Although there was an unexpected surprise this time, the US's statement still had a great impact, and Adam only caught such a small fish in the end.

At first glance, almost all of them were small shrimps and fish fry jumping around, and there were only one or two that were worth seeing.

Knowing that it would be difficult to get anything else if he waited any longer, Adam had to close the net:

"So, only these representatives want to apply for permanent members for their respective countries?"

While speaking, Adam waved his hand, and the names of various countries in different languages ​​appeared on the side in gold.

Among them, Japan seemed a little special, because only it was followed by the label of the Japanese Ministry of Magic, which was obviously a special signal for some people.

Seeing that everyone had no objection, Adam continued:

"In this case, these countries will be temporarily listed as candidates, and the Human Union will conduct qualification assessments on these countries in a month."

Qualification assessment?

This novel statement surprised everyone a little, after all, the permanent members of the United Nations are voted... But in this way, it seems that the probability of passing is higher!

After all, there is no fixed standard for voting. It does not mean that you can get a vote if you meet a certain standard, but the assessment is different.

For a moment, some representatives hesitated, wondering if they should sign up and try.

"What is the specific content of the qualification assessment?"

A representative of a country that has already signed up asked happily.

"Of course it is strength."

Adam said as a matter of course:

"If you want to maintain peace, how can you do it without strong enough strength? If you don't have strength, how can anyone be willing to listen to you?"

Hearing this, the representatives of various countries in front were stunned.

Ah, this... is it so real?

But how to test strength? Military strength is difficult to calculate with data.

In this regard, China and Italy are two intuitive examples. There is a considerable difference between their numerical panels and actual combat power on the battlefield.

Thinking so in his heart, the man couldn't help asking this question.

"Of course, it's a military exercise, an almost completely realistic military exercise that simulates confrontation. Don't worry, no one will actually die in this military exercise, and the destroyed buildings will also be repaired by the Human Alliance."

Adam said with a smile.

"Ah? Can we withdraw the registration now?"

Many European and American countries began to back off on the spot.

Here is a little knowledge, that is, why can military exercises have a deterrent effect?

The reason is very simple, because everything in a military exercise is based on a real war, including personnel mobilization, guns and ammunition, and logistical supplies...

From this point of view, it can be said that all military exercises can only be truly defined as military exercises after they are over. If they are stopped halfway through, military exercises can be seamlessly switched to real wars!

For those European and American countries who just want to try their luck, a military parade is fine, but this kind of completely realistic military exercise... forget it.

Who knows if you want to take this opportunity to "accidentally" destroy our army?

At that time, you can only drink three cups of wine at my funeral, who will complain to me?

Adam also let these people go.

These small fish, without bones, only had two taels of meat. Originally, Adam would only be interested in mosquito legs, but now there is a big fish, so it is not worth it to keep staring at these meat.

Of course, the most important thing is that Adam saw that his main target was not shaken by this, otherwise he would have to keep them and beat them up.

For a while, the small fish and shrimp in the net jumped out, leaving only the big fish that Adam was targeting... and mosquito legs.

"A bunch of cowards!"

Under Adam's surprised eyes, Colonel Ka retreated instead of advancing, and directly fired at the representatives of European and American countries. Adam also thoughtfully translated these words word for word with his spiritual ability, which made the representatives blush.

Okay, Libya, right?

Just wait for me--

Before these representatives finished cursing in their hearts, Colonel Ka, after blasting the representatives of the countries that backed out, changed the subject and targeted several other countries that had not signed up at all, and started to blast them again.

Mainly representatives from the United States, France, the Russian bear, and Germany.

Those representatives who were cursing in their hearts swallowed their words in their hearts. The man in front of them probably wouldn't be able to wait for their revenge.

Colonel Ka's bombardment stunned the representatives of the Ministry of Magic of those countries. They asked their companions from the ordinary people's government, asking whose general this was, and who was so brave.?

Their companions were silent for a moment, not knowing how to explain the other party's situation.

Of course, not everyone was silenced by the bombardment,


This was the representative of the bear side, who couldn't help laughing after hearing half of it.

"Ahem, be quiet for a while."

Adam had to interrupt Colonel Ka's spellcasting. Although this scene was very shocking, it took a little too much time after all.

Seeing that Colonel Ka was still unsatisfied and wanted to continue to show his strength, Adam's eyelids twitched fiercely:

"Libya and Japan are the remaining candidates for permanent director positions. We will send a wizard to follow. Within 30 natural days starting from the next midnight of the local time, you can inform the wizard to start the assessment after you are ready."

Adam waved his hand, and two young wizards of the Witch Party came out and nodded to everyone:

"Once the assessment begins, you cannot regret it. Even if you do not actively apply to start the assessment, the assessment will begin at most 30 natural days later, that is, at midnight of the 31st day. Please be sure to be prepared."

Colonel Ka raised his head proudly. As the king of all kings, he could easily wipe out a small assessment by dispatching a few troops.

Out of caution, Minister Sugawara asked one more question:

"Excuse me, what will the specific form of the assessment be? I mean the so-called war confrontation. Who is the other party against us? What is the standard for passing the assessment?"

Modern hot weapon armies have their own methods of dealing with modern hot weapon armies, and wizards have their own methods of dealing with wizards. The mixture of the two... I haven't seen it before, but it is not impossible to make some estimates.

These thirty days should be used for them to prepare.

Similarly, the passing standard of the assessment is also an important information. Although this method of assessing combat power is a bit too real, the slogan of the People's Union is to maintain peace after all.

If the standard is to preserve the target's manpower as much as possible, then they will not be able to pass if they wipe out the enemy.

"In this regard, I can only say that you should be prepared to fight all enemies that may appear in your country."

Adam looked at Minister Sugawara deeply:

"As for the standard, it is of course best to be able to preserve the opponent's manpower, but the standard itself is just to win, and we will not be demanding about this."

"Is that so... Thank you for your answer."

Minister Sugawara nodded.

I understand. A mixed army of modern thermal weapons and wizards can wipe out the enemy completely!

Adam: No, you don’t understand!

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