Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 307 The enchanted Zha Zhabin

When Chen Bin was about to use ancient magic to take off and chase him, Dumbledore apparated to him. "Stop chasing!"

(д)Protrusion: "You didn't show up just now? Are there any Aurors stationed there who are big on shit?"

"They can't beat you." Dumbledore said cheerfully without any embarrassment: "I ordered them not to take action and to give you some practical experience. Didn't you do a good job?"

Chen Bin was discouraged when he heard this. He knew that Lao Deng wanted to train him to become a combat wizard, but he knew that he had never had the desire to win.

"Do you know who they are?" Chen Bin stared at Dumbledore with contempt.

"I don't know, but he shouldn't be a bad person."

Chen Bin stared hard at Lao Deng's eyes, and then gave up decisively.

This old man is a master of Legilimency and a master of Occlumency.

"How did you tell?" Chen Bin asked.

"The moment they charmed the nearby residents, the black cube in their home had already sounded the alarm. However, we saw that they just moved the residents to the opposite house and took no further action, so we have been maintaining conservative surveillance. "

(д)Tou: “This doesn’t mean they are not bad people!”

"I met such people 52 years ago. They showed up at Hogwarts, copied some basic magic and left." Dumbledore said.

Chen Bin is even more angry! "What does it matter?"

"Don't you know?" Dumbledore said with a strange expression: "They have no magic power, and the magic community and Hogwarts cannot allow non-magic users who are hostile to wizards to enter. This is an ancient magic from the Middle Ages. , jointly laid by more than a hundred of the most powerful wizards at the time, and now the Ministry of Magic also strengthens the rune array every year."

(д.)... Chen Bin was speechless. This reason was very unscientific, but very magical.

Since the strongest white wizard and director of defense is not afraid, what is Chen Bin afraid of?

"You really have nothing to hide from me?" Chen Bin asked unwillingly.

"I'm afraid you'll suffer in an aerial battle." Dumbledore said seriously: "His speed is faster than any magic, and your chances of winning in the air are not high."

Chen Bin was really speechless this time.

The wolf's mouth on the ground was changed back to its original shape, leaving a pair of visible broken legs. The legs were still wearing black boots and black pants, and flesh and bones could still be seen on the broken feet.

Chen Bin used freezing magic to wrap the broken legs, planning to take them to Hogwarts and have Anastasia send them to a Chinese laboratory for research. Many clues flashed through his mind, and he also had an unreliable but very possible guess, so he had to discuss it with Maharat after returning.

It was a mess here, but there were a large number of Aurors protecting the students at the wand shop.

When the last exchange student also bought a suitable wand, Chen Bin and Slughorn did not let them go to Flourish and Blotts Bookstore to buy textbooks, and decided to let the school order them collectively after returning.

The Aurors escorted them to the nearby road, stopped a knight bus, and took the group directly to the gate of Hogwarts.

"Wow, the transportation here is really convenient. It's much faster than Haiyan over there." Fujiwara Aihua sighed.

Chen Bin could only laugh at this.

On the island country, there is Haiyan who takes the lost underage wizards to the patrol (Auror), and the various monk branches in China also have teleportation circles to interconnect various provinces and cities. What about the city? Of course, it was the police. Senior officials in the police station would ask agents from the administration to take the monk children back.

China is so big and has so many people. How can we travel across the country with just one bus?

After a busy day and tutoring club activities in the evening, Chen Bin also tutored his fellow villagers in English. I have to say that in less than a day, my fellow countryman has reached the primary one level from scratch, but his pronunciation is still a bit bad.

Don’t underestimate the Primary One English level. This level is not the Chinese Primary One English level, but the British Primary One English level!

The chief disciple of the sect is so awesome and doesn’t explain.

If Higashino Tsune had not received the notice from his master to study abroad two days ago, but had prepared for it for two months like Fujiwara, his English would have been more fluent than Fujiwara's.

After returning to the dormitory, Chen Bin told Kate about today's discovery, and then summoned Maharat to exchange views.

"Don't be worried, it's just as you imagined." Maharat said with certainty.

щ(゜ロ゜щ): “Where’s the evidence?”

o(^`)o: "Even my prophecy can't find any trace of them. This is ironclad evidence."

"This answer is too idealistic." Chen Bin said dissatisfied: "I have to wait for the test results before I can judge. Now everyone should be careful."

In the next month, Hogwarts once again entered garbage time, er, normal campus life.

In this month, Chen Bin's fellow villagers have been able to communicate with local students without any barriers, and their accents have a British accent. The chief is so awesome and cannot be refuted.

The invisible man has never invaded the campus, and the security guards around him have not found any suspicious traces.

The Huaxia Laboratory has been studying the severed legs and clothes, and then transferred them to other laboratories, data analysis rooms, etc. In the end, even the General Administration was involved in this scientific analysis, and even supercomputers were used.

