Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 185 Inexplicable hatred

Katerina did not use the lighting spell, but suddenly the iris of one eye turned orange, and the pupil also expanded a lot, even larger than the pupil of a dead fish eye. This is not a real dead eye, but a partial deformation technique that simulates the eyes of an owl.

Science has discovered that owls are 100 times more sensitive to low light than humans, so Chen Bin had long asked Lao Deng how to create this kind of owl eye technique suitable for wizards. In the end, based on Muggle biology papers and Lao Deng's knowledge of transfiguration, now Naama's family and Lao Deng, in addition to Chen Wei, have also mastered this secret technique.

After Caitlin walked fifty meters, she encountered a fork in the road. She then blessed herself with the Illusion Charm and ambush her here.

The second whistle sounded and Harry entered the maze. Katerina soon saw him appear at the fork in the road, watched him choose a path at random, and followed him.

Soon after, the third and fourth whistles sounded in the distance, and all four warriors entered the maze.

Harry kept looking behind him, as if he felt someone was watching him secretly. The maze kept getting darker, and the clear sky began to turn into a real night sky. Soon, he came to the second fork in the road.

"Show me the way," he whispered, holding his wand flat in the palm of his hand.

The wand spun around and settled on the hedge to his right. He often stopped and walked to determine his current position and make sure that this was the way to the center of the maze.

Katerina followed him not far away without making a sound, and occasionally stopped to feel the marking spell coming from Harry's clothes.

When he left the auditorium, the most powerful white wizard in Europe had marked all of his clothes, and Harry's position could be sensed using the same reading magic.

Not before leaving the auditorium after dinner, but when he went to the conference room to meet Dursley, he put this mark on it to ensure that he would never fly out of Old Deng's Wuzhi Mountain that day.

Harry's progress was still going smoothly, so smoothly that a look of fear appeared on his face. There are no monsters ahead, no traps around the corners, and it has always been empty.

Katerina also often stopped sensing, trying to detect Crouch Jr.'s location.

Crouch Jr. couldn't guide Harry which way to go, so he had to hide nearby to clear the maze's obstacles in advance.

Crouch Jr.'s parents are also wizards, and his father is an iron-blooded fighting wizard. Therefore, the little Crouch born from the union of the two will never have low magical power, and he once got 12 subjects E (good) or above in the O.W.L.s exam.

That is to say, his starting point was originally higher than others, he achieved top results in theory and practice before graduating, and became a Death Eater after graduation. Therefore, he has definitely learned some powerful dark magic, and it is not an exaggeration to even regard him as having the strength of an elite Auror.

There was silence in the maze, and Harry's expression gradually became tense. He walked in twists and turns, carefully preparing for battle at every corner, but he didn't even have a hair on his head.

"Monster - be careful!" A figure rushed out from the corner.

Anyone who heard the accent knew that the caller was Delacour. The moment the sound rose, Harry immediately pressed against the inside of the corner, allowing her to pass directly over his hiding place.

He waited for a while, but the monster still didn't appear, so he had to look around the corner.

There were no monsters there, just a pile of scraps of flesh and shells. It was a super-giant explosive-tailed snail that exploded and died seven or eight meters outside the corner.

"Won't she look back?" Harry muttered under his breath.

Kate snickered when she heard this.

Will the Blast-Ended Skrewt King suddenly explode? It was obvious that Crouch Jr. had killed it.

Harry was about to step over the minced meat when a scream suddenly came from not far away.


Such a shrill female voice, as if being ravaged by hundreds of giant men, screamed heart-breakingly, shook the sky, and broke the Great Wall with tears...

Then, the scream suddenly stopped, as if someone had strangled the throat and blocked it.

Harry was sweating nervously. Or maybe it was the heart of justice (the heart of the second child) that caused trouble, so he suddenly turned back and planned to find out the scene of the murder.

Kate, who was following him, could barely hide her figure, and she didn't expect him to suddenly go back the way he came. In a critical situation, he directly used black smoke and light skills, quickly turned the corner, and then stayed motionless against the hedge.

White smoke is too dazzling, but black smoke combined with Qinggong is the best way to become invisible.

When Harry ran by, he didn't realize that there was actually a chameleon standing between the hedges less than 30 centimeters away from him. If Kate's bust was a little fuller, it would probably be brushed by Harry's arm.

Harry turned around for a while and finally found Fleur lying on the ground near a corner. Next to her lay an unknown Krum.

Fleur was lying on her back, and she could still whisper "Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh," unconsciously. However, Krum was not as lucky as she was. He was lying on his side on the ground, his face was covered in blood, and several missing teeth were scattered on the ground.

Judging from the lying position, it was Krum who used magic to knock Fleur unconscious at close range, and then was defeated by the monster that came out from around the corner. There were still traces of animal footprints on the ground, extending from them to the corner.

