Regardless of the reaction of the mysterious world, Adam is now having afternoon tea with his brothers after a long absence.

Finally, Cologne is back, and everyone else is free.

"Who would have thought that among two Ministers of Magic, a head of a Ministry of Magic department, a business tycoon and a Magizoologist, the busiest one is the Magizoologist?"

Bernard couldn't help but sigh.

"Is there anything difficult to understand? You all have many people working for you, but I'm the only one working alone. Isn't it natural that I'm busier?"

"You chose this yourself, you're the only one working alone~"

Amid Cologne's protest, Bernard took the fruit on the table and took a bite:

"...Why is such a fragrant fruit not sweet at all?"

Bernard was silent for a second, chewed a few more bites in disbelief, then looked at Adam and questioned his life:

"Is this really a fruit? It can't be a vegetable or something?"

Similar situations have happened before, for example, Adam would eat vegetables such as cucumbers and tomatoes as fruits, and sometimes dip them in sauce.

"You should actually ask Cologne about this. This is a local specialty he brought back from South America."

Adam shook his finger to indicate that this thing had nothing to do with him, but he did recognize it:

"This is a melon eggplant, also called ginseng fruit. It is indeed a fruit. It is said to have high nutritional value, but... I haven't eaten it much."

After all, this thing is not bad to eat, but it is not delicious either, and it is very expensive.

"Nutritional value... fruit sellers say so, taking more and comparing less, and always saying that some ingredients are several times more than other fruits. If you believe this, I might as well go buy a cup of elixir from the Dream Cinema."

Bernard shook his head and chose the cherries on the other side that had been pitted by the impurity spell.

"Would you like a cup now?"

Adam snapped his fingers, and five cups of bright red liquid that looked like blood appeared on the table.

"Oh? That's fine, but I'm not really interested in the syrupy drinks without bubbles..."

Bernard took a sip and raised his eyebrows:

"Wow, is this a special edition? It tastes very sweet, like honey water, and a bit like coconut juice... No, it's a little sweeter than that."

Then Bernard frowned and looked at the cherry stem in his hand:

"Strange, I just ate such sweet cherries, why can I still taste the sweetness?"

As we all know, if the things eaten one after another are of the same flavor, then if you eat the heavy taste first, the light taste will be covered by the former taste.

"Is it possible that this glass of water is really sweet, so you can taste the sweet taste now..."

Eugene took a sip and couldn't help but frowned.

This... is not a faint sweetness that is partially covered by the sweetness, but a very obvious light sweetness.

But Eugene was obviously more knowledgeable and quickly remembered something:

"Is it similar to the effect of a sweet dream?"

If it is not sweet in taste, it will not be covered by other flavors.

Bernard, who rarely goes to bars:?


Adam snapped his fingers and smiled and asked everyone to taste it:

"This is the real elixir of life, different from the surroundings of the Dream Cinema."

Everyone smiled knowingly, thinking that this was a small sweet water specially made by Adam for them, not the ordinary goods sold in bulk, but they didn't know that this was indeed an elixir of life... To be precise, it is an elixir of life + elixir of life. Special thanks to Professor Snape for the technical support.

Cologne will have to wait until after the New Year to go out again, so there is no rush to get together. In a blink of an eye, two weeks have passed, and Adam came to the screening room with the excitement of watching a good show.

"From this movie, the water temperature will become hot~"

Adam couldn't hide his smile.

"I hope there won't be any more accidents this time..."

After finding a seat and sitting down, Harry couldn't help but put his hands together and pray.

His time at the Ministry of Magic during this period can be said to be very... nostalgic, and it seemed like he was back in the old days.

Good news: The sense of substitution in this movie is simply full.

Bad news: The sense of substitution is full in reality.

Fortunately, his life has not been affected too much in general, as long as he ignores everyone's attention. On the contrary, Cedric... It is said that he has a lot of peach blossoms recently.

I hope he is okay.jpg

"Think about it, it's just a movie anyway."

Ron patted Harry on the shoulder.

Very good, I hope you can be so relieved after watching the next few movies.

Adam took it backHis eyes continued to scan other screening rooms, and he saw the people he was expecting to react to.

Eh? Strange, why isn't Hermione here?

Did she work overtime today?

Adam shook his head. Everyone has their own lives, and this was just the premiere, so there was nothing he could do about Hermione not coming.

At this moment, the movie had already begun...

Unlike every previous movie, which was cheerful at the beginning, this time, Harry encountered Dementors right at the start.

Fortunately, Harry had already learned the Patronus Charm to deal with Dementors, but using magic in front of Muggles was a violation of the Statute of Secrecy, so Harry received a letter of expulsion from Hogwarts.

"Why did Dementors appear outside? I remember that the Ministry of Magic claimed that all Dementors were in Azkaban!"

A wizard couldn't help but say,

"It's not Harry's fault. Hogwarts can't expel him for this!"

The movie gave everyone a shock right at the start, and Harry's experience obviously caused everyone's dissatisfaction.

Encountering Dementors and having to cast a spell to resist in front of Muggles, is this the responsibility of Harry?

Shouldn't it be the person who caused the Dementors to appear in front of Muggles?

If Harry didn't resist, would he just sit back and watch the Dementors kill or wait for death?

"You also said it was a 'claim', don't forget who the Minister of Magic was at the time - the lying Fudge."

Another wizard couldn't help but roll his eyes and said,

"And the You-Know-Who had been resurrected at that time, don't forget that the Dementors were once under the command of the You-Know-Who."

"The Lying Fudge" was originally a name called out by a very popular gossip magazine, and it was widely sung by people because the entire report was too magical and full of ridicule.

Then a group of wizards appeared and took Harry away, including Professor Moody, who everyone was familiar with and unfamiliar with... After all, the one that everyone was familiar with from the previous movie was a fake, and the real Moody's appearance time was almost negligible.

"Albus, is this really okay?"

Professor McGonagall couldn't help but turn her head to look at Professor Dumbledore.

The Order of the Phoenix is ​​a secret organization, and it is openly displayed to everyone...

"There is nothing wrong with it, Minerva. Now there are no enemies that the Order of the Phoenix needs to deal with. It is not a bad thing to let everyone know what everyone in the Order of the Phoenix has done."

Professor Dumbledore is very open-minded about this. After he knew that the new commemorative card was called "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", he knew that the affairs of the Order of the Phoenix would be made public... As he said, there is nothing wrong with this.

The Order of the Phoenix needs to keep it secret in order to deal with Voldemort. If there is really a new enemy, there will naturally be a new secret organization to fight against the other party...

Although Professor Dumbledore doubts whether such an enemy will appear again.

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