"Professor Snape, from now on, Potions will be rewritten because of you."

Adam sighed as he looked at Professor Snape.

With Professor Snape's achievements, it would be unreasonable for the Potions School not to hang a portrait of Professor Snape. I just don't know if anyone will go to worship before the exam in the future... After all, the portrait of a wizard can move and speak.

"If you put even a little more knowledge into your brain, you don't have to put apples in front of my portrait now!"

Oh, I almost forgot that Professor Snape might not be so irritable now.

Adam blinked, as if to deepen his memory of the gentle Professor Snape in front of him.

At this moment, Irene on the side couldn't help but say:

"My father is already the most powerful potion master in the world, and he even won the Order of Merlin, First Class!"


Adam was a little surprised, but then he was relieved. The Order of Merlin is a bit like the Nobel Prize for wizards, and there are no categories. As long as there are certain achievements, it may be awarded.

Of course, there are some who get it not by achievement but by connections or money, but let's think about it another way... Anyway, the Order of Merlin has no categories, so how can it not be considered an alternative achievement if you have such connections and financial resources?

In any case, just like the Nobel Prize has been crooked for so many years but is still famous, although there are many fakes among the winners of the Order of Merlin, it is still a high honor in the eyes of the wizard public.

Adam couldn't help but smile and looked at Professor Snape:

"It seems that we should also give Professor Snape a Merlin First Class Medal?"

Although this was said in a teasing tone, it was also serious. Adam could naturally make a decision on such a small matter as the awarding of the Merlin Medal. Even Professor Snape's real achievements did not require any backdoors.

Professor Snape smiled and shook his head.

"That's not all!"

Erin was very serious, and began to count her father's "losses" on her fingers:

"My father also received a first-class medal when he eliminated Voldemort. He is a great hero! And he is also the headmaster of Hogwarts!"

Adam looked at Professor Snape with even more surprise, and at the same time couldn't help laughing:

"This... I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. It's easy to issue another Order of Merlin. There is no second Voldemort in this world for your father to eliminate, but the headmaster of Hogwarts... It's not impossible."

"Ahem! Professor Reed is joking."

Professor Snape couldn't help but cough with his fist against his mouth.

After all, although Voldemort in this world died at the hands of Professor Dumbledore, Eugene led people to clean up the subsequent Death Eaters, and Adam didn't seem to be among them...

But what exactly did Adam do? If Eugene and his roommates know the most, then Professor Dumbledore and Professor Snape are right behind them.

In the eyes of these "insiders", it is not a big problem to say that Voldemort died at the hands of Adam.

Not to mention that as the headmaster of Hogwarts, Adam's contribution and changes to Hogwarts are completely incomparable to those when Professor Snape was the headmaster. Professor Snape can't even pay for the money Adam burns every day.

If Professor Snape takes office as the headmaster today, Hogwarts' capital chain will be broken tomorrow!

Therefore, what Irene boasted about in front of Adam now made Professor Snape feel embarrassed.

Professor Snape reached out and touched the back of Irene's head, attracting his daughter's puzzled eyes.

Seeing that Professor Snape was embarrassed, Lily quickly put down her hand that was covering her smile and hugged her daughter into her arms to calm her down.

Irene didn't know a lot of things because she was young, but Professor Snape naturally didn't hide anything from Lily about the situation in this world.

Adam did not spoil Professor Snape's performance in front of his daughter. He made some desserts for the mother and daughter to sit aside and taste. Then he turned to Professor Snape and asked:

"A hero who destroyed Voldemort? Professor Snape, this is not like your style. It can even be said that this is not Slytherin."

It did not surprise Adam that Professor Snape could do this. After all, as an absolute core member of the Order of the Phoenix, Professor Snape knew the true whereabouts of all Horcruxes.

But Professor Snape did not need to do this, right?

With his ability, he could just find a place to hide and wait for Voldemort to be killed by Professor Dumbledore. If that didn't work, he could just reveal the news of the Horcruxes to Professor Dumbledore. Why take the risk himself?

Although Professor Snape's personality has changed a bit, Adam does not think that Professor Snape will become a person who is keen on fame. In order to save the witches, he will be killed by the horcruxes.It is even more inconsistent with Professor Snape's character to gamble his life and the lives of his wife and children on the world of teachers.

"About this matter, it was actually an accident."

When Professor Snape talked about this, the smile on his face disappeared, replaced by seriousness and a bit of confusion:

"Because I was with Lily in that world, I didn't join the Death Eaters at all, and I didn't plan to join the Order of the Phoenix, but... Voldemort targeted me."

"Voldemort targeted you?"

Adam frowned:

"Is it because you are a half-blood and your wife is a Muggle? Or because you are a potion master? No, it may be both..."

Think about it, this possibility is actually quite high.

Professor Snape's achievements in potions cannot be exposed all at once, that would be too outrageous, and it must be revealed bit by bit.

Perhaps Professor Snape announced his epoch-making achievements after destroying Voldemort, but before that, his identity must have been a potion master.

Voldemort preached the supremacy of pure blood, which was superior to half-bloods and mudbloods in talent. But the youngest potion master of half-blood standing there was like a slap in his face.

Under such circumstances, it is understandable that Voldemort would target Professor Snape and have the idea of ​​either recruiting him or killing him.

"I had such an idea originally, but Voldemort was hunting us down with the intention of killing us directly. I only saw this once when I was under his command."

A familiar gloom flashed across Professor Snape's face.

Adam knew which time he was talking about.

Indeed, although Voldemort killed people, except when he would directly cast the Killing Curse in battle, in situations like this where he took the initiative to come to the door, he often liked to torture the other party before killing.

This kind of direct approach to the door without saying a word to take the other party's life only happened once to Voldemort, and that was when he went to kill the Potter family.

"So you suspect... in the prophecy Voldemort got in the parallel world, the one who killed him was you?"

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