Time passed by minute by minute, and people all over the world were holding their breath and concentrating on the blue medal in front of them.

The medal was about half the size of a palm, and two wheat ears held up the earth. This earth was overlooked from the North Pole, and after deformation, the global map was placed in a circle, so it was a little different from the common earth pattern.

"This... can it really be used to teleport us?"

When it came to the point, a Muggle still couldn't believe it.

The wizard from the Ministry of Magic who was going to go with him looked at him and didn't say anything. The function of the door key had been explained to them, and it would be useless no matter how many times they were still asking.

In addition to those who still couldn't believe it, there were also some people who were a little dissatisfied with the mysterious hand of the Human Alliance:

"No matter where the meeting is, just give an address, we can go there by plane or boat. Give a magic prop for direct teleportation, are you afraid that we know the location?"

Hearing this, the wizard of the Witch Party guarding the blue medal opened his eyes.

No matter what happens later, all members must be present at the first meeting. In order to prevent someone from doing research on the medal and destroying the portkey, Adam specially sent someone.

The wizard of the Witch Party looked at the man, and smiled as the other party immediately shut up and looked a little wary:

"Except for the portkey, you can't get there whether you take a boat or a plane."

After saying that, without waiting for an answer, the wizard closed his eyes again, refusing to continue communicating with others, and let the puzzled people ask a few questions without speaking.

? ? ?

The Muggles looked at each other, feeling incomprehensible, but the wizard was thoughtful.

There is no way to reach a place except being taken there, but it is not that there is no magic that can do it. Is it the Fidelius Charm?

No matter how they guess now, they will know it soon. When it is less than three minutes before departure, everyone will look at their watches or pocket watches every few seconds.

"There's only one minute left."

It's unknown how the timer was used, but the wizard of the Witch Party opened his eyes on time one minute before departure:

"Finally, I'll remind you that everyone who wants to go to the Human Union headquarters must have registered before, otherwise they will be regarded as invaders and eliminated by the magic circle once they arrive. At the same time, the Human Union reserves the right to pursue the people behind the scenes. Don't say I didn't warn you."

It seemed like just a simple reminder. After saying that, the wizard of the Witch Party didn't wait for everyone to react and commanded:

"Everyone hold hands with each other, and the two people in front put their hands on the door key. Yes, don't let go during the transmission process, otherwise..."

As he said that, the wizard of the Witch Party showed a smile that looked a little creepy:

"I don't know what will happen."

After swallowing their saliva, everyone couldn't help but hold their hands tighter, even holding each other's palms sore, but they still refused to let go.

Who knows if this is true or false?

At this moment, an inexplicable pulling force came from the front, and everyone was pulled down. When they looked up, they found that they had arrived in a white hall.

There was warm white in all directions, which seemed to be marble or some similar material. The pillars supporting the ceiling had complex patterns...

Continue to turn around, everyone found that there were still many teams around, and the hall was surprisingly large, and they couldn't even see the edge.

"Okay, everyone, please be quiet."

A young-looking man clapped his hands, and in an instant, the noisy whispers around disappeared as if the mute button was pressed. This was the quiet card magic set by Adam in advance:

"Each team will line up in a neat row, connected to the teams on your left and right, so that the teleportation corridor can be lined up in two rows. When the team is completed, we will set off."

Normally, anyone who has arranged a team knows how troublesome this kind of thing will be. Even if it is a class, it will take a few minutes or even more than ten minutes to line up for the first time, not to mention so many people, but it is different here.

Jing Pai's magic was always on, so no questions could be asked. Going to the young man would only get a raised eyebrow and a gesture of "please go back and line up."

Everyone was an adult, and those who were chosen were more or less of high quality or had a mission. Seeing this, they knew that they probably couldn't get more information here, so they could only do it.

After about ten minutes of silence, two rows of teams came out in an orderly manner.

The young man then walked to the front of the team and led everyone forward. As they walked forward, many people in the team looked around curiously.

Walking out of the front door of the hall, as soon as they took a step, everyone could hear the sound of clothes rubbing against each other., footsteps, whispers... These sounds that were not taken seriously at first were so touching at this moment.

"Oh, my God, I'm so depressed. The person who set up this place is really domineering, Wilson... huh? What are you doing?"

A wizard looked at his companion curiously, who was looking up at the sky with his mouth wide open, and then looked over with him.

I saw a sky full of stars hanging high in the sky, each bright, as if there was nothing special... Wait, isn't it daytime now? Where did the stars come from?

The wizard's first reaction was that this might not be the kind of enchanted ceiling in some astronomical towers that could simulate the starry sky at that time based on the starry sky last night, but then the wizard keenly noticed that something seemed to be wrong.

Although astronomy class looks ordinary, it is actually a compulsory course that most wizards who have attended school seriously have mastered, especially the moon.

This celestial body closest to the earth has always played an important role in mysticism.

But now, is this celestial body too big...?


The wizard took a breath of cold air.

Even if he didn't know what the atmosphere was, wizards still knew the common sense that things that were closer were bigger and farther away were smaller. They had never seen such a big moon phase when they were watching the stars on the observatory on the mountain. How high were they now?

There was more to shock people after they walked out of the gate. As they walked along, they saw strange plants with some emitting light, strange islands suspended in the air, waterfalls cascading down from the sky, and black mountains with a strong presence in the distance... There were too many shocking things to keep people from seeing them all, and they fell into numbness.

Perhaps it was the effect of the quiet card before. Seeing that the person in the front had no intention of stopping to explain, everyone suppressed their shock temporarily and followed them all the way.

Finally, the team stopped in front of a circular building with a large area.

"Entering from here is the auditorium. There are seating maps in the auditorium and the corresponding aisles. They are written in the official languages ​​of various countries. You can take your seats according to the seating maps."

Everyone was stunned by these words. Many of the people who came here had participated in the United Nations conference. They were obviously not used to the process of starting the meeting right away.

As if he knew what everyone was thinking, the young man smiled slightly:

"After the meeting, if you want to stay here to visit, everyone will have ten days to stay. We will arrange people to prepare by then."

But he thought it would not be useful. After all, this meeting should be so straightforward that it would be beyond many people's expectations.

All I can say is that Adam is still as direct as ever...direct.

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