Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 192 Second Battalion Commander! What about the Italian cannon?

However, after gathering Lao Deng's power, he was still suppressed by Voldemort, and the beam of light continued to advance in the direction of the two of them.

Nico Flamel's necklace showed the scene of Isha being seriously injured, but he couldn't think of that much at this time.

When the magic power was six times stronger, the green light in Chen Bin's hand finally looked like a water cannon, but his eyes gradually turned blood red, his breathing became much heavier, and he began to let out a low beastly roar.


Chen Bin and Lao Deng used one red water cannon and one green water cannon to force back Voldemort's thicker, life-threatening green light beam bit by bit.

With seven times the magic power, Chen Bin's eyes were red, blood appeared at the corners of his mouth, and the beast's roar became louder and wilder, resounding throughout the cemetery.

Well, the blood in his mouth was caused by the damage to his throat. It was just magic power output. Where was the internal injury?

Seven times the limit output is the result of Chen Bin's training this year. Even in the past two months, he has been unable to break through. The emotional output without a sense of mania is stuck at 3.5 times. The manic output that can be tolerated is what it is now. 7 times.

However, this is already the limit of Chen Bin's controllable emotions. If he goes any further, he will fall into uncontrollable mania. If you increase your magic power to eight times, even if you can defeat Voldemort, you may still attack Lao Deng out of control.

Chen Bin is not afraid of Lao Deng's death, but he is afraid of being crushed by him 8.55 times. Moreover, there is a team of Aurors standing by his side if Chen Bin goes crazy.

When seven times the magic power was output, the necklace conveyed the dying influence of Yisha and Chen Weiguo, warning Chen Bin to use reason to suppress the false temptation.

The most disgusting sense of vanity in the world eroded Chen Bin's nerves bit by bit, constantly calling for him to completely loosen his tolerance and release the monster in his heart into the world.

While Chen Bin was resisting this temptation, he had to control his emotions and not be too extreme, otherwise he would be like the witch who invented the "segmented channeling method" and triggered the Heart-Cleaning Curse ten times on the battlefield.

However, the Killing Curse requires intense hatred and even violent thoughts of killing someone.

Therefore, although Chen Bin's water cannon is as strong as Lao Deng's red light, his murderous intention is not much, more like Lao Deng's magic booster.

If the two beams of light hit Voldemort at the same time, they would most likely knock his wand away together, which means that Lao Deng's disarming spell would take effect. As for Chen Bin’s life-killing curse? It's fine as a booster, but it may not work on any Aurors present.

If they are killed by Chen Bin's green light, it will definitely not destroy their souls, but like Mrs. Weasley, use powerful magic to kill the opponent's body.

It's a pity that Voldemort has no idea about these twists and turns. Seeing the two beams of light advancing rapidly, if he didn't push the secret technique to the limit, he would be baptized by Chen Bin's green pillar.

Can a human handle this thick green water cannon?

Voldemort's chanting became faster and louder. Even Chen Bin could hear it clearly this time, but he couldn't understand even a single word.

The Dark Lord's cold aura suddenly increased, and the green pillar shot out from the tip of the staff became a few points thicker. It was even more mixed with a negative and desperate aura, and it was pressed in the direction of Dumbledore and Chen Bin.

Lao Deng obviously understood the difficult incantation, and he immediately began to recite the unknown incantation.

The chants of the two people were mixed together, causing the convergence point of the three artillery pieces to stagnate, but the intersection point was still advancing at a very slow speed in the direction of Chen Bin and Lao Deng.

This speed cannot be seen with the naked eye, but Chen Bin, the magic output party, can really feel that the two of them are really no match for the Dark Lord.

At this time, the Auror circle still maintained fifty death curses, and the two depleted magic bracelets on their right arms had broken into powder.

However, they continued to output, and a large amount of green light continued to shine on Voldemort. It looked very much like ordinary green light, and could not even hurt Voldemort's hair.

Well, if snake people had hair...

However, everyone was prepared for this, and everyone expected that a death curse of this magnitude would not be able to kill Voldemort. They still output selflessly, all in order to consume the Dark Lord's magic tank.

The green beam shot by the Auror army was not a green lighting spell. It didn't work on him because the Dark Lord was consuming magic power to resist.

However, no one expected that Dumbledore still failed to defeat Voldemort despite this advantage, and the current stalemate still required Chen Bin's assistance.

Chen Bin has never had any sense of existence. In everyone's mind, he is just a funny professor. He rarely appears in the military camp on weekdays. Even when he comes to the military camp, he only makes soy sauce, hands water, and brags with the old students. The team members had never seen him train or see him in action, but they didn't expect that this was actually a hidden little boss.

Now, the three people involved in the confrontation also used secret techniques.

Chen Bin's secret technique kept him on the verge of losing control; Voldemort's dark magic secret technique allowed him to rise to the level of one versus two; Lao Deng's secret technique allowed him to use a smaller beam cannon to resist Voldemort head-on. But his hands couldn't suppress the trembling, and a little blood even flowed from the air holes of the mask.

