Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 126: Snape's Weakness

  Chapter 126 Snape's Weakness~

  The other party insulted Hermione, Neville was also furious, and roared loudly: "Apologize! Apologize immediately! Damn it!"

  He rushed up and punched Goyle and Grubb in a ball.

Jerry was silent. He had already knocked down a Slytherin with a Leg-locking Curse, and used a Long Fang Curse to sneak up on another Slytherin who was trying to cast a spell—the teeth grew to five centimeters in one second, I can't even close my mouth.

  Ron was also furious, without even thinking about it, he took out his wand and cast a spell on Malfoy. As a result, a light green light hit himself from the tail of the wand—knocking him flying five or six meters away!

  At this time, other Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs who were in class also arrived. They were all watching this lively academy battle.

  Ted was late, and the crowd parted to make way for him.

  Ted approached and asked strangely: "What's the matter? Why are you fighting together again? Can't you be more civilized?"

  At this time, Ron, who hadn't got up yet, shouted with a pale face: "Horse manure! Horse manure called Hermione a mudblood! Ugh~~~"

  A sticky slug long from the index finger was sprayed out by him.

  Ted's complexion suddenly became ugly, staring at Malfoy who was hiding in the crowd at this time, whose eye circles were blackened by Harry.

   "Malfoy, you have to pay for your rude words! Shut up~"

  A pink spell hit Malfoy.

   "Shut up~" is a magic spell.

  Ted invented the spell based on his spiritual discoveries.

  Psionic warlocks have taken the route of changing themselves or external objects.

  Ted had some understanding of this aspect some time ago, and he has some experience in changing himself with psionic power.

  He is now able to use psionic powers to change the color and hairstyle of his hair. I dare not do more.

  Transfiguration is dangerous, especially self-transformation.

  Psychic transformation is the same, Ted dare not try it blindly for fear of problems.

  If you want to make your **** bigger, but accidentally lose it, wouldn’t that be a disaster? It's a painless castration!

   But based on its transformation principle, Ted tried to invent a new spell.

   Speaking of which, I have to thank Snape.

  In the original book, Rhys Snape was already developing his own spells when he was in school, so Ted gave it a try too.

   And this shutting spell was developed from the inspiration of Snape's "Lock Tongue Sealing Throat".


   Malfoy was still covered with his black eyes when he fell under Ted's spell.

  He subconsciously wanted to call, but he didn't make any sound!

  No, what's the situation?

  He touched it quickly—my mouth!

   Under Malfoy's nose, from the middle of the man to the chin, it's a flat river~

   His mouth is gone!

   This shutting curse was even more ruthless than Snape's, it directly killed the two mouths.

   "Woooo~~~" He struggled in panic, but he could only make a whine from his nose. He pulled the people around him desperately, and pointed to his mouth to indicate that his mouth was gone.

  Beside him is a short girl with disheveled black hair, who should be called Pansy.

   Pansy was pulled hard by Malfoy, and when he turned his head, a monster without a mouth was staring at him!


  A scream comparable to the sound of a dolphin exploded in the Slytherin crowd, and the little wizard who was close to him suddenly felt his ears buzzing and couldn't hear anything.

   This is comparable to a sonic attack!

   When other people also noticed Malfoy's strangeness, they all scattered in fright, leaving a large area to enclose Malfoy in the middle.

  At this time, the battle is over, and everyone is watching Malfoy's new look.

   Four colleges are in class, and two colleges are fighting. This kind of thing will definitely alarm the professor.

   Unexpectedly, it was Snape who arrived first.

  The old bat had an old shoehorn face, and his robe could not be seen swinging, and he came over almost floating.

   "What are you guys doing?" A deep and angry voice sounded, and all the little wizards were honest.

   "Professor, professor!" Seeing the dean coming, Slytherin immediately found the backbone, leaning against Snape one after another, tremblingly pointing at Malfoy, who was so flustered that he couldn't stand up.

