"Professor Dumbledore, we have brought everyone here safely. If nothing happens, I have an appointment..."

Looking at Sirius, whose brain was congested and foaming at the mouth, and whose twitching was caused by the paralysis of the poisonous tentacles, and Pettigrew, whose wounds were swollen and bleeding, Professor Dumbledore hesitated for a rare moment:


"This guy chased Harry and the others and said he was going to harm them. Most importantly, he even planned to cast a curse on us. I had to use some violent means to stop his evil deeds."

Adam pointed at Pettigrew and said, and Harry and the others nodded in support of him.

"As for this guy, he is a wanted criminal of the Ministry of Magic. He broke into the Gryffindor common room and caused me to cough. As a result, everyone had to spend the night in the hall. I have reason to doubt his position, even if he appeared with Professor Lupin..."

Adam glanced at Professor Lupin,

"In view of the previous record of the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts last year and the year before, as well as Professor Lupin's species, and his unwillingness to come to see you, I used some extraordinary means."

Harry and the others hesitated, but still nodded - what Adam said seemed to be fine.

"I um - cough!"

Sirius spit out the foam that came up from his throat and said angrily:

"When did I not want to come to see Dumbledore -"

Pink bubbles came out of Sirius' mouth again.

"Why didn't you explain it at that time?"

Adam shrugged helplessly.

Sirius: "..." Didn't you think you were in the same group with the slug at that time?

Adam: Then you are quite accurate in judging people.


Professor Dumbledore felt a little headache after hearing this. He waved his wand to remove the cleaning in Sirius' mouth and looked at Adam:

"I have a general understanding of what happened before. Since you still have something to do, go first."

Adam nodded to Professor Dumbledore and turned to leave the headmaster's office.

Professor Dumbledore looked at Ron and Hermione again:

"Can you go to the hospital wing and help me invite Madam Pomfrey? I may need her help here."

Hermione and Ron also left the headmaster's office.

Professor Dumbledore looked at Professor Lupin, then at Pettigrew, who was pretending to be dead, and finally at Sirius. He crossed his fingers on the table and leaned forward slightly:

"So, where should we start... Sirius?"


"Is Professor Snape relieved now?"

Adam muttered to himself, then shook the Felix Felicis in front of his eyes with two fingers. The golden potion shone brightly in the winter sun.

"Adam, is this really a lucky potion?"

Cock and Spike couldn't help but stick their heads out of their bags.

Luck... something as illusory as fate is too elusive. Even someone as powerful as Clow Reed can only foresee the future, but he can't create magic that can make people lucky.

"Of course not. If it is a real lucky potion, I can't imagine what materials are used to make it."

Adam shook his head:

"The Lucky Potion can only bring a person to the best state. In this state, all abilities of a person will be maximized, and things will naturally go smoothly, giving people an illusion of good luck..."

In short, the Lucky Potion can help people do things that can be done by human power more smoothly, but if you feel that you can win the lottery after drinking it, it is probably because you drank too much Lucky Potion.

"Is that so..."

Xiao Ke was a little disappointed.

"Even so, it is still a very powerful potion!"

Sibby couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes, and it was made by the youngest potion master of this century. If you don't finish a bottle in one gulp, or take it for several days in a row, there will be almost no side effects..."

Adam sighed again:

"Unfortunately, I don't seem to be able to use this."

With the double cards in hand, a bottle of Felix Felicis directly allowed him to achieve Felix Felicis freedom, but he had almost no difficult things that required the help of Felix Felicis... Eh?

"Felix Felicis seems to enhance thinking ability. If I had drunk this when looking for someone before, would it have been smoother..."

Adam reflected on it and it seemed to be true.

"Well, learn from the lesson. Next time Eugene's parents are lost, remember to drink a sip of Felix Felicis before looking for them."

Passing the corner in front, Eugene happened to hear:... A little touched, but not that touched. Anyway, thank you.

Not noticing Eugene's complicated eyes behind him, Adam went all the way back to Hogsmeade Village. Because there was still some time before the appointment in the afternoon, he went to the Three Broomsticks Bar and went to the bar.So he sat down.

"I feel like I can open a pub in the future..."

Adam looked around and said thoughtfully.

Compared to staying in the restaurant, sitting at the bar and listening to the people in the pub bragging sounds like a more interesting choice. As for the pub business, he didn't consider it. Anyway, he didn't care whether it made money or not.

Speaking of which, when he masters the magic of the time card in the future, won't he be able to create decades or hundreds of years of aged wine at will?

8000-year-old daughter's red wine... Well, it seems that it is impossible to drink.

"You should let Ms. Rosmerta go."

Adam raised his head and it turned out that Cedric came over with butter beer.

Pulling out a chair and sitting down, Cedric looked helpless:

"Look at the shops in Hogsmeade that were once popular. Since your shops opened, their business has been much worse: the Three Broomsticks and Zonko's Joke Shop are both deserted, and Honeydukes Candy Store has even closed down directly-"

"To be precise, I bought it. Do you see the new sign? It will be called Dream Dessert Workshop in the future~"

Adam shook his finger:

"It will open in a few days. I have to say that wizards are more convenient to decorate. Muggles probably won't even be able to get a sign in a few months..."

For infrastructure, you really can't understand what amazing efficiency means unless you go abroad to see it-it means that you find your own efficiency so amazing in comparison.

Cedric was choked by Adam's words, and finally found his voice:

"That is, Mrs. Puddifoot's Tea House, because it is suitable for dating, the business has not been greatly affected."

"Hmm... So should I open another boutique afternoon tea house?"

Adam touched his chin and thought:

"I also passed by Mrs. Puddifoot's Tea House and took a look. The layout is too casual. Everyone goes there for a date. It can only be said that it is quieter there, which is more suitable for dating than a noisy bar. Chunchun is a general among short people, and it is like this because of the habits left by previous seniors."

As he said, Adam's tone became much happier:

"If it were me, I would change the layout and design booths for dating couples, set up a photo wall, message wall and love locks at the door, and then launch various packages..."

"Stop, stop, stop! Are you going to make all the shops in Hogsmeade yours?"

Cedric looked a little desperate:

"If so, I have only one request. Don't change too much after you acquire this teahouse. Leave a sweet memory for everyone who dated here before."

Looking at Adam's expression, he knew that Madam Puddifoot's Teahouse would probably not be able to beat him. No, it would definitely not be able to beat him!

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