"Although I have achieved certain results in running a dessert shop, in fact, this is only a part of my plan."

Adam talked about his business plan,

"In this way, I will definitely not have enough energy to spend on running the dessert shop. At present, my shop in Hogwarts has been handed over to my friends to run on my behalf..."

Adam raised his hand and gestured to the four people behind Ambrosio.

Although the four people could not hear the conversation between Adam and Ambrosio, they knew from the atmosphere between the two that the situation was probably not so tense, so they quickly put away their wands before Ambrosio turned around, and showed a friendly smile from the Badger Courtyard when Ambrosio turned around.

"It is foreseeable that I will definitely need someone to help me run the dessert shop business in the future, and my friends all have their own futures. In comparison, I would rather find someone who shares the same ideals as me to run my shop for me and bring happiness to more customers."

Although the person in front of him was only a third-year student, Ambrosio still fell into serious thinking.

While waiting, Adam also reviewed his business plan, which he had updated countless times in his mind.

There are many fields he wants to try in the future. Formal restaurants and dessert shops are at least two stores. After all, a restaurant can have desserts, but it is impossible to put candy retail together.

In addition, Adam also wants to try cinemas and clothing stores, and then the business of potion materials and potions, and the magical animal park he has thought about for a long time. If possible, he even wants to get involved in real estate...

Although he has not been involved in these industries, he has enough funds and risk-taking ability anyway. It's okay to try, and failure is failure.

As for other resistance, Adam will let the other party see who is more black, and the white... Adam can't help but think of Eugene and Bernard in his mind.

These two guys have no plans for the future anyway. Originally, Adam wanted to hire them as store managers for him, but thinking about it, it's a bit of a waste of talent.

Why not ask them who is interested in being the Minister of Magic after returning?

"I... I can't make a complete decision alone. I need to think about it with my wife."

In the end, Ambrosio still didn't give a definite answer, but this answer itself already represented a certain tendency.

"No problem, then how about we discuss the sale of this store first?"

Adam suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a secret passage in the cellar of this store connected to Hogwarts, and buying it would be a win-win situation.

"No problem!"

Ambrosio agreed to this matter very happily. After all, the sale of the store was originally decided. Selling it to Adam is definitely more cost-effective than selling it to Gringotts or handing it over to other intermediaries to let the other party take a commission.

As a popular store, Honeydukes Candy Store has an excellent geographical location. The store is large and has a huge cellar that can be used as a warehouse. The original price was 200,000 Galleons. In the end, Ambrosio proposed to sell it to Adam at a discount of 170,000 Galleons, including the inventory in the warehouse.

The discount is to be able to sell it directly. As for the inventory, it actually did not affect the price. The main reason is that Ambrosio did not think Adam would need those candies.

The two completed the handover in the cellar on the spot. When Ambrosio saw Adam take out a full 170,000 Galleons from his bag, his expression was quite wonderful.

"I'm not used to storing things in Gringotts, sorry."

Adam spread his hands. He had even moved Nicolas Flamel's collection to a safe house with a space expanded by the wheel cards. Now the secret vault only had a maze made by the puzzle cards and dozens of dormant basilisks in it... If someone really broke in, I guess I could give the intruder a surprise~

"Uh... It's okay, I have a box with a traceless extension spell."

The box Ambrosio mentioned was used for transporting goods. Although it was not as convenient as a suitcase, it was more convenient than carrying a million gold coins.

With the money handed over in one hand and the title deed handed over in the other, and the magic contract signed, the transaction was completed with the satisfaction of both parties. Then the remaining customers in the store were told with a confused look on their faces that the store had been transferred and asked to leave.

"From now on, this store... will belong to Adam?"

The four of them realized what Adam had just done, but looking at the shelves around them, they still couldn't believe it.

"It still looks like Honeydukes Candy Store now, and it will be much better when I renovate the store."

Adam glanced around, and different areas could be filled with pastries, candies, cakes, etc. As for sweet soups and the like, they would be sold in the restaurant."Eh? But..."

Cologne suddenly thought of something and couldn't help looking at Adam:

"Adam, didn't you say you were going to open a store next to my house?"

"It doesn't matter, Cologne. The one next to your house is a restaurant, and the one next to this is a dessert shop. Then you can not only eat conveniently, but also buy candy conveniently."

Adam touched Cologne's head very smoothly. The soft golden curly hair felt very comfortable to touch... It was just like a long-haired version of Xiao Ke!

Adam's expression was so familiar that it aroused Cologne's vigilance:

"Huh? Why does your expression now look like you are touching your cat, Adam? Wait, even the technique seems to be..."

"Well... Because I think you, Xiao Ke and Sibi are all very cute."

Adam didn't wait for Cologne to respond, and then said:

"Are we going directly to Cologne's house next? Or are we going to other stores to shop?"

"Eh? Let me think... Bernard, what time is it now?"

Cologne, whose attention was easily diverted, looked at Bernard.

Bernard's eyes fell on Adam's hand that was still rubbing Cologne's hair. He couldn't help but be silent for a moment, then he took out his pocket watch and took a look:

"It's almost ten o'clock."

"Well, my parents should be free at this time, let's go now."

Cologne nodded, and then saw Adam waved his hand, and then all the candies in the store ran into his bag.

"Adam, these candies are you going to...?"

"I'm actually not very satisfied with the surprise I prepared for tomorrow."

Adam patted the bag:

"But now this surprise should be tempting enough - dozens of boxes of candies from Honeydukes! Although everyone is not so keen on Honeydukes now, they should be happy if they can get them for free, right?"

"What about the rest?"

Bernard looked at the bag and blinked. Adam should not spend extra time to pack the candies on the shelf.

"The rest..."

The candies displayed in the store were not a small number. Adam thought for a moment and looked at Cologne and Eugene:

"If the Hufflepuff team gets a good score this time, use it to encourage them. If they get a bad score, use it to comfort them."

Eugene couldn't help asking:

"What is considered a good score and a bad score?"

"First and second place are good scores, and third and fourth place are bad scores."


So no matter what, they will be given to the Hufflepuff team, right?

"Don't tell other teammates in advance~"

Adam closed the door and pointed his finger at his lips to make a secret gesture.

"Aren't you going to lock it?"

Uther noticed that Adam didn't lock it.

"No, I've locked it."

The blockade of the ingot is all-round, for Honeydukes... Oh, by the way, it's better to change the name of the store now to avoid misunderstandings.

Adam moved his fingers, and the sign above the store, "Honeydukes Candy Shop," changed to "Dream Dessert Workshop" in cursive script. The words on the entire sign looked like candies in gradient colors.

There was also a line of small words below:

——We will wholeheartedly offer you a sweet and dreamlike experience.

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