  Snape was shocked when he saw it, but the old face that had remained unchanged for thousands of years did not show the slightest change.

   "What's going on? Who did it?!" He asked in a low voice.

  Ted stood up and raised his hand: "It's me, Professor. It's my magic." His face was not much better than Snape's.

   Snape gritted his teeth: What kind of magic did you use? Where's Malfoy's mouth? !

   "You actually cast a curse on your classmate? Ravenclaw deducted 20 points!" Snape said angrily.

   "Yes, Professor."

   "The spell stops!" Snape held out his wand to Malfoy.

   However, the mouth still hasn't grown.

   "All curses end!" This time he used an advanced universal counterspell.

   However, there is still no effect.

   This is a spell developed by Ted based on the principle of psychic energy. If you can't find the trick, you really don't want to use a universal counter-spell to deal with it.

   "What are you waiting for? Don't tell me you haven't developed an anti-curse?!" Snape was indeed in a hurry.

  He didn't know how the spell worked, but if there was no counter-curse, the meaning of the matter would be completely different.

  Ted’s mouth curled up slightly, and he said softly: “Because the spell has not been fully developed, there is no anti-curse yet.”

  Seeing that Snape's face turned black, he hurriedly said, "But within three hours, the magic effect will disappear. His mouth will grow back. Let's take it as his punishment for cursing his classmates viciously."

  Actually, this spell has a counter-curse. How could a stable person like Ted cast magic on people without a counter-curse? Isn't that asking for trouble for yourself?

  How about counter-curse, which means "speak~"? Isn't it very simple and easy to understand!

   Except Ted wanted to teach Malfoy a little magic lesson. Let him dare to speak freely again!

  Snape breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the three-hour magic effect.

   But the world-weary look was still on his face: "Ha, that's right, attacking classmates with a spell that hasn't been successfully developed. It's like something that stupid and arrogant Epiphany can do."

  Malfoy on one side would lose his mouth after listening to it for three hours, and almost passed out: Can you imagine how much psychological harm it would be for a teenager to be silent for three hours~

   "A bunch of brainless idiots who only know how to fight." Snape cursed.

   "Gryffindor deducted 40 points, and Ravenclaw deducted 20 points!" Snape finally had an expression, and the deductions made him happy.

   But he didn't even mention Slytherin.

  Although the little snakes were beaten, they were all very proud.

  At this time, Ted spoke: "Professor, Malfoy called Hermione a mudblood, would you call your classmate a mudblood?!"

   After saying this, Snape's entire face instantly turned pale, and the flesh on his face trembled violently, as if he had a cramp.

  Seeing this, the other students couldn't help but backed up a few steps in fright—Snape was about to explode!

  Snape has been shaking on the spot for more than ten seconds before he squeezed out two sentences: "Slytherin deducted 50 points!"

   "You two, stay in confinement! Two weeks! Go! Ban! Lin!"

  Snape almost gritted his teeth and finished the last sentence, turned around abruptly, and walked stiffly towards the distant castle.

  His black robe closely followed the stiff and fast pace, like a floating thunder cloud, as if he could hear the muffled sound of thunder!

  Suddenly, the air pressure on the playground seemed to drop a lot. The little wizards stood there for a long time without daring to move.


  The second flight lesson battle came to an end.

   All three houses deducted big points, but Hufflepuff, who was watching the excitement, became the final winner.

  Harry beat Malfoy with an iron fist, was supported by Gryffindor, and took the throne of Gryffindor boxing champion.

  Although Neville received a few punches, they were not serious. He has already applied Ted's healing ointment made from Baixian and Dieda grass.

  Jerry knocked down several Slytherins in a sneak attack, but he was not damaged.

  Ted was locked up and went to patrol the Forbidden Forest for two weeks.

   And Snape didn't see anyone for days afterwards.

  Oh, by the way, there is another unlucky guy—Ron.

  (end of this chapter)

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