... when they were designing the Internet, they already had a complete model.

As long as it is written down in the form of a spiritual seed magic agreement and each participant signs it, this one-to-many communication network is established.

In this way, even if there are a thousand experimenters, they can all use Murphy as a relay to transfer label information on the experimental bacterial colonies.

Even... they don't need to come to the experimental bacterial colony in person, they only need to mark the cells with information when the machine adds specific cells to the bacterial colony.

No, this doesn't even have to be real-time. It just needs enough people to mark the five million samples and transmit the marked information through the mind seed signal. Murphy himself can set up an automatic signaling mechanism. , complete the training of the bacterial flora.

It seems feasible... there should be a start!

However, we must first verify the feasibility of a one-to-many spiritual Internet.

Murphy once again called in the two researchers of psychic magic, Funes Bachman and Omid Abbott, and also called in the magic communication researcher from the Conjuration Research Group.

The latter's name is Joelt Lynch, who was the one who previously proposed the theory of the properties of the wand.

Later, after Murphy's magic antenna theory was established, he joined a newly established "Magic Matrix" design team established by Murphy. The main task of this team now is to create more intuitive magic for Murphy through chip-like manufacturing. Sensing equipment.

"I called you here today to experiment with a telepathic communication magic."

Murphy said, handing several agreements with spiritual seeds to several people, "Let's sign all the agreements first."

The three scientists took a look at the agreement and found that except for the first half, which contained various rights and obligations similar to confidentiality clauses, the second half turned out to be a set of communication rules.

This protocol has almost no essential difference from the seven-layer network protocol proposed by Sophon Technology. It is just that on the physical layer, spiritual seeds are used to replace optical fibers, and spiritual signals are used to replace electronic signals.

Other protocols in the data link, network, and transport layers are almost copied. For example, the core network transmission protocol basically copies the TCP/IP protocol.

What's special is that Murphy's psychic network is uniquely centralized. Each individual who joins the psychic network will have a unique communication address, that is, an IP. This address is determined by the network administrator—Murphy. Make allocations.

Any communication on the psychic network is also addressed and forwarded by Murphy, the central processing station.

The efficiency of this may be lower than that of a decentralized network, especially when there are more people in the Mind Network in the future, but this is also the most stable and secure way to ensure the network.

After all, this time, Murphy only plans to use this psychic network to train experimental viruses and bacterial communities, and does not plan to actually build a psychic World Wide Web now.

After the three scientists read the agreement, they all had a rough guess about what Murphy was going to do, and signed their names one after another.

When they sign an agreement and agree in their hearts that the agreement takes effect, the power of magic can break through the core of consciousness and plant a spiritual seed in it - this is in line with the singularity theory of consciousness of the spiritual path.

The moment the agreement came into effect, a four-person psychic network was formed consisting of Murphy and three scientists.

Murphy closed his eyes and tried a spiritual broadcast: "Hello, everyone, can you hear me?"

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