Hogwarts: Becoming a god from reselling fresh food

Chapter 308 The pursuit of perfection is an obsession that needs to be overcome

In December, the Soviet Union began a comprehensive ideological rectification.

Starting from government workers at all levels, we must relearn progressive ideas and get rid of old concepts in our minds.

At the same time, the KGB conducted an investigation into key personnel who opposed the national laboratory plan.

With the help of wizards, no one can hide secrets, and with this level of investigation, no one can be a saint.

A bunch of unsavory crimes were publicized, the ringleaders were arrested, and the media publicized them.

Soon, the opposition died down.

Regarding the frequent occurrence of so-called "apparition" events, the state dispatched a special action team to first record and collect information about the locations and parties involved in the "Apparition" events through churches. Then the special action team went deep into each incident site to collect portraits of the "Apparition" and Take away all the paintings of the Virgin that you can collect for "study".

At the same time, in order to rectify religious chaos in the country, the Soviet Union established the Religious Affairs Bureau and promulgated a new law: the "Religious Affairs Management Act."

Its contents include:

1. Any government employee - officials and employees at all levels of government departments, personnel of various agencies such as the judiciary and the military - are not allowed to believe in religion.

2. All churches and other religious places must apply for registration with the local government within three months. Religious places that have not applied for registration will be deemed illegal and will be banned immediately.

3. There will no longer be a superior-subordinate relationship between any places. The clergy will be selected by the religious institutions in the place. No one or organization is allowed to appoint clergy to other places, otherwise they will be banned.

4. Any religious venue is not allowed to conduct commercial activities, participate in commercial promotions, or spread teachings in any profitable way - such as movies, TV series, etc., otherwise it will be banned.

5. Religious venues must record any donation activities with real names and pay 50% of the religious tax, otherwise they will be banned.


Once the bill was announced, it immediately aroused strong backlash from the church, and protests and demonstrations resumed. However, these leaders were soon wiped out by society.

So many religious leaders have committed numerous evil deeds. Their actions are not only unacceptable by the doctrine, but even violate the law. This fully illustrates the severe situation facing the Soviet Union's domestic religious affairs.

So the Religious Affairs Bureau issued a speech, arguing that efforts should be made to rectify the domestic religious atmosphere.

The Secretariat immediately organized hundreds of action teams and began a comprehensive investigation of the major religious groups headed by the church.

Each action group is accompanied by a wizard from Alkaim who can use Legilimency or carry Veritaserum.

A great purge began.

In one month, more than a thousand high-ranking clergymen were dismissed.

Another month, three thousand people were imprisoned for various bribery, corruption, sex scandals, etc.

In the next month, almost all bishops and even pastors began giving confessional speeches on television.

So, four months later, the atmosphere in Yunei finally cleared up.

The hypocrisy of the church has been clearly exposed. In the face of hard facts and countless bombardments of information, the only people who still maintain strong faith in the church are those fanatical believers, and they are no longer within the scope of Murphy's "can unite".

At the same time, after analysis by experts, they unanimously believe that the "Apparition" incident was an organized and premeditated hoax from a foreign country. The enemy's spies cooperated with the rebels in the church, using a photochemical method made with the most cutting-edge technology, and Supplemented by suggestions, hypnosis, chemical drugs and other methods, the believers were deceived.

Its purpose is to prevent the Soviet Union from developing its own technology and permanently enjoying technological hegemony.

Experts even demonstrated on-site technological means similar to the apparition event: they used magical particles discovered by the latest technology called "void particles" to create various illusions, such as fire snakes, wind birds, etc. A ghostly creature that even demonstrated cutting-edge technology to make itself and others invisible.

Experts warned the public, "Enemy countries are already at the forefront of research on void particles, and they use this kind of thing to infiltrate and deceive us."

“The research on this new scientific discovery of void particles will definitely bring about a huge leap in productivity. In order not to be left too far behind by the enemy, and more importantly, in order to improve people’s living standards, the country must vigorously promote the research on void particles. .”

"And this is the reason why the construction of a national laboratory must be carried out."

This time, there was no objection.

"Using deception to carry out your plan, doesn't this lead the people into the abyss of ignorance and ignorance?" The Queen was a little puzzled. "Such behavior seems to be contrary to the concept of pursuing the truth that you have always admired."

At this moment, the two of them were walking in a royal garden in Alkaim.

Now it is May again. Half a year has passed since the rectification campaign in the Soviet Union has achieved remarkable results. The entire country has changed its mental outlook from top to bottom.

"Your Majesty, most of the things in this world that build up our cognitive building are actually artificial and fictitious concepts, such as society, morality, law, and country. People believe that living in this concept , they will gradually become real.”

Murphy walked slowly, playing with the strange plants in the garden. He picked up a small flower that glowed bright blue and rubbed it in his hands. "Compared to God, 'void particles' - that is, It's magic, at least it's not so illusory, and it can't be said to be a complete lie."

Sophia followed him, "You are changing your mind. I just think your behavior seems a little inappropriate."

"Your Majesty is aware of everything," Murphy smiled, "I did secretly change the concept. You are referring to the legitimacy of actions, but I am talking about void particles. Well, but sometimes lies are easier to understand than the truth. "

"Religion is a lie. Most of the people who are willing to believe this lie have not received good thinking and logic training. Tell them those boring theories and reveal the truth of the whole story to them with clear logic from beginning to end. , which is both labor-intensive and difficult to be effective.”

“They’re more receptive to a story.”

"As long as my story is better than the religious story, they will believe it."

"This is the most efficient way."

"However, it is not the most legitimate method." Sophia said, "It is always wrong to use lies to defeat lies."

Murphy stopped, looked at a pool in the garden, and nodded, "You are right. If possible, I would be more willing to let people open their eyes and see all the truth."

"But that's difficult," Murphy said. "With the ideal of holiness and goodness, it's difficult to accomplish things in this imperfect world."

"If the water is clear, there will be no fish; if people are careful, there will be no disciples."

"Your Majesty, you must understand that this world is imperfect and people are imperfect. It is neither possible nor should it be possible for imperfect people to accomplish a perfect thing in an imperfect world."

"If something is 80% feasible and 70% will bring beneficial results, I think it can be done."

"For the matter we are discussing, it is better for them, for me, and for people to believe my story and invest their enthusiasm in a foreseeable and beautiful future than to let them waste their energy in that illusory kingdom of heaven. The country is better off."

"I can't say that using lies is the best way. There must be a better way to solve this problem, but like I said, the pursuit of perfection is an obsession that needs to be overcome. Compared with perfection, being able to It’s more important to get things done.”

Sophia came to his side and suddenly rolled her eyes at him, "You are always so confident even when you talk about nonsense."

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