After a trip to Egypt, a small gathering with Uther and a meal, Adam returned to England.

Eugene and his friends hadn't found him yet, so he went to Ms. Li and Mr. Reed first.

After Voldemort was completely solved, the family members who were placed in the safe house by Adam came out. Originally, according to Adam's intention, Ms. Li and Mr. Reed simply gave up the business that they had abandoned during this period.

After all, they are not like Adam, who is a pure hands-off shopkeeper. Even the supply is semi-automated by magic. There are still many things to consider if they really want to do business.

However, Ms. Li and Mr. Reed did not agree with Adam's idea. Even if it was not for money, they also wanted to pursue the realization of self-worth, so Adam was left to them.

When Eugene and his friends notified Adam to gather, it was already the third day since Adam returned to England.

"Adam, you are finally here."

"So, it is not surprising that you are going to take action?"

Adam smiled at the fully armed Aurors after arriving.

"There wouldn't be any surprises. If goblins weren't greedy, they wouldn't be goblins."

Eugene shook his head:

"But they probably didn't expect that we would be so decisive in taking action against them, right?"

The goblins' ability to cast spells is not weak. In the past, the so-called "goblin rebellion" was mostly due to heavy casualties between wizards and wizards. The history of magic makes it seem like wizards easily suppressed goblins, but it's just a self-flattering statement.

If it was really that easy to suppress goblins, with wizards' general contempt for all kinds of magical animals, would they still sit back and watch goblins manage the financial industry?

That's why the goblins so confidently rejected the Ministry of Magic's request. They believed that the Ministry of Magic would never go to war with them, especially since the British wizarding world was still in the stage of being severely injured after the war.

"It's a pity that they don't know that the times have changed now."

Adam sighed, and the Dark Staff appeared in his hand:

"Let's go."

After that, Adam took the lead and walked towards Gringotts.

"Mr. Minister, who was Mr. Adam just now?"

The head of the Auror Command couldn't help asking Eugene.

Who is this? What a big tone! If he hadn't seen that he and Mr. Minister were communicating so equally and casually, and Mr. Minister didn't seem angry at all, he would have stood up and stopped him.

"He is the mysterious support I mentioned, my former classmate and roommate, do you remember the weapons we were funded with before?"

Eugene reminded in a low voice.

The head of the Auror Command took a breath of cold air. It turned out to be this person. He still remembered the shock when he first saw the power of those black tubes and green boxes.

The mysterious support is the other party... Is he going to blow up Gringotts directly?

And, Mr. Minister, what kind of gods are in the dormitory you used to live in? In addition to you, there are Mr. Bernard who revised the new law, the future Egyptian Minister of Magic, and this Mr. Adam.

Will the remaining one give them some surprises in the future?

Eugene was unaware of his subordinates' inner complaints and continued to whisper:

"From now on, the battle with the goblins will all be left to Adam. You will be responsible for evacuating the crowd in Diagon Alley and blocking the area near Gringotts."


The head of the Auror Command was shocked again. The battle was left to the other side?

Then what did all these Aurors do there? To cheer them on?

Mr. Adam and Minister Eugene were classmates. Even if he was not weak, how strong could he be? He is not Merlin who can solve the whole Gringotts by himself-


The head of the Auror Command watched Mr. Adam take out a black ball from his pocket, and then the black ball rose into the air and quickly turned into a huge black dragon, kicking the giant dragon statue on the top of Gringotts to the ground...


With a low roar, Xiao Hei flapped his wings lightly, and with a little force on his hands, the entire roof of Gringotts was easily opened like the skull of the prey that Xiao Hei had captured in the past, revealing the goblins who were busy inside.

"What's going on? It's getting dark?"

"Where did the strong wind come from?"

"Why did the sun suddenly get bigger?"

"Wait - where did the black dragon come from?"

"What black dragon?"

"Ah ..."Hu——"

Under the horrified gazes of the fairies, Xiao Hei slowly lowered his head. The air he exhaled did not have any fishy smell because Adam urged him to brush his teeth before and after meals. It was purely due to the high temperature generated by the atomic reactor in his body.

The sparse hair of the fairies all curled up under this heat.

"Back off... Back off! Leave here quickly! Greedy dragon! This is not the place for you!"

A fairy in a well-dressed suit hurried into the hall from the passage, holding a mithril sword and a mithril shield in his hands.

Although his voice and hands were a little trembling, the fairy still raised his sword and pointed it at Xiao Hei:

"The treasure here is ours!"

Xiao Hei tilted his head and looked at the silver toothpick in front of him with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

"Oh? I'm afraid those who deposit their property in Gringotts will not agree with your point of view..."

The door of Gringotts was opened with a "bang", and Adam, wearing a sun and moon magic robe, a wide-brimmed magic hat, and holding a dark stick, slowly stepped into Gringotts.

Not far behind him, the Ministry of Magic was organizing people to evacuate the people in Diagon Alley. The wizard who originally thought that the Ministry of Magic was making a fuss knelt directly after seeing Xiao Hei not far away.

Adam used magic to block the space here to ensure that the goblins in Gringotts could not escape. He could have blocked the aftermath of the battle here as well, and the people in Diagon Alley did not need to be evacuated, but...

"Who are you?!"

The goblin turned around and pointed his sword at Adam, and Xiao Hei's eyes narrowed immediately:


A mouthful of dragon breath mixed with atomic breath and multiple elemental energies was spit out, and the goblin melted into the strong light along with the sword and shield in his hand.

Even though Xiao Hei had controlled the power, the aftermath of the breath still spread out in all directions, instantly shattering the walls of Gringotts, and even turning a section of buildings near Gringotts in Diagon Alley into ruins.

Adam stood quietly at the center of the impact, lowering the brim of his hat with his hand, but couldn't help but curl his lips.

If the Ministry of Magic had directly destroyed Gringotts without causing any damage to the surroundings, how could it reflect the evil of Gringotts "facing the legitimate and reasonable demands of the Ministry of Magic, but chose to resist stubbornly, wanting to plunge the wizarding world, which had just been at peace, into war again"?

Oh my~ I wonder if anyone in Diagon Alley will think it through and be willing to sell the land after this time?

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