The roar like artillery sounded in the underground space.

The titanium-tungsten alloy bullet had a muzzle velocity of Mach 3 driven by gunpowder, and was then accelerated layer by layer by the "projection" enchantment like an electromagnetic track. When it left the barrel of the gun, which was nearly three meters away, the speed had reached the terrifying Mach 15.

Therefore, before the roar was heard, the bullets with fifteen times the speed of sound had already hit the target.

With its huge mass, titanium-tungsten alloy and extremely high hardness under the "toughness" enchantment, this bullet is more than enough to penetrate the front armor of a main battle tank.

Under such a violent kinetic energy impact, the protection of the black priest was broken without any suspense. In the next moment, half of his body was torn apart by the cavity effect and exploded into a pulp, but the extremely strong penetration The man only made him take two steps back.

But the priest in black was not dead yet. He knelt on the ground and raised his dull face, "Abnormal..., I have seen your death..."


There was another loud noise, and before the priest could finish his words, his head was blown to pieces.

Murphy stepped forward, grabbed a pendant-like object hanging on the chest of the black priest, and pulled it down.

Sure enough, it was a very small Madonna pendant, and just as he looked at it, the portrait on it gradually faded until it disappeared.

"The guy who is pretending to be a ghost." Murphy crushed the pendant and turned around to kill the remaining priests, but they all fell down one after another as if their souls had been sucked out, and they were no longer breathing.

Is this the way the Holy Mother behaves? Sure enough, she was loved by everyone.

"Murphy..." Mrs. Yaga pressed her shoulders and leaned weakly against the wall, "Her Majesty the Queen..."

"She was stabbed by the opponent and cursed. I used petrification to delay her condition, but we need the magic of ancestor Miriam to neutralize the magic of the 'Virgin' above." Murphy briefly explained the situation. .

Then he looked at the stone door behind Mrs. Yaga, "Is the ancestor's coffin behind this?"

Mrs. Yaga breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that the Queen was not dead. She also heard about the ancestor Miriam. She glanced at Maxim, who arrived at the same time as Murphy, and understood that it should be the great shaman's suggestion.

"Yes, this is the door to the afterlife, and behind it is the resting place of ancestor Miriam."

"Can you open it?" Murphy asked.

"This door cannot be opened from the outside, only on a certain date..."

But before Mrs. Yaga finished speaking, the stone door suddenly shook, and then slowly opened a gap.

"It seems that the prophet Miriam knows that her descendants need help." Murphy said.

After he finished speaking and was about to enter the door, Mrs. Yaga stopped him, "Wait a minute, Mr. Darkholm, this door no longer belongs to this world. Usually only the emperor of Alkaim is qualified to enter here. You After entering, be sure to remember, don't look, don't speak, don't listen. You take seven steps forward and one step back to reach the place of kneeling, which is in front of the coffin. Don't take the wrong step."

"The door is open now. Perhaps Lady Miriam has woken up. You can pray for her help, but you must not raise your head."

"Why?" Murphy asked confused.

"This is a rule that has been passed down for thousands of years," Yagafu said. "To ensure your safety, please abide by it."


Murphy closed his eyes and walked through the door.

The stone door closed behind him.

The surroundings fell into complete darkness, and Murphy stood still for a while before taking a step.

Suddenly there were many sounds in his ears, like a lot of people talking, as if he had walked into a market, but the sounds seemed to be separated by curtains or walls and could not be heard clearly.

Occasionally, one or two sounds of laughter or crying passed by him quickly from far to near, but there was no way to catch them.

Murphy frowned, instinctively wanting to open his eyes to see clearly, but in the end he calmed down and ignored the sounds, and then took another step.

There was a strange feeling under his feet, as if he had stepped on the beach.

At the same time, a dry breeze began to blow around him. The next moment, the ground suddenly collapsed and he fell suddenly.

This is different from what was promised!

Murphy opened his eyes suddenly. He couldn't care less about the rules at this time. He didn't want to fall into any trap unprepared.

When he opened his eyes, he found that he was in a desert. The dust in the sky covered everything else in the sky. The endless sand dunes stretched to the end of the sky, and he was falling towards a huge hole in the dunes. .

The last moment he fell into the darkness, he saw a huge fortress standing on the yellow sand, or a rectangular rock eroded by wind and sand. He didn't know how high it was. The upper end was submerged in the yellow sky and there was no end. The lower part was towering like a mountain. , the tallest buildings in mankind, in front of them, are like a toothpick next to a huge rock.

Just when he was about to use the flying technique, he suddenly stepped on the ground again, still maintaining the appearance of taking a step.

He seemed to be in a huge deep well, surrounded by darkness, but high above his head, in the center of the well mouth an unknown distance away, there was a bright star.

Move to change scenery?

Murphy took another step forward, as if he had traveled thousands of miles in an instant. He came under a dim sky again. This time, it was not yellow sand under his feet, but cracked land, and above his head In the air above, countless huge shale floats quietly. They are like silent tombstones, arranged in the air like dominoes, extending to a distance that is invisible to the field of vision.

Where are these scenery?

He took another step, this was the fourth step.

This time he appeared on a coast. The hazy sky and the sea water below were connected together, making it difficult to tell the difference between up and down. On the sea, a decayed and shapeless fleet was sailing. Those ships were huge. , with a strange shape, narrow at the lower end, but swollen at the upper end, with sinew-like spider webs all over it, like cocoons.

the fifth step.

He stood in the middle of two extremely high walls. Countless towering statues stood beside the walls. Their bodies were exaggerated and disproportionate. Their torsos were extremely tall and wide, but their heads looked very small. What was even more creepy was that , those statues may wear hoods or hold lamps, but their heads are all skeletons. it hell?

The several scenes we passed through all made people feel desolate and lifeless, as if they were a world that had already died.

Step 6.

Countless huge stone pillars towered over the abyss. It seemed to be midnight here, and everything was pitch dark. However, there was a bonfire burning on each stone pillar. He saw several people sitting around the bonfire on a nearby stone pillar. When he looked over at the figure in black robe, the other party seemed to have noticed him. Two of them turned their heads and looked at him with two black eye sockets on their heads that had turned into bones.

He was stunned, but his body suddenly fell forward. He subconsciously raised his feet, and the scene in front of him changed again.

This time, he saw a large lake filled with endless thick fog. On the other side of the large lake, there were lush flowers and plants, and in the distance he could see a castle in the morning light.

This bright and beautiful scenery was completely different from what he had seen before. He was about to step forward to take a closer look when his heart suddenly tightened.

This is already the seventh step.

Grandma Yaga had warned him not to take a wrong step. What would happen if he took another step at this moment?

Although I am very curious, the goal at this moment is to save the queen. There is still a chance to explore the strange places here later.

Thinking of this, he took a step back.

However, he did not return to the abyss of stone pillars. Instead, his eyes lit up, as if he had been lifted from the bottom of the well to the outside of the well, and he saw the "star".

That's not a star, that's a crystal coffin.

In the coffin, a silver-haired girl floated in the center with her eyes closed.

The moment he saw the girl, Murphy saw countless pictures. He seemed to have glimpsed a huge web of time composed of thousands of different futures. In each future, completely different stories happened, and those pictures were arranged in a kind of way. Dazzling patterns flashed before him, making him dizzy for just a moment.

At the same time, his eyes were like looking directly into the blazing sun, and tears flowed horizontally, stimulated by the strong magic radiation.

He quickly lowered his head.

However, in that brief moment, he still saw the girl's face.


Ancestor Miriam actually has the same face as Queen Sophia.

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