After the first monthly exam, Professor Grindelwald officially began to let students face some real dangers.

"You need to start with creatures of danger level XXX, but you need to pay attention to the fact that... your third-year juniors are also aiming for this level of difficulty, and you are already in the sixth year."

Grindelwald looked around and said:

"In my teaching plan, students at this stage should have mastered the spells that can protect themselves and teamwork, and start trying to deal with creatures of danger level XXXXX. I don't want to dwell on the problems of your previous Defense Against the Dark Arts professors. Be responsible for your own lives, understand?"

"Got it!" xN

" Very good, at least I feel your determination in your momentum. "

Grindelwald smiled and nodded:

"After a wizard reaches adulthood, his magic power will basically not increase significantly, so at your current age, the only difference between you and the Aurors in the Ministry of Magic is the rich combat experience, and I will teach you these in the next period of time."

Harry's eyes lit up:

"Professor Grindelwald, can we be as strong as Aurors?"

His grades in Potions last semester were too low, so he was not qualified to participate in the advanced learning of Potions, and there was no hope for Aurors.

So Grindelwald's words now undoubtedly opened a new door for him.

"Of course, Mr. Potter, as long as you take the class seriously - Aurors are not as powerful as you think, especially Aurors in peacetime."

Grindelwald nodded to Harry, and the relaxed expression on his face gave Harry great confidence.

Then Grindelwald waved his wand, and a pile of parchments flew out of the cart next to him:

"This is the map of the Forbidden Forest. Your task for this class is for each of you to bring back a fire ash snake egg from the third area. You have the whole afternoon, let's go."

"I have a question, Professor Grindelwald!"

Hermione raised her hand high.

"What's wrong, Miss Granger?"

"Are we going just like this? I mean, some precautions, grouping, etc., and the map only has the first, second, and third areas marked out, nothing else..."

"Miss Granger, you seem to have forgotten the meaning of this class. When danger comes to you, you won't follow what the book says. This is just the first lesson, and the difficulty is very simple. You can team up or go alone, just use all your means to do it."

Grindelwald glanced at the students who also didn't know what to do:

"There is only one thing to note: There are no restrictions inside the third area. You may encounter any magical animals with a danger level of XXX or below. The relevant knowledge I don't need to help you review the knowledge?"

At this point, Grindelwald raised his eyebrows:

"Oh, by the way, I seem to have missed one thing. Your headmaster has taken protective measures in the Forbidden Forest. You will not suffer real death in the Forbidden Forest-when your life is in danger, there will be house elves to take you out."

Grindelwald added:

"But relatively speaking, every time you are taken out by the house elves, your final score will be reduced by one level. After being taken out four times, you can prepare to retake in advance, because the upper limit of your final score is D (Dreadful failure, need to retake). "

The students, led by Hermione, took a breath of cold air.

"By the way, this protection measure is only to ensure your personal safety, not to let you do whatever you want, and absolutely do not enter the area that is not marked on the map I gave you!"

"If you are taken out by the house elves for stupid reasons such as entering other areas, in addition to deducting points, your headmaster and I may have to talk to your parents about your lack of attention to your own safety."

The students, led by Ron, took a breath of cold air.

Grindelwald glanced around and nodded:

"I have said everything I want to say, let's go."

The students looked at each other.

"Harry, what should we do?"

Hermione looked at Harry.

Although she has rich theoretical knowledge, she really doesn't have much confidence in actual combat, but Harry has rich practical experience.

He even fought against the mysterious man!

Harry was also somewhat at a loss. The biggest battles he had experienced before were probably the battle in the Department of Mysteries and the resurrection of Voldemort. Both times he fought against wizards, and he never won.

His best magic was the Disarming Charm, but this spell obviously would not be very effective against magical creatures.

At this time, other students had already come in twos and threes.He began to enter the Forbidden Forest. Although he didn't know what to do, he went in first. He saw a familiar figure among them.


Harry was a little surprised. Neville seemed to be in a team with Seamus and Dean, and it seemed that Neville was the leader!

Was that the Neville he was familiar with?

"What's wrong?"

Ron and Hermione looked over and didn't find anything special.

"Nothing... Let's go first and deal with it when we encounter problems."



"Unfamiliar! Immature! No rules!"

A floor-to-ceiling mirror faithfully displayed the scene in the Forbidden Forest on the mirror, and Grindelwald frowned.

Watching a group of young wizards who broke into the territory of the Hippogriffs being chased out, Grindelwald took a deep breath and snapped his fingers to move the scene to another area.

It's so annoying...

"That's exactly why I asked you to teach them."

Adam smiled slightly, but he didn't think it was too unacceptable.

Wizards in peacetime are like this. Even Aurors can't all master the Shield Charm. What can you expect these students to be capable of?

"You don't need to teach each student so carefully. Just arrange the path for them to follow according to their abilities. After all, it's just basic education."

Grindelwald nodded.

Adam's positioning of Hogwarts can be roughly compared to elementary school to high school. The first five years are basic education, and the last two years are not so basic basic education.

When Voldemort is completely solved, that is, when Adam completely controls the British wizarding world, Hogwarts can open up a higher level of advanced education, comparable to universities, graduate students, and even higher.

Anyway, the utilization rate of the castle of Hogwarts is less than 30% now. There are large areas of empty classrooms and dormitories that can be used. If it doesn't work, it can be expanded. The only thing missing is enough teaching staff.

But this is not a difficult problem. As Professor Dumbledore has changed more than 40 different Defense Against the Dark Arts professors, we can see that there are actually many talents in the wizarding world, and junior students do not need such powerful professors. Professor Snape is more than enough to teach doctoral students.

As for the purpose of doing this...

The original wizarding world is a stagnant pool, exuding a stench that has not changed for hundreds of years. What sense of accomplishment can be achieved by ruling such a wizarding world?

Now Muggles are still playing Street Fighter, but in a few decades, Muggles will hold comic exhibitions and game exhibitions. If the wizarding world is still like this, it will be difficult for Adam, the mastermind behind the scenes, not to jump directly to the Muggle camp!

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