Anyway, Adam successfully became the headmaster of Hogwarts.

After Professor McGonagall came back from St. Mungo's, she learned the shocking news and rushed to the headmaster's office, but Professor Dumbledore was already busy, so Adam was the only one to receive her.

"... That's it."

After repeating the whole process of becoming the headmaster, Adam looked at Professor McGonagall, who was still a little dazed, and said:

"Professor McGonagall, please hide the headmaster's identity information on this year's freshman admission notice... In addition, I will also teach you how to speak at the dinner."

Adam had already explained why it was inconvenient for him to come forward and let everyone know that he was the new headmaster, so Professor McGonagall agreed one by one.

"In addition, please send these two letters to Fred and George by Hogwarts owl. I think their previous expulsion was unreasonable. Now they can come back to continue their unfinished studies."

Knowing that Fred and George could come back to complete their studies, Professor McGonagall took the two letters with surprise:

"They will be very happy!"'s hard to say.

Adam smiled and said nothing.

"Then, the Ministry of Magic's previous decree..."

"All are invalid."

Adam opened his hands:

"Without the Ministry of Magic, without the Board of Directors, Voldemort and his minions have just destroyed the Department of Mysteries, and the Ministry of Magic is no longer able to protect everyone's safety."

"During this special period, Hogwarts has entered full autonomy. I will be responsible for all the needs of Hogwarts' operations, and I will deal with all enemies that invade Hogwarts."

"I see, then I will... oh, right."

Professor McGonagall suddenly remembered something:

"Hagrid is back, and the Care of Magical Creatures class can proceed normally next semester. Should Professor Grubbly-Plank continue to stay? In addition, the selection of the professor of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class next semester... and the issue of the professor of the Divination class."

Although Professor McGonagall believes that divination is pure nonsense, she still sympathizes with Professor Trelawney's situation.

"Let Professor Grubbly-Plank go back and convey my thanks."

This witch has been helping to substitute for the Care of Magical Creatures class at Hogwarts on and off for the past two years at the invitation of Professor Dumbledore. It's really hard work.

"Also, inform Hagrid that he doesn't have to be the professor of Care of Magical Creatures next semester. I will ask someone to teach this course."

Looking at Professor McGonagall's puzzled expression, Adam said helplessly:

"I recognize Hagrid's heartfelt love for magical creatures, but he is not able to clearly recognize the differences between his students and him. I'm afraid he is not suitable to be a professor."

After finishing what Professor Scamander left behind, Hagrid had already started to let students raise dangerous creatures such as blasting-tailed skrewts and thestrals. Adam didn't dare to think about what magical creatures Hagrid would bring to the Care of Magical Creatures class in the future.

As for the selection of the professor of Care of Magical Creatures... Adam followed Professor Scamander to America before and met many researchers in this field, such as the fellow student in Hawaii.

As Professor Scamander said, with the development of human navigation technology, the living space of magical animals such as sirens and sea monsters is getting smaller and smaller, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for researchers in this field to achieve results.

As a young researcher who has just entered this industry, the other party has a strong intention to switch to studying other magical animals.

Coincidentally, there are quite a lot of magical animals in Hogwarts.

Especially with Adam.

After listening to Adam's reasons, Professor McGonagall had to admit that Adam was right after recalling it.

Hagrid may be a person who loves magical animals, but he is not a good professor of magical animal protection.

"Professor Trelawney and Professor Firenze... let them each be responsible for a part of the students, Professor Trelawney is responsible for students from third to fifth grades, and Professor Firenze is responsible for students in sixth and seventh grades."

Adam said after thinking about it.

Although Professor Trelawney is usually crazy and likes to predict bad things, she does have some real things that cannot be released, and the other party also likes life in Hogwarts.

Professor Firenze has been expelled by the centaurs in the Forbidden Forest. If he is asked to go back now, he will die... Adam can certainly stop the centaurs' atrocities. After all, as the headmaster, the Forbidden Forest now belongs to him. However, he can only save Professor Firenze's life and cannot force the centaurs to improve their attitude towards Professor Firenze.

They both cannot leave this position now, and it just so happens that their teaching levels are somewhat different.——Professor Trelawney is meticulous, but what she teaches is not real stuff, and you can pass it by fooling around. Professor Firenze teaches real divination skills, but the level of students is too high.

Coordinate, Professor Trelawney teaches O.W.L.s students, Professor Firenze teaches N.E.W.T.s students, just right.

"As for the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts next semester, I have already chosen someone, but please allow me to keep it secret for the time being."

Seeing the mysterious smile on Adam's face, Professor McGonagall nodded.

At least for now, Adam is more reliable than Dumbledore in being a headmaster, and there should be no problem.

After Professor McGonagall left, Adam got up and went to Grindelwald's residence:

"How is it, can you handle it?"

Originally, Adam's idea was to let Grindelwald take the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, but according to Grindelwald, he needs some time to study the curse, and maybe he can solve it directly.

"Very stubborn, very secretive... but not difficult."

After getting rid of his prisoner status and cleaning himself up, Grindelwald regained some of his former vigor and vitality. He sat on a chair, crossed his legs, and played with the Elder Wand in his hand.

Although Grindelwald did not defeat Adam and let the Elder Wand recognize its master, the Elder Wand in this state is still a powerful wand.

"Voldemort... is indeed a wizard with outstanding talent in dark magic, but it's a pity that he has split his soul too many times. I'm afraid he can't even solve the exquisite curse he set when he was young."

When mentioning this junior, Grindelwald showed some regret on his face.

"It's good that you can solve it. Please teach the students some practical skills. It won't be peaceful outside for the next period of time."

Adam remembered the newspaper he had seen before. Fudge stepped down, the Department of Mysteries was completely bombed, and the Death Eaters invaded the Ministry of Magic as if they were in an empty place. Everyone in the Ministry of Magic already knew the truth.

In the current situation, students urgently need a capable Defense Against the Dark Arts professor to teach them how to protect themselves.

Hogwarts is safe, but students cannot stay in Hogwarts forever.

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