Hogwarts: Becoming a god from reselling fresh food

Chapter 288 The way for Muggles to become wizards

After talking to Winston Robinson, Murphy took stock of the forces at hand.

First of all, in the wizarding world, the purge of the British Ministry of Magic has basically ended.

Through changes in personnel in key positions, Murphy's control over the British Ministry of Magic has been greatly improved, and the most important departments are basically all Murphy's people.

The two violent organizations: the Auror Command and the Watcher Force are both led by trustworthy people. Coupled with the internal picketing power of the "Picket Force", Murphy has firmly grasped the officials at all levels of the Ministry of Magic. inside.

It can be said that he has basically mastered the administrative power of the British wizarding world. What's left is that the Wizards Council of "Wizengamot" is still outside Murphy's power territory, but it won't be able to stay for long.

Secondly, in terms of Muggle society, Murphy's actions against the Soviet Union have achieved good results.

The disintegration process of the Soviet Union was forcibly cut off. Now, under the operation of Qinyeli and Valery and the bribery and control of a large number of anti-aging viruses, the turmoil in the political arena of the Soviet Union has basically ended. The two have stabilized the situation and have almost regained control. The collapsed power was regained.

The Soviet Union has passed the most difficult period, and everything has begun to operate again.

With a Muggle regime and a wizarding regime in hand, and now Dumbledore and other figures who may directly restrict it have been pushed to the periphery, Murphy feels that the time is ripe for further action.

First, he once again clarified his goals.

What he wants is to study magic in a scientific way, and at the same time, he wants to promote the progress of science and technology through magic, so that the two can complement each other and promote each other, thereby pushing his understanding of "truth" into a deeper and broader field.

To this end, he plans to establish a national-level research base in the Soviet Union, using the Magic Research Institute as a model to create a larger magic research center.

According to Murphy's vision, this research base will bring together the Soviet Union's top scientists in various fields, concentrate their efforts, and advance the research on magic on a scale far beyond the atomic energy project.

An action of this level is bound to be difficult to completely hide, so once the plan is started, it will arouse prying eyes from all sides, and magic will gradually be exposed to the eyes of various Daguan governments and become an open secret.

This kind of disclosure is still a long way from fully disclosing the existence of magic to the general public, but it is much wider than the scope of disclosure where only the head of state can know the existence of the magical world.

There is no doubt that this is a great violation of the Wizarding Secrecy Act and will inevitably arouse opposition and suppression from the Ministry of Magic in various countries.

Fortunately, the Soviet Union is a relatively closed country, and Alkaim is also somewhat out of touch with wizards from other countries. It is difficult for them to influence the Soviet Union and Alkaim.

On the other hand, he wants to expand the base of the Magic Research Institute and continue to build several large-scale magic research institutions in the UK by relying on umbrella companies.

However, his control over the British Muggle society is not enough, so this matter cannot be put on the table. It must still be carried out in various superficial names such as "Biotechnology R\u0026D Center" and "Semiconductor R\u0026D Center".

Looking at the longer-term future, in order to reduce resistance to action, he also wants to gradually promote the penetration of British Muggle society.

Compared with the Soviet Union, Britain's political power is decentralized. It is difficult to control the entire country by replacing one or two people. He has to do it slowly.

He plans to train a group of Muggle-born wizards in the near future to allow them to re-adapt to Muggle society, and after training, send them to join the Muggle government.

At the same time, he also planned to use ordinary means to seek Muggle collaborators and agents as a protective umbrella.

Thinking of this, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have not contacted Patrick for a long time.

At the lakeside villa, Murphy met Patrick again.

The latter was playing football with his son on the lawn. In a blink of an eye, he saw someone waving to him by the woods.

He left the child in the care of the nanny and came to the woods, "Murphy! It's really you!"

"Patrick, long time no see." Murphy smiled.

"It's been a long time indeed, a whole year. If Laura and the others hadn't shown me the surveillance of you occasionally returning to the institute, I would have thought they had murdered you." Patrick joked, "I heard that you went there The wizarding world searches for a cure for itself, has it been found?”

"Found it," Murphy said without saying much, "How are you doing?"

"Me? Of course it couldn't be better. Little Ares can speak now. Although it's a little unclear, that's what's interesting. Oh, by the way, I suspect Ares may become a A wizard."

"Huh?" Murphy was surprised, "Really?"

Little Ares was once a pure Muggle human child, but last year he and Patrick were both bitten by werewolves. Although they finally avoided death due to transformation failure through magic potion, there was no way to reverse their werewolf transformation. The process resulted in both Patrick and little Ares turning into werewolves.

In order to suppress the madness during the full moon, the Magic Research Institute developed an enhanced version of wolfsbane potion for them. One injection can last for a year, making them no different from ordinary people.

Generally, the magical power of werewolves transformed from Muggles is very low. Just like Patrick, apart from becoming younger and stronger through werewolf transformation, he did not show any wizard abilities.

But, did little Ares actually show the phenomenon of magical power?

"Maybe, Audrey was changing Ares's diaper that day, and he didn't like it, so he hid and ran away - you know, a two-year-old boy, very naughty - just when Audrey was about to catch him , he suddenly disappeared and then appeared on the stairs of the second floor, which scared Audrey at the time."

"Since then, some strange things often appear around him, such as handprints stained with jam on the ceiling, broccoli suddenly disappearing from the dinner plate... The nanny swore that she once saw Ares in mid-air. Sleeping..."

Murphy nodded, "The phenomenon of magic runaway occurred quite early... Ares may really be a wizard."


It is extremely unlikely that Ares is a wizard himself. The reason why he has wizard abilities is probably the werewolf virus and magic potion.

Perhaps being infected with the werewolf virus in childhood can unleash the magical potential of Muggles?

If this kind of thing is not accidental, then can all Muggle children become wizards in a similar way?

"If you have time, take Ares to the research institute for some examinations," Murphy said.

In addition, the Hogwarts Book of Access is also a means of verification. If Ares's name is written in the Book of Access, it means that his magic level has been recognized by the Book of Access, reaching The standards for entering Hogwarts are the same as ordinary wizarding children.

"Okay." Patrick also had this idea, "But, you came here today to talk about this, right?"

"Oh, yes!" What happened to Ares was a bit of a surprise, which almost made him forget about the main business. "I came here to ask you, do you want to join politics?"

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