The sky was getting darker and darker.

Accompanied by the familiar cold that seemed to penetrate into the heart, everyone couldn't help but recall the experience at the beginning of the school year.

The rain had stopped at some point, but the coldness around was even more biting. Everyone could see the things that were gathering and rolling towards them in the dark clouds.

"It's... it's the Dementors!"

Accompanied by a cry of surprise, the stands exploded.

The happiness of all the teachers and students in the school because of Quidditch was so tempting in the eyes of the Dementors, and unlike the previous banquet when everyone was in the castle, now everyone was in the open-air Quidditch field.

From a human perspective, it was like the scallops opened their shells by themselves, revealing the delicious and tender meat to tempt them to eat.

Who could bear this?

So the Dementors came.

Not to mention that they were not employees of the Ministry of Magic, and at most had a cooperative relationship with the Ministry of Magic, even considering the Ministry of Magic, they had only received an order not to enter the castle before - didn't they not enter the castle?

Although they seemed to think that doing so was logically self-consistent, some people were obviously not willing to listen to their thoughts.

With the arrival of the Dementors, Eugene and Uther were not the only ones who were deeply affected, but also Harry who was in the air at this time!

Harry fell directly from mid-air, and the Nimbus 2000 purchased by Professor McGonagall lost control on the spot and rushed towards the Forbidden Forest crookedly.

"Shock Absorption and Speed ​​Stop!"

At this critical moment, Professor Dumbledore stood up and urgently cast a wandless spell on Harry, and Harry's falling momentum slowed down.

Seeing this scene, Professor Dumbledore looked up at the Dementors in the air, his eyes full of anger that everyone had never seen in the eyes of this respected wizard in all these years.


Although Adam couldn't see clearly, he did not miss the magic that was like a volcano about to erupt. It seems that a certain Minister of Magic will be very busy in the next period of time.

"Expecto Patronus!"

Professor Dumbledore's voice called Adam's attention back. Magic power and surging emotions mixed together. The silver-white substance was like a surging wave sweeping towards the sky. Dozens of Dementors were crushed and torn apart the moment they were hit by the wave...

Non-existence has no concept of death. They appear because of emotions and disappear because of emotions. Even if they are torn apart, they will only condense again in sadness and emptiness.

But the instinctive rejection of positive emotions still makes Dementors stay away from the Quidditch field.

"Oh my God..."

Almost everyone has never seen the Patronus Charm, and even those who have seen it have never seen a Patronus Charm of this scale. Looking at the sky that suddenly became clear, all the little wizards were shocked.

It was also at this time that the Slytherin team took the opportunity to catch the Golden Snitch and won the championship of this game.

However, when everyone returned to the ground, when they looked at their dean happily, they found that Professor Snape followed Professor Dumbledore, not paying any attention to their victory, but staring at Harry lying on the ground, his face livid.

"Rolanda, continue to do what you should do. I will take Harry to the school infirmary first."

Professor Dumbledore said to Madam Hooch in a gentle voice, waved his wand, and a stretcher appeared on the grass under Harry to lift Harry up. Professor Dumbledore walked directly to the castle with the stretcher.

After Professor Dumbledore left, Madam Hooch continued to preside over the previous game and judged that the Slytherin team won.

After the game, everyone dispersed, and only one person stood in the center of the field to welcome the rain clouds that slowly gathered again in the sky.

"That's the captain of the Gryffindor team, Oliver Wood."

Cedric looked back at him and couldn't help but feel pity:

"If I remember correctly, from the time he entered Gryffindor until now, Gryffindor has never beaten Slytherin in the Quidditch Cup, not even once... He will graduate after this year, right?"

"So you plan to let the Gryffindor team win in the game?"

Adam turned his head and looked at him.

It is true that Slytherin won the Gryffindor team in this game, but it is not a good thing for both colleges.

The game environment was too bad and it ended too quickly. Neither team accumulated many points - the final ranking of the Quidditch Cup is not based on the number of wins of each team, but the total points each team has achieved this season.

That's why it is said that there are too many loopholes in the rules of Quidditch. In a Quidditch game like Hogwarts with only four teams, once a team decides to feed points to another team, and the strength of this team is not too badIf the Hufflepuffs can't win the championship this year, then they can definitely feed the other team to become the champion.

"How is that possible?"

Cedric looked up:

"This year is the year when our Hufflepuffs are most likely to win the championship!"

With Adam's food incentive buff, if the Hufflepuffs can't win the championship this year, then there won't be much hope in the next few years.

"Well, I look forward to the final results."

Adam smiled and nodded, then looked at Uther and Eugene:

"Let's go, set up a stall in the North Tower~"


The intrusion of the Dementors cast a shadow on this year's Quidditch game. In response, Adam specially launched a comforting package, which is sweet to the heart, and is also discounted regularly. Even the little wizards who are not scared can't help but buy, and some even buy for their families.

"The package was already discounted, and now it's discounted even more? Isn't Adam losing a lot? I want to buy ten sets!"

Looking at Seamus who was about to pay, Harry hesitated:

"But... this is specially prepared by Adam for people who are frightened by Dementors. Isn't it bad for us to take advantage of this?"

"Actually, I was also frightened by Dementors, but it's just that you can't tell from the outside."

Seamus's behavior of lying with his eyes open attracted Harry's disapproving eyes.

The twins stood behind everyone without knowing when, and their expressions were a little complicated after hearing Harry's words:

Yes, yes, Adam is losing a lot. If everyone in Hogwarts buys one more set, Adam will go bankrupt!

If the loss in the first Quidditch game made the Gryffindors feel a little depressed, then the Defense Against the Dark Arts class that followed caught them off guard.

"Your Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is ill, so I will substitute for you in this class."

Professor Snape stood behind the podium with a gloomy smile. Adam felt that Professor Snape's current mood should have little to do with the green plum essence wolf poison potion he had brewed before.

The main reason is that Professor Snape is naturally fond of laughing. What does it have to do with him, an ordinary badger passing by?

Adam thought so after being specially glanced at by Professor Snape.

"Your original progress is really too slow..."

After explaining why he came to class, Professor Snape madly dissed a certain Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for his incompetence, and then gave everyone a Defense Against the Dark Arts class that was a little ahead of everyone's current progress.

The main content was how to identify werewolves hidden in the crowd and how to deal with werewolves.

"Next class, I want to see each of your papers."

After assigning homework, Professor Snape floated away, leaving behind a wailing.

There is no way. Not only was Professor Lupin humorous in class before, but he also hardly gave homework. This time...

"A three-foot-long paper. Does Professor Snape have a grudge against werewolves?"

Even Eugene couldn't help but complain when he was packing up his books and notes.

He needs to participate in Quidditch training this year, plus two elective classes and help Adam run the store, so he doesn't have as much spare time as last year.

Hearing this, Adam couldn't help but look at him. He hadn't heard Eugene's divine prophecy for a long time, and he missed it a little.

Adam could only squint his eyes and agree:

"Who knows..."

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