Chen Bin regrets now, not that he regrets taking action, but that he regrets not bringing the enchanted cannon.

In his opinion, the war in the magic world is a mobile battle between supermen. They either turn into smoke or phantom. The masters predict the trajectory of the curse in advance and dodge in advance. Who would have expected that Old Deng would actually do it? Being able to immobilize Voldemort right from the start.

Their script clearly showed a fierce fight between Old Deng and Voldemort, just like the Battle of the Ministry of Magic in the original Destiny. That's why Chen Bin produced so many black cubes to prevent Voldemort from destroying them and escaping. More than two hundred black cubes surrounded him outside. If he really aimed at them, Old Deng would chase him and beat him, and the Aurors would keep firing crossfire at him.

In order to face this kind of chaos, the Auror army has a layer of induction buried in the sandwich between the shield and the armor. As long as any magic spell penetrates this layer of induction paint, the inner layer of the armor will shoot out the door key, and the door key will be ejected. They hooked back to the barracks.

The design of this link is to ensure that Voldemort will not know the existence of the magic disorder device in advance, so naturally he will not make a door key to exempt this specific wave in advance. The researchers went even more crazy and designed the cycle of chaotic fluctuations to be more than four minutes. No one can record such a complicated frequency. Only the matching door key can do it.

However, what about the expected god-level melee? Are you running away from me? What about that fancy dodge at Naama Castle fifteen years ago?

Not at all!

As soon as Lao Deng arrived, he forced Voldemort to become a fixed fort, but no one expected that Voldemort would become more powerful than his original destiny. Instead, Lao Deng was almost defeated in an instant!

In the old enchantment factory in the UK, the original Black Cube device is located in the main corridor, and the enchantment cannon is located at the end. As long as there are intruders, they will be bombarded head-on in this narrow space. During last summer vacation, researchers from the Monk General Administration made a wooden main gun, and they were very talented and modified it into a retired tank.

However, Chen Bin thought that these things were useless in the Wizarding War. Now that he found that they could be used, he had no chance to get them because he did not mass-produce them! ! ! ! ! !

"Second Battalion Commander! Where's your damn Italian cannon?" Chen Bin screamed in his heart, finally understanding what Captain Li felt!

Now Voldemort is a fixed fort, but Chen Bin doesn't have the Italian cannon to knock him out!

While thinking wildly, Chen Bin suddenly felt his body light up, and then immediately fell into fear. The feet of him, Lao Deng and Voldemort gradually left the ground, and their whole bodies slowly floated up a little.

The three people's wands stretched out golden threads at the same time and connected together at the intersection of the beams.

"This is not scientific at all! No, this makes no sense at all!" Chen Bin cursed in his heart, but his magic power was still outputting crazily.

The three wands obviously use different wood and cores, so how could the weird situation happen again?

Voldemort and Lao Deng ignored the connection of the golden wire and continued to squeeze every drop of overloaded magic power.

Chen Bin doesn't need to squeeze at all, because his magic power is almost infinite. He only needs to stabilize his emotions and resist the delusional mania that erodes his mind.

Therefore, he carefully noticed that the connection this time was a little different from the fake Harry's - there were only three connected gold threads, and they were not woven into a gold net and beads of light.

Soon, a virtual image flashed out from the tip of Voldemort's wand, a red fire phoenix. Then, a black Thestral appeared from the tip of Lao Deng's staff, and the two magical animals roared silently in the air.

The two of them also glanced at the tip of Chen Bin's stick. Chen Bin also stared at the tip of his own stick. Could it be that an Isabelle would spurt out?

One second, two seconds, three seconds, nothing.

"Is it because the Phoenix and the Yeqi have opposite attributes that they were attracted by such a powerful magic power?" Chen Bin habitually analyzed the possibilities, and then suddenly an idea flashed and he remembered the magic wand.

He doesn’t only have one magic wand!

He did what he thought of and took out the wand that Li Xiuhui had prepared to give him when he was a child.


Chen Bin sent the Imperius Curse to Voldemort, and this magic without light and shadow effects directly hit him. However, Voldemort reluctantly showed a disdainful smile.

He didn't just barely resist the spell, but barely suppressed Chen Bin and Lao Deng's beam of light. The Imperius Curse shot by Chen Bin with emotionless casting was absolutely unable to shake Voldemort's steel-like will.

Voldemort's deluxe version of the life-killing light cannon gradually pushed the curse's collision point in the direction of Chen Bin and Lao Deng. The beams fired by Chen Bin and Lao Deng were obviously at a disadvantage and were unable to push the collision point toward Voldemort.

Seeing this disadvantage, the Auror Army did not run away, but increased their output. The more than fifty life-killing curses that continued to hit Voldemort also became thicker, turning the snake-man into a... snake-man with a dazzling green light.

Voldemort showed an expression of difficulty, but more than fifty Death Curses could not break through his defense supported purely by magic power. They did not think of using other attack spells, because among the many attack spells, only the Unforgivable Curse could penetrate. The effect of the armored shield. Everyone knows that a demon king of this level can summon an almost indestructible magic shield at any time.

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