However, this arrangement was okay for deceiving a fool like Harry, but to a discerning eye, it was full of mistakes.

Krum was lying on his side with his face and wand pointing towards Fleur. Was he lying on his side to attack Fleur, who was lying on her back? Otherwise, how could he have fallen so skillfully?

There were obvious scars on the knuckles of the four middle fingers of his left hand, and the bleeding was not stopping. It was as if the skin at this location was broken by small uneven hard objects after hitting hard objects with a fist continuously. To put it bluntly, he mercilessly used his left fist to smash his nose bones and teeth, and these wounds were caused by hitting the teeth.

Also, the footprints of the beasts on the ground are even more ridiculous. There are only footprints leaving them, but no trace of their coming. Could it be Xiaofei? So why doesn't it fly away?

Therefore, the crudest and simplest inference is that Crouch Jr. used the Imperius Curse to control Krum to attack Fleur, then maintained a lying position on his side, holding the wand in his right hand and pointing at Fleur, and kept hitting his head with his left hand until he passed out. until.

The animal footprints on the ground were of course made by Crouch Jr.

Harry poked their noses to make sure their lives were not in danger, then picked up their wands and fired two beams of red sparks into the sky.

Catalina took advantage of the time she had to stand still and immediately used another bionic local transformation spell - cheek pit deformation.

Snakes usually have a concave pit between the eyes and nostrils. The heat-sensing cells in the cheek pits can detect external heat and trigger nerve impulses through the trigeminal nervous system, which are then transmitted to the visual quadrupole in the brain. , changes to stereoscopic vision.

To put it simply, the principle of this transformation technique is a thermal imager.

The human brain and the snake brain are completely different. Even if given the ability to detect heat energy, humans still cannot construct a three-dimensional thermal image in the brain. Instead, there is a visual sixth sense - although the eyes cannot see it, the brain will visually add color to the invisible person with thermal energy.

Kate saw a spherical object with thermal energy accidentally sticking out from around the corner, that is, little Crouch put on an invisibility cloak and stuck out his head.

If he can even block heat energy, humph, Kate has ultra-weak fluorescent powder on her hands. Just a breeze spell spreads evenly around, and through the owl eye spell, you can see the cloaked figure that is as dazzling as a torch.

Since she and Harry are the only two warriors left now, Kate has no intention of hiding. She slowly retreated to the corner of the original road, removed the phantom spell from her body, and pretended to have just arrived.

"What happened?" Kate pointed her wand in Harry's direction, but she didn't expect that he would shoot a disarming spell in response.

"I'm Katerina, are you Harry?" Kate easily flashed through the red light and slowly walked towards Harry.

"Don't come over, we are competitors." Harry saw Kate's face clearly, but he did not put down the wand in his hand.

The two are now five meters apart, neither close nor far, but just enough to talk face to face.

Kate smiled and said easily: "I was entrusted by Moody to win the double championship with you. Tell me what happened to these two warriors lying on the ground..."

"I told you not to come over." Harry continued to point his wand at Kate, his face red with anger and his eyes filled with hatred.

Yes, it's hatred.

"Calm down, I won't hurt you...don't..." Kate said softly, intending to calm Harry's nervous mood.

However, Harry shouted again: "Don't come here!"

Kate was a little angry, and she narrowed the distance between them in a flash. Harry only had time to shoot a red light, and Kate had already ducked to his side and cast the Unarmed Disarming Charm, which meant taking away his wand with one hand.

A wizard of Harry's level can only raise an armor spell on the front at most. If you want to expand or make it a 180-degree arc, won't you use magic for the next battle?

"You have no weapons, but I have weapons, so we can have a good talk." Kate shook Harry's wand and asked with a smile: "Why do you suddenly hate me so much? Is it because of Hermione?"

Harry was still petrified, as if he couldn't believe he was defeated so easily by Kate.

"Hey, I'm asking you a question. If you don't answer, I'll knock you down." Kate's threat was very effective. Harry immediately came to his senses and said nervously: "I want to get the trophy."

"Then let's get it together and let the other two schools see how far behind we are..."

"No!" Harry didn't listen to Kate's words and immediately rejected the suggestion.

"Why?" Kate thought about it and suddenly said with a bad smile: "For Hermione? Do you want to win the trophy to prove that you are the strongest?"

Harry didn't answer, but the blood on his face had spread to his ears.

At this moment, fake Moody and Mag arrived at the same time.

Fake Moody immediately asked: "What happened?"

McGonagall said nothing and knelt beside the fallen students to check their condition.

Kate shook her head and said, "I don't know. When I got here, I saw Harry standing here and these two people lying on the ground."

Harry glared at her resentfully, and then told Professor McGonagall what happened.

After the two professors discussed for a while, they signaled for the game to continue. The two warriors on the ground were lifted up by the magic of the two professors and prepared to be sent out of the maze.

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