
Adam was choked by his saliva, and he patted his chest desperately and drank a few sips of water before he recovered.

Concerned greetings came from downstairs, and the depressed Ares also cast a concerned look.

"I'm fine! I just choked on the water!"

After shouting downstairs, Adam closed the door and picked up Ares and sat down on the small sofa in the corner:

"Are you sure, Sibi? If you are not sure, don't slander his innocence! Ares is only three years old! He is still a baby!"

Said Adam lowered his head and rubbed Ares's furry head.

"Adam, wake up! Do you remember that he is a snowy owl?"

Sibi shouted speechlessly.

Adam was stunned:

"Oh, yes... It seems to make sense. By the way, how old is the snowy owl when it becomes an adult?"

"I don't know about that."

Sibi lay on the bed and shook his tail.

Looking at Ares, Adam fell into deep thought. If it was really lovesickness, it was not impossible.

Snowy owls are very loyal animals. They are rare birds that live together in a monogamous way. Even when food is very sufficient, polygamy is rare.


"Ares, did you find a girlfriend in the owl shed?"


Ares buried his face under his wings, looking embarrassed.

Adam: ? ? ?


"Don't be shy! Whose girl is it? Did you succeed? Huh?"

Adam's gossip fire burned fiercely, and he kept poking Ares' feathers with his fingers. Ares couldn't stand it anymore and ran back to the cage by himself.

"Don't hide, at least tell me whose owl it is. If I know the other party, I can send a few letters, and you can have a chance to meet~"


Ares was originally facing Adam in the cage, and he turned his head 180 degrees to look at him.

"Of course it's true, tell me who it is... Oh, you can't talk."

Adam was a little embarrassed. They didn't have any photos, and all the owls in Hogwarts were in the owl shed. How could he know everyone?

"But speaking of it, the snowy owl should only be interested in snowy owls, right? There are not many people who have snowy owls in Hogwarts..."

Because of its unique white appearance, the price of snowy owls is very expensive among owls. Adam remembered that he had seen no more than two-digit snowy owls in the owl shed.

He only knew three of them. He hoped that the owner of the one Ares liked was one of these three.

Ares obviously couldn't know who the other party's owner was, so Adam prepared to write a letter to all three people and let Ares send it to try. Unexpectedly, the first letter was successful.

"It's really Hedwig..."

Adam was a little surprised. He chose to buy the snowy owl because of Hedwig's influence. Unexpectedly, the gears of fate turned around and came back.


Ares flapped his wings excitedly, and his mouth made a completely different hissing sound from usual. Adam probably knew what he meant.

After all, Harry's living conditions were there, and how much better could Hedwig be?

"But what can I do? I can't go to Harry and say to him: 'Hey Harry, my owl likes your owl. Anyway, Hedwig will suffer with you. Why don't you bring her to our home?'"

Ares ran back to the cage silently.

Adam spread his hands:

"Why don't you try to find Hedwig and see if she's willing to elope with you? I can still afford to raise an extra owl."

Last night, when Ms. Li asked him how much he spent in school and whether he wanted her to give him more, Adam didn't know how to answer.

His biggest expense this year was the investment in the twins, but he made it back with a Christmas dinner and had a lot of surplus...

Ares moved his head when he heard this and didn't want to pay attention to Adam.

This time Adam really had no choice but to let Ares be alone and be more open-minded. He still had to go to Nicolas Flamel's appointment.

The card in the Clow deck can teleport to any place he has been to, so Adam came to Nicolas Flamel's house alone.

After knocking on the door, Nicolas Flamel came over after a long time and opened the door. He was a little surprised to see that Adam was the only one outside the door:

"Has your grandmother gone home?"

"No... Mr. Flamel, I came alone."

After thinking for a while, Adam still couldn't find a suitable name, so he had to call him that for now.

When Adam spoke, he waved the Dark Staff in his hand, and Nicolas Flamel also noticed this uniquely shaped magic staff, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes......but that's all.

"It seems that our little Adam still has a lot of secrets. Please come in."

Nico Flamel took very small steps and took almost five times as long as Adam to walk to the sofa and sit down.

"Do you know why I asked you to come?"

Nico Flamel looked at Adam and asked with a smile.

Adam shook his head. He really didn't know.

"The Philosopher's Stone has been destroyed."

Even though he already knew this, facing Nico Flamel's words that were no different from "I'm dying", Adam couldn't help but be stunned.

"Yes, I'm dying, so I want to find someone to tell my story. But the people I know are all old people, and the story of an old man should not be attractive to another old man, but fortunately I met you, little Adam."

Nico Flamel smiled:

"Would you like to listen to my story?"

"Of course!"

Nico Flamel said it himself, his own story, how could Adam not be interested?

Under Adam's gaze, Nicolas Flamel slowly spoke:

"Six hundred and sixty-five years ago..."

Nicolas Flamel also told the story before he refined the Philosopher's Stone in detail, but Adam was not impatient. Life in France more than six hundred years ago was also very interesting.

However, that period of life accounted for too small a proportion of Nicolas Flamel's life. Nicolas Flamel soon talked about the Philosopher's Stone:

"When I really refined the Philosopher's Stone, I couldn't believe it, but when I used the Philosopher's Stone to make the first piece of pure gold, the first elixir of life... I finally realized that I really achieved the highest achievement in alchemy."

Then there was a story about the story after refining the Philosopher's Stone. It felt a bit like a cool article, but Nicolas Flamel's story did not continue to be cool.

This is not the world of Fullmetal Alchemist. The Philosopher's Stone did not bring him powerful power, so in the covetousness of everyone, Nicolas Flamel quickly hid with his wife.

Then the story seemed to have reached the part that Nicolas Flamel really wanted to tell:

"I was once extremely proud of my great achievement of refining the Philosopher's Stone. In my 665 years of life, almost half of the time was spent trying to replicate the original success."

"However, after 300 years, I experienced countless failures, and my last hope was shattered. I had to admit that all the honors bestowed on me by the world were just because of an accident - I did not really master the ability to refine the Philosopher's Stone. The Philosopher's Stone was just a wonderful coincidence, nothing more."

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