When eating chocolate frogs, time always flies fast, as if some magic has stolen their time and given it to others.

As the train sped, the farmland gradually disappeared, replaced by dense woods, winding rivers and deep green mountains.

The carriage gradually became quiet.

Hermione began to bury her head in a book,”Hogwarts: A History of the School”.

Zhang Qiu opened a book”Magical Quidditch”.

Ye Ting continued to catch up on his sleep.

When the moon was above the willows, the train finally slowly pulled into Hogsmeade Station.

They changed into robes and got off the train with the crowd of passengers.

Hogsmeade Station stood alone in the wilderness at night, surrounded by weeds and looked a little desolate.

This scene surprised the freshmen who were full of expectations.

Where are the majestic castles and luxurious dormitories? Are they going to go to school in this shabby place?

What’s more frightening is that the atmosphere around here is simply creepy.

In the distant forest, the cry of night owls was intermittent, like the call of ghosts, which made people feel creepy.

Many young wizards were so scared that their legs became weak and they were trembling all over.

Neville held onto Rafe nervously, as if only this little toad could protect him.

Hermione tightly grasped the hem of Ye Ting’s cloak, swallowing nervously, and even began to consider dropping out of school and going home.

Looking at their appearance, Ye Ting couldn’t help laughing:”Hey, are you scared now?”

“Who… who said I was scared?”Hermione straightened her back and pretended not to care.

She didn’t want to admit defeat in front of Ye Ting.

“It’s good that you are not afraid, in fact, it’s no big deal.”

Ye Ting chuckled and lowered his voice mysteriously,”Hey, do you know? This place was the witch trial in the Middle Ages, and many wizards lost their lives here. The resentment of those wizards remains… Since then, Hogwarts has hidden the castle.”

Hermione’s face turned pale, and she looked at Zhang Qiu hurriedly, hoping that this second-year”senior” could say something to refute Ye Ting.

But Zhang Qiu had already received Ye Ting’s eyes, and pretended to be trembling,”I… I seem to have heard of this legend.”

Hermione panicked even more after being frightened by this couple.

At this moment, Ye Ting’s face suddenly changed. He raised his hand and pointed behind Hermione, his mouth half open, as if he wanted to say something, but only made vague sounds.

Hermione recognized the words”ghost” from his mouth shape.

Hermione, who was usually brave, was frightened and screamed, and shrank into Ye Ting’s arms.

After a long time, she found that there was no movement around her. She secretly looked back and could only see Zhang Qiu laughing.

She came to her senses and glared at Ye Ting fiercely.

“You lied to me again!”

“It’s not entirely a lie.”Ye Ting explained with a smile,”It’s true that some wizards will become ghosts after they die, and there are several in Hogwarts. But don’t worry, they are usually very friendly.”

Wow, there are really such things as ghosts in this world?

Hermione was shocked again when she heard this.

This is something that was not even mentioned in”Hogwarts, A History of the School”!

Just when the little wizards were panicking and at a loss, a loud voice suddenly rang out in the night.

“First-year students! Gather here quickly!”

A giant with a staggering size came out of the darkness with an oil lamp handed down from his ancestors in his hand.

He was almost as tall as two ordinary people, with messy hair and beard that looked like they had never been combed, which made him look a bit wild.

Seeing this big black bear, Hermione, who was already startled, took a breath of cold air,”This is too scary!””

“His name is Rubeus Hagrid, and he is our gamekeeper at Hogwarts. My grandmother said he is a good man, but he sometimes makes a little trouble.”Neville whispered to the side to speak well of Hagrid.

As a sophomore, Zhang Qiu had to take another route, so he said goodbye to Ye Ting here.

As the freshmen arrived one after another, Hagrid began to count the heads.

He checked it twice, fearing that he would miss a little wizard.

After confirming that everything was correct, he waved his hand and led the freshmen onto the path to Hogwarts.

The path was dark and tortuous, and it was pitch black all around, without even a trace of light. The humid air made the already difficult road very muddy, and the little wizards stumbled.

Linnet, who was afraid of getting dirty, nestled directly on Ye Ting’s shoulder and refused to get down even if she was beaten to death.


A little wizard cried out in pain, and a girl stumbled and fell to the ground. Hermione immediately stepped forward to help her up.

“Thank you.” The girl looked at Hermione gratefully, but when she saw that her robe was stained with mud, her eyes turned red and she almost cried.

Ye Ting shook his head and took out his wand:”Clean it up!”

Suddenly, the stains on the girl’s body disappeared, and her robe was brand new.

“Thank you!” The girl was pleasantly surprised and thanked him repeatedly with stars in her eyes.”You have actually mastered magic, that’s amazing!”

“It’s no big deal.”Ye Ting waved his hand.

But after taking two steps, the girl almost slipped again.

Ye Ting sighed lightly, and with a wave of his hand, a purple rose lantern appeared out of thin air, emitting a soft purple-white light, illuminating the road ahead.

“”Wow, another magic I haven’t seen before!” Hermione exclaimed,”This lamp is so beautiful!”

She came forward curiously and couldn’t help stretching out her hand to touch the rose lantern.

Ye Ting was quick-witted and slapped her hand away, sternly warning:”Don’t touch this, do you want to be electrocuted?”

This slap was so hard that the girl’s hand turned red.

She opened her mouth and wanted to blame Ye Ting, but suddenly found that there were indeed electric sparks flashing around the rose lantern from time to time.

Just then, a moth was attracted by the light and fluttered towards the lantern.

In an instant, it was hit by a dazzling arc of electricity, and the moth was roasted into charcoal on the spot like a mosquito caught in an electric mosquito swatter.


Hermione swallowed her saliva, and then she realized what she almost did.

She looked at Ye Ting strangely. How could this man use such a dangerous spell to illuminate?

In fact, this purple rose lantern originated from Lisa’s ultimate move, [Rose Lightning].

Ye Ting simplified it and greatly reduced the output power so that it could continue to emit light, temporarily using it as a flashlight.

Not only moths were attracted by the light, but many young wizards immediately gathered around Ye Ting in order to see the road clearly, and the area around Ye Ting suddenly became crowded.

Through the light, Ye Ting noticed that the girl just now was also among them.

She was an oval-faced girl with red-framed glasses and golden-red braids, but what attracted Ye Ting’s attention the most was her size.

Although they were of the same age, she was two times older than Hermione, even older than Zhang Qiu in the second grade.

What kind of talent is this?

The group trudged along the steep and narrow path. After a while, someone was so tired that he kept humming, complaining about the east and the west.

Hagrid turned his head and encouraged everyone loudly:

“Come on, kids! Hold on a little longer, and after you pass this bend, you will see Hogwarts Castle, where the most splendid scenery in the wizarding world is waiting for you!”

The little wizards were so excited that they cheered up and continued to go downhill.

After walking along this mountain road and turning another bend, the view suddenly opened up.

A vast lake was inlaid in the valley like a gem. The sparkling lake reflected the sky, and on the hillside on the opposite side of the lake, a magnificent castle stood tall.

Although there was no moon tonight, the candlelight in Hogwarts Castle was shining, and it complemented the starlight on the lake, as bright as day.

Ye Ting stood quietly by the lake, looking at the castle. Even he was amazed by the sight.


Pictured is a gifted

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