Malfoy staggered to his feet and followed.

But he was a few steps too slow, and after turning a few corridors, he couldn’t even find Filch’s shadow.

What’s worse, he was lost!

Malfoy had to choose a random direction to continue chasing.

Harry and Ron had long lost their way and were running around like headless flies. They bypassed doorposts, passed through corridors, went through holes, and went around stairs. In short, they ran blindly the whole time.

The two didn’t know how far they ran, and they stopped only when they were out of breath.

“We should… we should have gotten rid of them.” Harry panted, leaned against the cold wall, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Ron was also very tired, bent over, gasping for breath and said,”But old man Filch has seen us. This is a big trouble.”

“It’s okay, we’ll be safe as long as we get back to the common room.” Harry thought for a moment and said,”Old man Filch can’t get into Gryffindor Tower, so tomorrow we’ll insist that we didn’t go out for a night walk, and he won’t be able to do anything about it.””

“”It’s all Malfoy’s fault, what a coward!” Ron cursed angrily, and he regretted not listening to Hermione.”He is a Slytherin after all, we shouldn’t believe his lies.”

Harry was speechless. If he had known this would happen, why did he do it in the first place? You promised me to duel tonight!

After calming down a little, the two of them prepared to move on.

But not long after they walked, they heard a door creak open.

“Haha, the little wizard is out at night!” Peeves suddenly jumped out of a classroom and screamed excitedly when he saw the two of them:”Why are you hanging around in the middle of the night instead of sleeping?”

“Peeves, please stop yelling. You’ll get us expelled.” Harry was so anxious that he almost cried. But Peeves just kept giggling, looking like he was enjoying someone else’s misfortune.

“Humph, you new kids are so ignorant, you are not sleeping in the middle of the night and you are wandering around. You will be arrested sooner or later!” Peeves said sarcastically.

“Come on, Peeves, please, as long as you don’t tell on us, we can talk about anything. Harry continued to plead.

“Hey, I’m going to go to 087 and tell Filch, and see how he deals with you.” Peeves deliberately kept a straight face, but his eyes were twinkling with mischief,”I’m teaching you, you know? The school has a clear rule that night outings are strictly prohibited!”

“”Get out of the way!” Ron was anxious and suddenly reached out his hand to hit Peeves.

This really pissed off Peeves, and he started yelling at the top of his voice:

“Someone is bullying ghosts! Students are not sleeping, but are bullying ghosts! They are making trouble in the corridor of the Charms class!”

Harry was speechless, and he pulled Ron up and continued to run.

When he reached the end of the corridor, he unexpectedly bumped into someone.

It was the lost Malfoy!

Malfoy staggered and knocked down a suit of armor, and the whole floor was filled with clanging sounds.

He cursed angrily:”Which blind bastard is this, not looking at the road in the middle of the night!” When he looked up and saw that it was Harry, Malfoy immediately became excited:”Haha, I caught Potter! Come on, Filch! I caught Potter——”

Before Malfoy could finish his words, Harry kicked him hard, hitting Malfoy.

Ron also took the opportunity to pick up the armor on the ground and threw it at Malfoy.

The two men didn’t seem to plan to escape anymore, thinking that they had to take revenge on Malfoy before being caught.

Malfoy gritted his teeth, endured the severe pain in his crotch, struggled to stand up and ran away.

Harry and Weasley followed closely behind, chasing him relentlessly.

He ran, he chased, he couldn’t escape!

Peeves watched the excitement on the side and shouted loudly:”Fighting, fighting!”

Malfoy fled to the end of the corridor, but found that there was a heavy door blocking the door.

The lock of the door seemed to be open, but he couldn’t push it forward no matter how hard he pushed.

It seemed that there was something heavy blocking the door.

Harry and Ron were approaching with murderous intent.

Malfoy was even more panicked, kicking the wooden door harder, making a dull”bang bang” sound.

Suddenly, there was a dull”humming” sound from behind the door, and then there was the sound of something heavy being moved.

When Malfoy kicked the wooden door again, it opened.

Malfoy stepped in as if he had been granted amnesty.

However, just as he tried to close the door, Harry rushed forward and blocked the crack in the door with his foot. Then, he slammed the door open and rushed in.

Malfoy stumbled and fell to the ground.

Harry staggered in, but was accidentally tripped by Malfoy on the ground and fell on Malfoy with a”thump”.

Ron followed closely behind and squeezed in, bumping into Harry and pressing on him.

For a moment, the three of them were stacked on the ground like a sandwich.

In the chaos, Harry was horrified to find that, under Ron’s pressure, his mouth was unconsciously facing Malfoy’s mouth!

Malfoy was also completely stunned. He stared at Harry, who was in”negative distance contact” with him with wide eyes.

At this moment, his mind was blank, and he didn’t even remember whether he had subconsciously stuck out his tongue.

Ron took great pains to finally”pull” Harry off Malfoy.

Malfoy came to his senses, pinched his throat and retched in frustration, then roared:”Potter, I’m going to kill you! What the hell did you do!”

Harry also lay on the ground and retched, then roared back:”I’m the one who wants to kill you!”

As soon as the voice fell, the two hugged each other again and wrestled together.

