Based on this, the documents provided by Eugene are not enough to prove that those magical animals are "beasts" that "cannot overcome their brutal nature".

In fact, they do have the ability to overcome their nature, but they just don't want to do so under the right conditions.

This is the evil from the subjective will of individuals, and it is difficult to extend it to the entire race through objective proof.

Just like those dark creatures that were arrested, the others that were not arrested can be said to be "they are just the bad part of the race, and cannot represent all of them."

"It's a very objective statement, sir, but what I want to do is not to classify them as "beasts."

Eugene's words made the man puzzled.

The Ministry of Magic has only four types of creatures.

Human, beast, spirit, and non-existence.

Kick those creatures out of "humans" and don't classify them as "beasts", ah...

"Mr. Minister, do you want to..."

He couldn't help swallowing:

"Kill them all?"

It's impossible for those magical animals to become "non-existent", so the only possibility left is to kill them all and see if they can become "spirits".

Eugene couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly explained:

"Not so, but to fundamentally change the current rules for the classification of creatures in the Ministry of Magic... Please read the last part of the document on the first topic."

It's impossible for everyone to read every thick stack of documents before the meeting. They all glanced at the outline first and then read the specific details.

As soon as Eugene finished speaking, the sound of turning pages suddenly rang out in the meeting room.

"Nine-grid division?"

A voice sounded, and the owner of the voice frowned subconsciously:

"My God, the Ministry of Magic had been arguing for hundreds of years before the four categories were finally determined. When will the nine categories be resolved?"

"Dividing creatures according to their good and evil positions is a very novel idea. If it succeeds, it is indeed much better than the current classification method."

The current director of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, who is also one of the witches who Adam just pointed out has a crush on Eugene, spoke up, but then she looked at Eugene and shook her head:

"But Mr. Minister, have you ever considered how we can judge each other's good and evil positions? This is back to the unreliable test method used by the Ministry of Magic before."

Doesn't the Ministry of Magic know that the test method is ridiculous and idiotic?

Of course they know!

But the problem is that the issue of biological division has been argued for hundreds of years, and it is not easy to find a method that all parties can reach a preliminary consensus on. Even if it is more ridiculous, it must be done first.

"Don't worry about this, everyone. What we want is the absolutely objective position of good and evil of this species, so I will use some external forces to achieve this goal."

"External objects... Could it be?! Do you want to use truth serum?"

The witch said in surprise.

This idea sounds a bit absurd at first, because truth serum will more or less have a certain negative impact on the user.

However... if Eugene really insists, it is not impossible.

If the Ministry of Magic did this before, the Ministry of Magic would definitely be attacked by everyone. Not to mention the pressure from magical animals, the Ministry of Magic has never considered this, mainly the pressure from the wizards.

After all, there is always a wizard who is full and has nothing to do. He has not protected the rights of his own kind, but thinks about protecting the rights of other species every day.

The Ministry of Magic at least needs to maintain light and justice in name, so there is really no good solution for them. If they take action, they will at least be in the wrong.

But now it is different. A lot of dark creatures follow Voldemort to resist the rule of the Ministry of Magic and disrupt the order of the wizarding world.

With this reason, the Ministry of Magic used truth serum on magical creatures. Although there would certainly be some opposition, at least everyone had their own reasons, and it was not a one-sided fault.

"Veritaserum is indeed an option, but for those who do not want to be negatively affected and are willing to cooperate with the Ministry of Magic in the test, the Ministry of Magic also has other options."

While speaking, Eugene glanced in the direction of Adam, then snapped his fingers, and the assistant waiting beside him brought a golden scale.

"...What is this?"

"An artifact from Egyptian legend, the scale of Anubis. It can take out the heart of the test subject without hurting the test subject. If the test subject does not lie throughout the process, he will be safe, but if he tells a lie during the process..."

Eugene's words halfway through made a sound of swallowing saliva ring in the conference room.

Faced with thisHow many people can remain calm when they have to either say what they really think or what they really think?

"Um, Mr. Minister, is the source of this artifact credible?"

A slightly older director asked while wiping the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.

"The only son of the current Egyptian Minister of Magic, he once studied at Hogwarts for some special reasons and lived in the same dormitory with me."

Eugene explained.

Not everyone knows the peculiarity of the Egyptian Ministry of Magic, but everyone soon understood it after the popularization of those in the know.

This is something that the next Egyptian Minister of Magic has brought out, endorsed by the credibility of a country's Ministry of Magic. Regardless of how credible it is, at least no one can question it at will without evidence.


Seeing everyone fall silent, Eugene smiled slightly:

"So, do you have any questions about this topic?"

Everyone shook their heads in unison.

Putting aside the sense of horror brought by Anubis's scale, the feasibility of Eugene's topic and the effect after success are indeed very high and very good.

First, they looked at the biological classification method of the Nine Grid. The classification of organisms based on the moral values ​​of good and evil may be different between different individuals of the same race, but being able to roughly define them can be of great help.

The second is the test of the moral values ​​of good and evil. Eugene stated in the document that the test results of a large number of individuals of the same race will be divided through a series of questions. The only problem is how to make the testers tell the truth.

The two options given by Eugene for this are simply the most open and aboveboard conspiracy -

First, give a truth serum. In the current situation, it can be said to be in the right place. Those opposing voices can be completely ignored. Everything is for the stability of the wizarding world.

For those who think that "truth serum will cause harm to the body. If it can be done without harming the body, then I will definitely cooperate", Eugene took out the scales of Anubis.

Indeed, this side effect is much more severe than the truth serum, and it is directly fatal.

But aren't you cooperating?

Since you cooperate, why are you afraid that I will use the scales of Anubis?

Especially the sentence written by Eugene on the document, which was a deadly blow:

The Libra of Anubis will be controlled by Eugene alone throughout the process, and Eugene is willing to make a magical oath.

This sentence put an end to the final doubts about Eugene personally, indicating that Eugene had no selfish motives in the process. Those who still opposed it under such circumstances... were the enemies of the Ministry of Magic.

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