The result was very touching. It was a pair of Caucasian legs, and the clothes and shoes were high-tech gadgets. This answer can be seen without a researcher's analysis. When Chen Bin heard this, he wanted to flip the table.


The second report is much more reliable. The toughness and strength of the muscles and skin of the legs are more than eight times that of ordinary humans, and the bone density is five times that of ordinary humans. There is also an unknown power left behind. The strength is equal to five times that of ordinary martial arts.

The clothes and shoes are made of an unknown mixture of plant fibers and petrochemical products. Their strength is the same as ordinary clothes, but they can increase their protective capabilities when exposed to some residual force.

The report on how much it can be enhanced is inconclusive, because the remaining unknown strength in the legs is only a little bit, which is not enough to support further research.

However, Chen Bin got the answer from it-Maharat was right.

However, as long as they didn't offend Chen Bin, he wouldn't have the time to offend them.

During this garbage time, Chen Bin found someone to replace the core of the stick with a shell and a storage device.

Therefore, students often see this crazy professor with his wand in his hand every day. There is a hose connected to the end of the wand. The hose passes along the sleeve through the small hole under the arm. The hose in the small hole is connected to the " Li Ning" brand sports backpack.

Chinese people use domestic products without explanation.

To really explain it, the backpack was blessed with a levitation spell and a traceless stretching spell. It contained 30 tons of diamond solution, which was more than the load of a large truck. Who told this guy to be lazy and not pour enough magic solution? As a result, the alchemists and enchanters at the factory knew that the rod core could not only absorb manic emotions, but also store magic power, so they hired the national alchemist to make hundreds of tons of it. of diamond solution brought to Hogwarts.

In line with the principle of waste utilization, bah bah bah, in line with the principle of good use of resources, those magic solutions mixed with manic emotions can also serve as the magic source of enchanted items. Of course, Chen Bin must be forced to produce more.

Katerina seems to be obsessed with the research of combining magic and martial arts this year. Whenever she has time, she wants to have a sparring session with Chen Bin to test her experience. After being hit a few times, he didn't like to use his fists anymore. It was good to be a handsome man possessed by magic.

Chen Bin has always been very good-tempered and never likes to use force when dealing with beautiful women who cannot be defeated.

Facing the shameless Chen Bin, Kate was basically at a loss. She could only talk to herself like a lunatic, deducing theories with Maharat, and occasionally fighting each other in the living room. Controlling half of his body confirmed his experience, which made Chen Bin tremble with fear.

He vowed not to spar with his increasingly powerful fiancée in the future, but to treat each other as a guest in the future, and to get rid of Maharat as soon as possible.

In early December, the castle was once again covered in snow, and the little kids were having snowball fights again.

Well, this time some Easterners were mixed in to surround and suppress dozens of students.

It is said that after a month of hard work, the two top students from the East have mastered Western magic. Their attainments in "Transfiguration" and "Charms" are not much worse than those of fourth grade students, and they can also wield a magic wand and use magic tricks. The controller outputs in turn.

Chen Bin certainly felt uncomfortable when he saw how bad they were, but it was reasonable.

Magic power and infuriating energy are different types of civilization products, but to be honest, they are still the same thing, but the construction and use methods are different.

The two of them have surpassed the level of seventh graders in the local monk world. They came here just to refer to different methods of use. Their understanding ability is certainly better than that of their peers. They can even defeat a dozen students of the same level without using Western magic itself. But the prerequisite is the front, don't surround and shoot from behind.

A snowball fight like this is a one-sided massacre.

Higashi Yeheng used the levitation spell to raise a large pile of giant snowballs, and then used the inner alchemy technique to gather the snowballs into hundreds of small snowballs. A thunderbolt blasted the small snowballs towards about thirty students. Basically no one could escape. In order to survive this kind of indiscriminate attack, even he himself used a shield to resist it.

Fujiwara Aihua used eight paper charms to conjure eight disembodied black shadows, which are what people call shikigami. Behind her was a natal shikigami similar to hers. The ten of them squatted down together and pinched a bunch of snowballs, then chased a group of boys like an army and kept throwing them, and they also paid attention to some military formation principles.

Chen Bin was sitting on a bench and saw this new kind of snowball fight, and felt that the current style of painting was very strange. A Taoist priest and a witch teamed up to fight more than 40 European and American students, but the location was Hogwarts.

The world won't be ruined by him, right?

"Aaron, come to my office." After saying these words, the Phoenix Patron Saint turned into dots of white light.

Chen Bin stopped instilling the magic power in his hands and turned into white smoke and rushed in the direction of the gargoyle.

= ̄ω ̄=: "Principal, what do you want from me?"

"Harry has reached a bloodline bottleneck." Dumbledore took off his glasses and wiped them slowly with a rag.

Only then did Chen Bin notice Granny Rozier sitting in the corner. She was reading a book with her head down, looking at Chen Bin as nothing.

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