Ron wanted to join the melee and help Harry, but suddenly he felt as if it was”raining” in the room, and cold water drops kept falling on his body.

He looked up and immediately let out a scream


Harry and Malfoy were startled by the sudden scream and stopped.

They looked up and saw a huge monster staring at them: it was Fluffy, who had just been awakened from his coma by the sound of kicking the door.

” Ah…

“Peeves, where did those two guys go?” Filch asked with a frown as he walked into the empty corridor.”Hurry up, don’t keep us in suspense.””

“You have to say please.” Peeves was floating in the air with a playful smile on his face.[]

“Peeves, stop making trouble for me. Where did they go?”Filch said impatiently.

“Hey, hey, I won’t tell you anything unless you say please.” Peeves responded in his irritating, sing-song voice.

(Filch gritted his teeth and said,”Okay…please tell me”


Peeves said a strange word, and then laughed.

“”Hahahaha! I told you long ago that if you don’t say please, I won’t tell you anything! See, I keep my promises! Hahahaha!”

Filch was furious.

At this moment, Peeves’ face changed and he cursed inwardly,”Damn, why is the old bat here?”

Then he retreated quietly.

Then Filch heard footsteps behind him.

He turned around and exclaimed,”Professor Snape, why are you here?”

“My barrier in the corridor on the fourth floor has been triggered. Someone must have broken in.”

Snape strode forward, his whole body seemed to be gliding on the ground like a bat.

Hearing this, Filch’s eyes lit up and he took the initiative to say,”I know who the intruder is. Follow me!”

As he said, he led the way in front and muttered,”It must be those two little bastards Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. They just ran away from me. They must be hiding in the abandoned corridor.”

“Impossible, absolutely impossible!”

Snape didn’t believe it.”Just the two of them? How could a giant monster head that couldn’t even make a scabies potion possibly trigger my level?”

He had to believe that Harry and Ron could overcome all the levels, deal with the three-headed dog Fluffy, solve the devil’s vine, grab the corresponding key without a flying broom, and pass Professor McGonagall’s chess level…

Snape would rather believe that Voldemort had turned over a new leaf.

“But I saw them with my own eyes……”Filch was confused and wanted to say something, but���Now they have arrived at the abandoned corridor.

Through the wooden door, they can hear that the room is very noisy.

Just when Filch was about to go up and open the door excitedly, the door was pushed open by the people inside.

Malfoy rushed out, followed by Harry and Ron.

Then, a three-headed dog rushed to the door, and a huge head squeezed out from the crack of the door. It roared and stared at the three fleeing little wizards.

Fluffy was very angry about being knocked unconscious, and when he woke up, he saw Harry and the other two, so he took them as objects to vent his anger.

“” Oh my god! There’s a monster!” Malfoy screamed, and when he saw Snape in front of him, he immediately hid behind him.

Harry and Ron also ran out of the door, sitting on the ground gasping for breath with weak limbs.

Filch looked at Fluffy with his head stuck, and sneered,”This is the guard dog that Professor Dumbledore brought in. He warned you not to come to the restricted area, but it seems you turned a deaf ear to his words.……”

“Ah, it seems that our savior is not only arrogant, but also has a spirit of exploration. He stayed up all night and insisted on visiting Dumbledore’s forbidden place.”

Then came the weird voice of Professor Snape.

“Mr. Filch, take them to Professor McGonagall now and show her what kind of talents her school has produced!”

As he said this, he walked straight to the corridor door.

Although he caught Harry Potter and Ron Weasley here, he still didn’t believe that the alarm of his level was triggered by them.

“Don’t worry, Professor Snape.”

Filch proudly took out a pair of handcuffs and handcuffed Harry and Ron’s hands, saying sinisterly:

“You went to destroy the three prize display rooms and trespassed into the restricted area. Come on! Follow me to see Professor McGonagall!!

Not long after, at the door of the Transfiguration Office, the atmosphere was tense as if it could ignite at any moment.

Professor McGonagall’s eyes were as sharp as a knife, staring straight at Harry and Ron. This was the first time she was so angry.

She suppressed her anger and asked in a deep voice:

“Mr. Filch said that you two ran to the trophy display room on the third floor to cause trouble, and when you were discovered, you ran to the restricted area on the fourth floor. Malfoy wanted to stop you, but you ended up beating him up?”

“Tell me, what’s going on! ?”



Harry and Ron looked at each other in silence.

Thinking about it carefully, they really had nothing to say. Regarding Filch’s accusation, except for the fact that he did not go to the showroom to cause trouble, all other facts were set in stone. They couldn’t say that they went to duel, right? That would be a fight, and the crime might be even worse.

Seeing that they admitted the charges, Professor McGonagall’s face became even uglier,”You two really disappoint me! I’m going to put you in detention… and deduct another 50 points from Gryffindor!”

“Fifty points will be deducted from each person!” she added

“Professor, please…” Ron begged in a crying voice

“You can’t do this……”Harry was also anxious and spoke quickly

“��Professor McGonagall interrupted them,”Go back to the common room, I don’t want to see you two again tonight. I have never been ashamed of Gryffindor students as I am now.”

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