At this moment, Ye Ting’s roommates had fallen asleep, and the entire dormitory was immersed in the tranquility of the night. Only Linnet’s eyes were sparkling.

Ye Ting got up from the bed, hurriedly put on his cloak, and after fixing his nightcap, he walked to the door with the cat.

Just as he was about to open the door, he thought about it, went back to his roommates, took out a bottle of water of life and death from his hat – that was the work he made when practicing potions before school started – applied some, and gently put a few drops in front of each roommate’s nose.

Next, the evaporated water of life and death will be inhaled into their bodies, and this amount can ensure that they sleep soundly all night without waking up.

In this way. Ye Ting does not need to worry that his roommates will wake up and look for him after he leaves, thus exposing his whereabouts.

Some things are better done more carefully.

“The statue on the eighth floor?”

With the help of the rose lantern, Ye Ting quickly appeared at the end of the corridor on time.

He looked at the stone guard in front of him who was twice as tall as him, and couldn’t help but fall into silence.

It seems that Fred and George are really strong, otherwise how could they move such a large stone sculpture.

He tried to push the statue hard, but it only moved slightly.

Ye Ting gave up this unmagical behavior with a wry smile.

“”Get out of the way!”

He raised his wand and pointed it at the stone guard.

In an instant, the statue seemed to come to life and slowly moved to the left, revealing a seemingly solid wall behind it.

However, Ye Ting could sense that this wall was not real, but a specific illusion, exactly the same as the principle of King’s Station.

So Ye Ting went in.

Normally, if you walk from the first floor to the eighth floor step by step, it will take more than ten minutes even if it goes smoothly.

But the secret passage greatly saved Ye Ting’s time. In just five minutes, he reached his destination.

At the end of the secret passage, a wooden picture frame was firmly blocked there.

Ye Ting stretched out his hand and pushed it, then jumped out of the secret passage. Looking up, there was an oil painting depicting sumptuous food hanging on the wall not far away… Ye Ting remembered that behind the painting was the kitchen of Hogwarts.

“Hey, kid, don’t forget to move me back!” A slightly unhappy voice sounded behind Ye Ting.

It was the person in the picture frame. Obviously, he was used to it.

“Also, dim the damn lights!”

“Ah, sorry.” Ye Ting quickly adjusted his magic output, and the light of the rose lantern gradually converged, illuminating only the one-meter range around him.

Less than two minutes after restoring the oil painting to its original position, Ye Ting saw two mosaic figures running from a distance.

Then, the mosaic disappeared, and the Weasley twins appeared in his sight, one with empty hands and the other holding a jar.

“You just used the [Illusion Spell], right?”Ye Ting recognized their magic at a glance.

This magic is not a true invisibility spell, but it simulates the surrounding environment through magic power, making people blend into the background, just like a chameleon, so it will present a mosaic outline.

“That’s right!” the twins answered in unison.

“We have been training hard for the whole holiday.” Fred said proudly

“So, how is this secret passage?” George asked

“You haven’t even walked through it yet?” Ye Ting looked at the Weasley brothers in astonishment. He seemed to be treated as a guinea pig?

“Hey, we don’t need this, after all, only you Ravenclaws live in the tower.” Fred explained quickly,”If you are hungry in the future, you can go down through this secret passage for a midnight snack.”

“This is our exclusive secret.” George laughed, looking quite proud,”Look at the dust in front of the statue. I bet this secret passage has been sealed for a long time and no one has used it.”

“”Okay, what should we do next?” Ye Ting asked,”Just walk directly to the door of the Potions classroom?”

“No hurry.” Fred suddenly lowered his voice and said mysteriously:”Come on, let me show you something exciting!”


For some reason, Ye Ting felt that Fred was inexplicably wretched at the moment.

The three of them gathered together, and Fred carefully took out his”big treasure” from his black robe.

It was an old, square piece of parchment with a yellowed surface. It looked very old, and there was nothing on it.

George was mysterious and kept it a secret:”This is not an ordinary parchment, but a magical item that can lead us to open the door to a new world.”

Hearing this, Ye Ting had roughly guessed what the parchment was.

Fred cleared his throat and raised his wand to point at the parchment.

“I solemnly swear that I will do no good!”

As soon as the voice fell, the ink on the originally blank parchment quickly extended like a silk thread, and a map composed of text appeared in front of everyone.

This map not only covers the entire Hogwarts Castle, but also includes the lawn outside, the Quidditch field, and even touches a small part of the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

The most amazing thing is that the map is also densely covered with various names, some gathered together, and some are still moving. Each name represents a living person in the castle.

It can be said that this is almost comparable to the small map in the game. It is worthy of being a live point map.

The twins were very satisfied with Ye Ting’s eyes.

“”Where did you get this amazing map?” Ye Ting asked.

Talking about this, George seemed to be lost in memory:

“I still remember when we were in first grade, we were young, carefree, and a little naive.……”

Ye Ting narrowed his eyes and looked at Fred and George up and down, secretly wondering if they were too naive.

“Hey, don’t look at us like that, at least we are much more naive than you.” George defended,”In our first year, we didn’t shock Slytherin on the train, nor did we scold Snape in front of him until he became autistic.……”

“That’s not your rumor.”Ye Ting reminded George

“”Oh, it’s all the same anyway.” George waved his hand and continued to recall,”At that time, there was a little friction between us and Filch. We put a big dung ball in the corridor, and the old guy was very angry about it.”

“What happened next?”Ye Ting asked

“Later, he took us to his office and was ready to teach us a lesson.

“You know, the usual punishments – detention, trophies, etc.” George added,

“But in his office, we noticed a drawer of a filing cabinet with the words ‘Confiscated Supplies, Highly Dangerous’ written on it.’”

“so……”Ye Ting also laughed

“So, what would you do?” Fred said with a sly smile,”George used the same trick again and threw a dung bomb to attract Filch’s attention. And I took the opportunity to open the drawer and saw this treasure at a glance.”

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