After Grindelwald appeared, students and professors all looked at him.

Those who were not familiar with this name were amazed by his appearance, while those who were familiar with this name were shocked and puzzled.

"Gellert Grindelwald, why are you here?"

Professor McGonagall directly drew out her wand:

"You should now..."

"What should you do? Should you stay in Nurmengard until you die?"

Grindelwald turned around with a smile, looked at Professor McGonagall pointing at his wand, and shook his head slightly:

"Obviously, this is why your new headmaster wants to bail me out and hire me as the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Simply pointing a wand at someone will not have any deterrent effect..."

Grindelwald walked straight to the teacher's seat and said in his own Sit down:

"Professor McGonagall, if your students can only deal with those vicious dark wizards in this way, I'm afraid that one day you will only see their cold corpses."

Professor McGonagall was so angry that she choked, but then she heard Grindelwald say:

"Check the parchment carefully. I was really hired by your new headmaster. If you have any questions, go to him."

Professor McGonagall was silent. The parchment did say that Grindelwald was the new professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, so she suspected that she had read it wrong just now.

I thought Adam would be more reliable than Dumbledore. Who would have thought that after more than a month of being reliable, Adam would give them such a big surprise without saying a word!

The end of the freshman dinner was obviously a bit weird, but most students didn't really know what happened. The name Grindelwald was too far away for them, and not everyone would listen to the boring history of magic class seriously.

In contrast, the unusually sumptuous freshman dinner was the focus of students' attention.

"You know? This is a delicacy made by our Hufflepuff senior!"

A Hufflepuff said to the freshmen with pride:

"This senior has applied for early graduation. The Storm Restaurant and Dream Dessert Workshop in Hogsmeade Village are both his businesses!"

The fact that Adam graduated early was not publicized, but it was announced on the bulletin board, and his transcripts of all O's in the first five years were also attached.

The students ate very well, but the professors had no appetite, especially the four deans who knew the identity of the new principal.

After the dinner, the prefects took the freshmen to the common room, and the four deans rushed to the principal's office together.

"The principal is waiting for you."

Since Adam became the principal, the gargoyles have been replaced by a portrait - a portrait of Anubis who seems to be judging souls.

After Anubis in the portrait finished speaking, he made way for the four people.


Professor McGonagall was the first to speak after entering the principal's office.

"How can you let such a dangerous criminal be the professor of your students?"

"Everyone calm down and listen to my explanation."

Adam raised his hand and pressed it, signaling the professors to calm down:

"Grindelwald is indeed the most suitable candidate at this time - first of all, in the current situation, it is difficult for Hogwarts to find a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts with sufficient strength."

After saying that, Adam looked at him and said without waiting for Professor Snape to refute:

"I know Professor Snape has always been interested in this position, but I'm afraid you don't have the ability to deal with the curse attached to this position? I don't want Hogwarts to have to wait for a year of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Losing the youngest potion master - but Grindelwald can. "

"You can just ask him to change his name!"

Professor Snape seemed to be convinced, but he still spoke and asked another question:

"Grindelwald has not appeared in public for more than half a century. I even doubt whether anyone in the UK can recognize him now. Just change his name..."

"Why change the name? Isn't the name Grindelwald good enough?"

Adam spread his hands:

"Grindelwald, who once started a war around the world and led the Witch Party to fight against the Ministry of Magic around the world, who in the world can understand the Defense Against the Dark Arts better than him?"

Professor Snape's eyes twitched fiercely.

That's true, but the problem is that it's hard for anyone in the world to understand the dark arts better than him!

"Even Grindelwald is a professor at Hogwarts, doesn't that prove the safety of Hogwarts?"

Without waiting for Professor Snape to refute, Adam continued:

"Besides that, other subjects are fine, but as for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, everyone knows the current situation, and everyone has seen the newspapers during this period... Students now needIt is not about how to cope with the exam, but about effective means to resist cruel dark wizards!"

"In this regard, Hogwarts has not done well in the past few years... so I need a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts who can quickly teach students how to fight in practice."

Recalling the professors of Defense Against the Dark Arts in previous years, several deans looked at each other and had to admit that Adam made sense.

"I promised them that they would be absolutely safe in Hogwarts, but I can't protect them after they leave Hogwarts. For their safety, I think it is necessary to hire Grindelwald."

"Don't worry about the Ministry of Magic. If parents have any doubts, I believe they will make the right choice after seeing the current situation in the wizarding world. As for Grindelwald himself..."

Adam smiled at the four people:

"Don't worry, professors, I'm here, and Professor Dumbledore is here. Can't the two of us keep an eye on Grindelwald? "

Adam used his own name and Professor Dumbledore's (Professor Dumbledore:?) to vouch for Grindelwald, and the four professors finally reluctantly acknowledged the existence of Professor Grindelwald.

Adam was not afraid that Professor Snape and the others would go to Professor Dumbledore to verify, as he and Professor Dumbledore still had some tacit understanding.

Harry and Ron, who didn't know what happened after the dinner yesterday, looked at the schedule, especially the first Defense Against the Dark Arts class today, and swallowed their saliva.

How should I put it? According to what is written in the history of magic, there is no difference between Grindelwald and Voldemort.

"Didn't the new headmaster say that he would protect us? He shouldn't be allowed to do whatever he wants, right?"

Ron twisted his body, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

Harry quickly adjusted his mentality:

"I believe in the new headmaster, and no matter what kind of person Grindelwald is, he will not be worse than Umbridge. "

Ron: ...That's true.

"Good morning, everyone~"

Grindelwald stepped into the classroom almost on time:

"This is my first class for you. Let me introduce myself again: I, Gellert Grindelwald, a revolutionary, a dark wizard - until I was defeated by Albus Dumbledore in 1945. After that, I was a prisoner for decades, until now - as you can see, I have become your Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. "

Looking at the students below who were shocked by his self-introduction, Grindelwald smiled slightly:

"I will not hide my past failures. On the contrary, I am proud of it. At least I have fought for my ideals with all my strength, and - to borrow someone's words, let the whole world dance for me. "

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