Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 215 Umbridge vs Hermione-Round 2

Hermione was lying on the bed watching "Confrontation with the Faceless Enemy", and she still had two-thirds left to finish. Ron and Harry were lying on the bed and referring to Hermione's answers.

Plagiarizing homework really shouldn't be done in the common room. If they copied openly but did not copy to their classmates, they would be easily reported.

Therefore, while Seamus and Dean, who were in the same dormitory, were still doing homework painfully in the lounge, Harry and Ron had already finished their homework and were ready to take a bath and go to bed.

The next morning, the weather was as gray as the day before, with drizzle.

During breakfast, Sirius and Lupin were still missing from the staff table, and of course there were no two Professor Naama.

"Snape isn't here today either," Ron said happily.

Hermione yawned and poured herself some coffee.

Ron asked her why she was so happy, and she simply said: "I finally finished watching "Fighting the Faceless Enemy" last night. All I have to do is practice it."

Ron: ∑(д⊙)


Soon, Umbridge finally arrived.

Hermione, Ron and Harry arrived at the Great Hall earlier than usual, just not wanting to miss the show. They also planned to record this scene and send it to Isabel.

The female witch on the stage glanced at the four tables of students like a queen, leisurely picked up a piece of bread, hummed to music, and spread butter on the bread.

After taking two delicious bites, she found that three people at the Gryffindor table had been staring at her, and one of them was the girl who confronted her yesterday - Granger.

Seeing this beautiful girl staring at her, Umbridge suddenly became unhappy.

However, with Dumbledore and McGonagall sitting next to her, it was not the right time to have an attack.

Suddenly, hundreds of owls passed through the window again, bringing countless packages and letters.

Hermione had already opened an empty space on the table, allowing dozens of owls to fold different oil-paper packages on the table, and then she put them one by one into the seamless stretch bag.

"What's it from?" Ron picked up a package and felt that it was heavy, and he suddenly had a bad feeling. “Aren’t these all textbooks?”

Harry: (Д)! ?

"That's right." Hermione nodded: "Isha's mother knew my situation, so she also sent me textbooks from fifth to seventh grade when she was studying. There are many handwritten learning experiences in them. Moreover, every book It has also been cast with a magic spell, so that as long as it is stacked with a real textbook, it can be disguised as another textbook."

She tore open a package, folded the old book under "Theory of Magical Defense", and then put "Theory of Magical Defense" back into her bag.

The old book on the table became "Magical Defense Theory".

"Great! I won't have to worry about buying new books in the future." Ron opened this disguised old book. The content inside was no different from "Magic Defense Theory".

"What a beautiful idea." Hermione extinguished Ron's piracy fire and explained: "The real book must be within two feet of the disguised book to be effective. This is just a profound phantom magic. Unless you I want to be with Harry all the time."

Harry immediately jumped two feet, feeling a chill all over his body. "But this is just a disguise, and you can't see what you want to see."

"Isha's mother taught me how to break this unique phantom curse. Only I can see through this disguise."

Ron saw the happy expression on Hermione's face and said jealously: "I also want to have a godmother like this. Does she still recognize her son?"

Hermione rolled her eyes at him and ignored him.

At this moment, a row of owls flew through the window and flew in the direction of the staff desk.

"Let's watch the show!" Harry stopped the two of them from glaring at each other and pointed the collar button at Umbridge.

The two also adjusted the direction of the buttons at the same time.

Seven owls flew in front of Umbridge, but did not drop the letter.

Everyone also saw that the seven letters slowly turned red and began to smoke. They were obviously shouting letters!

A few seconds before the envelope was about to explode, the owls dropped the letter and flew away quickly.

"Howling letters can actually be played like this?" This is the sigh that the students who noticed the owl thought at the same time.

Umbridge obviously saw the problem and even took out her wand to drive away the owls. However, they had been trained for a long time, and they hovered irregularly above her head until they flew away in a hurry just seconds before the explosion.

Such a familiar recipe, some senior students with better memories finally remembered that they had seen it five years ago.

Aaron Naama received twenty letters at that time. After shooting down seventeen letters, three of them exploded, letting all the teachers and students in the school know that his nickname was Baobao.

Obviously, the strength of Umbridge on the stage was not as good as that of Aaron Naama in the first year. None of them were shot down, and they all exploded in the air, creating a surround sound.

A deep baritone said:

[To Ms. Dolores Umbridge:

Our law firm has received an entrustment from the Naama family and is now informing Ms. Dolores Umbridge that regarding your slander of the reputation of the Naama family and their goddaughter Hermione Granger, our law firm has Scheduled to file with the Wizengamot Supreme Court.

