Hogwarts: Becoming a god from reselling fresh food

Chapter 257: Be careful when pursuing a girl

"We just want to help Brother Lars get rid of an opponent..." Alexander Frederick is a curly-haired wizard who looks about fifteen or sixteen years old. He is still very young and cannot resist Murphy's charming voice.

"Why me?" Murphy asked again.

There should be more than one marriage proposal coming to the city these days. These two guys seemed to have no intention of taking action against the Frenchman.

"Because your name was added to the list by the Queen's personal order." George Frederick said.

"Originally, the selection of the Queen's fiancé was the responsibility of the etiquette officer. The Queen had not intervened before, but Mrs. Yaga personally added a name to the list not long ago. Everyone knows that Mrs. Yaga will only listen to the Queen. This It can only be the Queen’s will.”

"So, you think I'm a threat?"

Murphy frowned, how could Sophia leave such a big flaw? Couldn't she have ordered Mrs. Yaga to add all seventy or eighty people to the list?

This way, I stand out.

But after thinking about it carefully, it seems that it doesn't matter. The task he came to perform was not actually an "assassination". Even if his identity was exposed, it wouldn't be a big problem.

It's true that he came to assassinate Ivan, but the reason why the Queen needed him was not because his identity was hidden, but because he was strong enough to defeat the Great Shaman.

The biggest obstacle to killing Ivan is not that he is prepared, but the two master wizards around him.

The Queen had no intention of letting him secretly kill Ivan - even Vitaly Pirgold, whom she met at the time, had something similar to a stand-in doll. There was no reason for Ivan not to have something more effective. .

If you want to kill him, a single assassination that cannot be replicated is not enough. For such a guy with resurrection coins, you can only rely on your strength to defeat him.

He had already performed Legilimency on the two of them just now, and was basically certain that they knew nothing about their mission.

What to do with these two guys?

It would be troublesome if he didn't kill him, but if he did, he would have to take action against Ivan immediately.

But he hadn't communicated with the Queen yet, and Mrs. Yaga hadn't lured away the "Song of the Earth" to stop him. He might have to face two guys whose combat power was similar to Alexei's, and he might overturn.

After hesitating for a moment, he asked: "You two, do you want to live or die?"

"I want to live, I want to live, I'm sorry, please spare us..." the two guys begged desperately.

"If you want to live, you must listen to me next."

Half a minute later, when Mrs. Yaga appeared in the alley, the two young wizards had already left with their men.

"Young man, I heard there was an attack here, but you still seem to be in good health."

Mrs. Yaga is already very old, and her whole body is stooped. If he hadn't heard the description of Little Barty, Murphy would not have believed that the old lady in front of him who looked like she could be knocked down by a gust of wind was a woman comparable to a big Sasha. Full of powerful wizards.

"Health is such a wonderful thing, but unfortunately, some people just don't know how to cherish it." Murphy sighed, "But I think they have learned their lesson and will not do it again."

The old woman raised her neck, raised her half-closed eyes slightly, and glanced at him, "You are really a very good young man. My mother-in-law did not misjudge you. However, I still want to ask you, mother-in-law, this Will it affect your next trip? If necessary, I will make other arrangements."

"No, please carry on as usual." Murphy said.

"Very good," the old woman nodded slightly, "then get ready, let's go to see His Majesty. By the way, what gifts have you prepared for the Queen?"

"Well, I came in a hurry, and I only brought some specialties, anti-aging potions, magic vision potions, etc., but they should be considered rare..."

Mrs. Yaga glanced at him and shook her head, "Young man, you have to be serious about pursuing girls."


Murphy was speechless. I'm not here to fall in love. Seizing power is such a big deal. Can you please be more serious?

Besides, what could be a more thoughtful gift than dedicating her country to Her Majesty the Queen?

In the afternoon, Murphy and envoys from more than a dozen different countries or regions met with the Queen.

Some of these people are really princes of certain magic lords, and most of them have some noble titles. It was also at this time that Murphy realized that not all magical governments in Europe were like the British Ministry of Magic.

There are also many small kingdoms that are not affected by the changes in Muggle society at all, and some are autonomous tribes from beginning to end, without even a government.

The ceremony was very formal. The messengers presented gifts and introduced their family background one by one. Seeing each person presenting some ancestral secret treasure, he quietly put a few bottles of medicine into his pocket.

When it was his turn, Murphy stepped forward, bowed to the girl on the throne, and said:

"Your Majesty the Queen. I am the Emperor of the Mandalorians, Kree, Daxamites, Nameks, Saiyans, Kryptonians and the First Men, Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, Guardian of the M78 Nebula, Pioneer of the Grand Line, Prince of Avalon, the Unburnt, Father of Dragons, Messiah, Godfather, Black-Haired Emperor - Stormborn, Murphy Darkholm."


Everyone in the hall took a few breaths.

What a long title!

Who is this man?

Like the emperor of a certain country?

Why have you never heard of it?

Also, who are Mandalorians and Saiyans? Are there such groups?

On the throne, Sophia was also stunned for a moment. She couldn't help but stare directly at Murphy's serious face.

This guy……

How on earth could he tell such a huge lie without laughing? !

Next, Murphy took out a palm-sized gold nugget from the ring, "I present a small piece of gold to Her Majesty the Queen..."


Now all the princes, crown princes, dukes and princes were stunned.

That's it?

But then I heard Murphy say: "This piece of gold is magic gold that sank at the bottom of the Rhine River and was guarded by three female fairies. When the world was opened, it was divided into three pieces by Wotan, a god king. It was cast into a ring and it was called the Nibelung Ring.”

"Later, it wandered into Middle-earth and was acquired by a demon named Sauron, which triggered a world turmoil."

"The second piece of gold was obtained by a ranger and cast into an omnipotent treasure, the Golden Finger."

"It later wandered into the world, and everyone who got it became a legend."

"And this last piece is right here."

"This thing is called Rheingold. It is a thing that makes all my wishes come true. I will dedicate it to Your Majesty, and I hope Your Majesty will get his wish."

What kind of bullshit princes and dukes are they? In the final analysis, they are just self-proclaimed princes who took advantage of their ancestors. In this case, it is all bragging. How can I still be afraid of you?

As for Rheingold, who knows what it is. If I say it is, who can say it is not?

Seeing the commotion in the main hall, Sophia suddenly felt a little headache...

Am I crazy to find such a guy to assassinate?

After Murphy brought out such a "heavyweight" gift, the few people behind took those gifts and felt as if they were at grandma's house.

With Murphy's experience, the introduction is simple, but I feel like I can't use it. If it's a bit exaggerated, it might be more like bragging than Murphy's. In the end, they didn't even need to introduce their own gifts, and they all just exchanged names and left.

In this way, the audience ended hastily.

The palace shaman Azir lit a fire on the spot and performed a dance. Then he pulled out a few hairs of each proposer and took a few drops of blood and sprinkled them on the fire one by one to let the ancestors judge whether they had blood. For those who are not suitable, the ancestors seem to have no objections to everyone.

After the ancestor-inquiry ceremony with national characteristics was over, the maids led the envoys to stay in their respective villas.

The little maid who led Murphy put a note in Murphy's hand before leaving.

He opened it and saw it written in Juanxiu's handwriting: "Action tonight. Ps: With your good words, I hope we all get what we want."

Murphy rubbed his hands and crushed the note into fine dust.

He was about to go to bed when suddenly there was a knock on the door outside.

"Mr. Darkholm, Grand Duke Ivan invites all the envoys to have a banquet at the Duke's residence."

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