"This situation is called twin wands, they are doomed to be unable to hurt each other..."

Professor Dumbledore suddenly thought of something when he said this, and he couldn't help but paused, and then he continued naturally:

"Not only that, the spell confrontation between the twin wands will also trigger a strange effect...spell flashback."

"Flashback to the previous spell?"

Grindelwald was stunned, and then he understood:

"So that's it, this kid relied on this to escape... Is it a coincidence?"

Grindelwald suddenly frowned, once is a coincidence, twice is a coincidence... then it can't be a coincidence every time, right?

Compared with other passers-by who don't know the truth, they know more about Adam's abilities and are almost sure that these movies are not that simple, at least they are definitely not some random fictional stories.

Apart from anything else, there is now a pair of Grindelwald and Dumbledore from a parallel time and space in Hogwarts, which is enough for them to imagine these movies.

"On this question, a sentence from our new Divination professor may be able to answer your questions."

Professor Dumbledore said:

"There are no coincidences in this world. Every so-called coincidence is actually inevitable."

"Are there no coincidences in the world?"

Professor Grindelwald pointed his finger at the armrest and continued to watch the movie while thinking.

In the movie, the confrontation between the twin wands has caused a flashback of the spell, and the projections of those killed by Voldemort's wand are ejected from the tip of Voldemort's wand-

They whispered beside Harry to buy him a moment to leave, including Harry's parents and Cedric who had just died.

With the help of those projections, Harry took Cedric's body and the Portkey Trophy back to the last level of the Triwizard Tournament. At the same time, cheers and celebratory music rang in Harry's ears.

"Oh my God--"

Amos Diggory couldn't help but cover his mouth, tears blurring his vision.

Before his vision blurred, he saw himself cheering on the screen, because Cedric appeared with Harry and the trophy.

The performance was so real that it made him feel creepy. It was just like everything he had shown in the previous movies. It was like another self, and he didn't feel any sense of disobedience at all.

At this moment, the joy around him and Harry's sadness formed a great conflict, a dramatic conflict... a conflict that made people feel great sadness.

"Really good, I was still thinking about how he would express the grief of the child's death. This scene is more impactful than simple sadness and crying..."

Professor Grindelwald said halfway, and swallowed it back after seeing Professor Dumbledore staring at the screen in a daze:

"...It's just a movie."

The same statement, but it means different things to people who know different information.

Even if these movies really have a deep meaning, they are not the reality they are in after all.

"I know... I know..."

Professor Dumbledore continued to watch the movie.

Harry, who was in grief, was taken away by Professor Moody. Although he was still immersed in grief and the shock of seeing Voldemort resurrected, Harry was still keenly aware of the flaws in Professor Moody's words.

Then Professor Dumbledore and others broke in, and Professor Moody's identity was revealed - his identity was actually Barty Crouch Jr.!

"Is there no normal person in the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts?"

A wizard couldn't help but sigh.

Professor Dumbledore couldn't help but look in that direction, but after thinking about the several Defense Against the Dark Arts professors from the time Harry entered school to the time he handed over the position of principal to Adam, he retracted his gaze.

This question... is really not easy to answer.

He can only say that the current Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts...

Professor Dumbledore's eyes involuntarily glanced to the side.

... is still competent.


Cedric breathed a sigh of relief. According to the rhythm of the previous movies, after the climax and the execution of the main culprit, it should be the bonus part of the year-end dinner.

He looked at his girlfriend and father who looked unhappy, whispered a few words of comfort, and prepared to leave in a while.

But... Cedric didn't expect that his previous experience began to fail in this movie.

Seeing that there was a scene where Professor Dumbledore gave a eulogy for him in front of the whole school, Cedric was numb.

What is this? Is it his preferential treatment as an acquaintance and friend of Adam?

Luxurious funeral service, all teachers and students of the school attended your funeral, and Professor Dumbledore, the greatest wizard of this century, personally gave you a funeral.'s funeral?

Not really! Really not!

Cedric felt that even if he really died, he would not be able to meet this standard of funeral.

Even if he had already booked a dragon banquet from Adam, there was no need to prepare a rehearsal for him so long in advance, right? Why couldn't he change it to his wedding with Zhang Qiu?

Cedric thought that he was probably the first wizard to see his own funeral alive.

But soon Cedric had no time to think about it. His girlfriend and father who saw this scene completely broke down in tears made Cedric put on a painful mask directly.

How should he comfort his father and girlfriend who were moved to tears by his funeral?

At this moment, Adam, who had watched the show with satisfaction, left the scene.

This movie will inevitably cause greater fluctuations than before, not only because of Cedric's death, but also because this movie tells a lot of pasts that everyone has never known.

Especially the clips of Voldemort's resurrection. When Harry said these words before, the Daily Prophet pointed out that they were lies. Later, after everyone really realized that Voldemort was resurrected, who would pay attention to what Harry said specifically?

For a time, countless newspapers rushed to report the premiere of the movie. However, there were so many parts worth mentioning in the whole movie that many pages of a newspaper reported from different angles and in different forms, but they still couldn't make it clear.

The itchy wizards had to bite their teeth and start scrambling for tickets to see what this particularly sensational movie was about.

Monday was a good day to start working again after a short break. When Harry walked into the Ministry of Magic, he found that the eyes of the people around him were a little bit wrong. It always felt like there was a bit of... pity?

Harry quickly realized where this pity came from and couldn't help but roll his eyes secretly.

Everyone should be more rational. It's really just a movie. Cedric is still alive and well, and he is in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures on the third floor!

At the same time, Harry couldn't help but feel a little sympathy for Cedric, wondering what kind of look he would receive.

Entering the Auror Command Center, Harry thought he could finally breathe a sigh of relief, but he didn't expect Ron to see him and quickly put away the things in his hand:

"Oh! Um... Hey Harry, good morning~"

"... Good morning."

Harry approached Ron suspiciously and saw Ron hiding the things behind him more tightly with an awkward smile:

"What is that?"

"... What is what?"

Ron blinked and tried to deceive, but it was obvious that he didn't have the appearance of his sister. Harry took the things away with a diversion.

"Oh... It's a pity that you don't play Quidditch, brother."

"Ginny has already devoted herself to the Quidditch career, as for me, forget it... Sing the opposite tune?"

Seeing clearly what he had snatched from Ron, Harry frowned.

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