Our firm would like to issue a stern warning to you. In accordance with the Minor Wizards Protection Act and the Wizengamot Supreme Court's Protection Order, you are now prohibited from:

1. Individual contact with the accuser;

2. Use any magic on him/her first;

3. First point the wand in the direction where he/she is;

4. Step within five meters of him/her;

5. Influence his/her lifestyle in any verbal manner;

6. Intention to induce or coerce him/her to change the evidence or cancel the lawsuit (including but not limited to express, implied, body language, facial expressions and other expressions).

The above prohibitions shall remain in place until the case is concluded.

From the day the legal letter is served, you have been confirmed to clearly understand the above prohibitions and to ensure that you will not violate any laws established by the Ministry of Magic.

If you violate any of the above prohibitions, regardless of the outcome of the case, you may also be in violation of the Protection of Minor Wizards Act and the Protection Order of the Wizengamot Supreme Court.

In addition, Ms. Isabel Naama, the patriarch of the Naama family, asked me to relay the following:

"Ms. Umbridge, given that you have an unclear employment relationship with the Ministry of Magic and are still teaching at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, our family will entrust an independent third-party evidence collection representative before the case is completed. Monitor all of your public behaviors. If the family believes that there is a conflict of interest or improper judgment between your employee status and the outcome of the trial, the family will reserve all legal means of retaliation, including but not limited to taking advantage of the most powerful ways in the wizarding world before the establishment of legal provisions. Ancient Pact - Mandatory wizard duels between magical families to protect the honor of each family.

Finally, the designated heir of this family, Aaron Naamah, gives you a personal warning, which reads as follows: 'You do not have to speak unless you have something to say. However, what you say may be written down and used as evidence. ’”

Note: This letter is an open letter, and a legal letter with the same content will be sent out at the same time as this open letter is issued.


Nobby Leach

Naama Law Firm

Chief Supreme Legal Representative]

Such a damaging method is definitely not something that Yisha can think of. After she received Hermione's text message explaining the incident, she immediately called Chen Bin and came up with this cheap trick in less than two minutes.

When Chen Bin was investigating cases in his previous life, he was often challenged by rich but vicious suspects using this method. He was told about the law in every move he made. However, the police really had to follow the law in every detail. If one missing procedure was missing, Chen Bin would have to follow the law. If a solid case is messed up, you will have to endure the anger of your boss and the difficulties of the Department of Justice.

Since Umbridge likes to play with the law, Chen Bin wants him to feel the vigilance of being a policeman. Don't make mistakes in half a step, otherwise the labor and management will send someone to take pictures of any of your suspected violations, and you must let him know. Even if she doesn't go to jail, she still has to accept a wizard duel. It's no problem for her to choose anyone from Naama's house.

He once again unlocked a new achievement - although there is no brother on campus, there is still a legend of him. Also, it was too late for Chen Bin to take revenge, and the abbot was very stingy.

The roar of the roaring letter finally ended, but the whole place was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

The students waited for a few seconds and then cheered together. This old witch has only taught for one day, and she has already succeeded in using her arrogance to provoke dissatisfaction among the teachers and students in the school. Even if the lower grades were not taught by her, or some upperclassmen had not yet taken her classes, her rudeness and pretentiousness at the opening dinner and Hermione's experience had spread throughout the castle.

No one wants to be the next Hermione, especially since this witch doesn't allow students to use wands in her classes. What's the point of learning?

Some professors on the staff table sneered at Umbridge (Snape, McGonagall), some were pretending to be dumbfounded (Dumbledore, Flitwick), and some pretended that nothing happened.

However, Umbridge became dumbfounded, as if she couldn't believe that Hermione would actually file a lawsuit against the Wizengamot, and that she never knew that she was the goddaughter of the famous Naama family.

[Note: Only Harry and Ron in the school really know this. 】

When she came to her senses, she stared fiercely in Hermione's direction, only to see her smile with revenge. It was innocent and false, as if it said: Bite me!

"Umbridge's facial expression seems to be trying to coerce the prosecutor to drop the lawsuit!" The Gryffindor chair pinched his nose and screamed, but no one could hear whose voice it was.

Harry glanced at the Weasley twins out of the corner of his eye and saw that they had their heads on the table and their shoulders seemed to be twitching suppressedly, obviously trying to hold back laughter.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of all the teachers and students in the school fell on Umbridge's face, including Dumbledore's eyes, which frightened her and immediately turned her eyes to the bread on the table.

"Haha... I can't help it anymore!"

"Oh hahaha!!"

"No, I'm laughing so hard! Hahaha!"

One student couldn't help but laugh, causing all the students to laugh too. As a result, all the students in the four seats also fell on the table and twitched, for fear that Umbridge would retaliate, except Goyle and Crabbe.

It's not that they dared to laugh openly, it's that they didn't laugh at all. The two of them had just lost their father and were still immersed in their hatred of Harry.

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