With the rumbling sound of the motorcycle engine, Adam drifted and put Merlin down:

"It's your turn to be a hero!"


Finally, his feet touched the ground, and Merlin's legs softened and he lay on the ground, spitting out a rainbow.

I mentioned before that they took a straight line from Avalon to Uruk. Along the way, whether it was a small bump or a rift cliff, Adam relied on his own Noble Phantasm to drive straight through.

After such a journey, he himself was fine, but Merlin, who was carried by the back of the neck all the way, could now vaguely see the flowers of Avalon.

The way the two appeared was really shocking. Fujimaru Ritsuka didn't even know how to react for a while, and a string of question marks popped up in his mind.

However, the sudden dark environment quickly turned his attention back to other things. Looking at the tide of chaos in front of him, Fujimaru Ritsuka's eyes gradually became empty-

Being swallowed by this thing, there is no need to think or wonder about anything.

At the critical moment, Merlin took out his wand with trembling hands and slammed it heavily on the ground-

The tide of chaos turned into a sea of ​​flowers, slamming down on the group of people, but only splashing a large piece of broken petals.

"Tsk tsk tsk, isn't this more beautiful than turning into a butterfly?"

Adam reached out and picked up a flower, put it to the tip of his nose and sniffed it.

This move is cool, copied.

"You are really cold and ruthless."

Merlin's legs were still a little weak, and he stood up with the wand, and couldn't help but complain fiercely.

If he didn't recover, he would really sit back and watch without taking action?

"The crown level is here, why should I do anything unnecessary?"

Adam smiled and removed the treasure.

Hearing this, Merlin and Solomon, who was paying attention to this place after discovering the changes in the singularity, did not have any special reactions.

"I've sent the people, and now it's up to you, come on~"

After Adam finished speaking, his figure disappeared from the spot.

Seeing Adam running so decisively, Merlin couldn't help but curse in his heart that he had no conscience.

However, Merlin also knew that the other party would not run far. After all, the other party's goal was here, and it was not what the other party wanted to see Tiamat really lose control.

"That... who are you?"

At this time, Fujimaru Ritsuka couldn't help but speak.

Just when Merlin joined Fujimaru Ritsuka's team, Adam was studying the Noble Phantasms of Ishtar and Ereshkigal as Merlin expected.

Adam looked behind the two and found no clues, so he focused on the things that already had clues.

[Mountain Shock Star Firewood], a mountain-fighting Noble Phantasm that bombards mountains with the concept of Venus as a projectile, its effect and power are only secondary, Adam is interested in the concept of Venus.

[Spiritual Peak Embracing the Underworld Bellows], a mountain-fighting Noble Phantasm that turns the surrounding terrain into the underworld and collapses the mountains through earthquakes and crustal movements. Adam also likes its ability to give the surrounding underworld concepts.

There are not many gods in the entire Mesopotamian pantheon that can extract and endow such a concept. Considering the authority of Ishtar and Ereshkigal...

After searching for a long time in his memory, Adam finally uttered a name:


She is the mother of Ishtar in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Her husband Anu is the head of the Mesopotamian gods. The couple are the personifications of the sky and the earth respectively.

As the personification of the earth, she can indeed be completely differentiated into Ishtar, the god of harvest and fertility, and Ereshkigal, the personification of the underworld land.

No wonder Adam recalled for a long time before remembering the existence of this god. In fact, there are very few records of this god in Mesopotamian mythology.

Because although Anu and Antum are the heads of the gods, they are the heaven and the earth themselves, and are more of a background board for mythology. Even Anu is only cited in solemn places such as the Code of Hammurabi, not to mention Antum.

Between heaven and earth, the god king who actually rules the gods is Enlil, the god of earth, air, storms and war. It was also him who brought down the flood in the Epic of Gilgamesh.

Perhaps Antum is not Enlil's opponent, but for Adam, the former is more valuable. The latter's earth authority lies in the rule of everything on earth, which has no meaning to Adam.

Being able to discover a complete earth concept of a pantheon from two goddesses of average strength, as well as other possible gains besides the bottom line...

"Good people are rewarded~"

Adam enthusiastically began to work on using the status and spiritual base of the two goddesses to reverse the work of Antum.

On the other side, the old man in the mountain once again abandoned the crown spiritual base and attached the concept of "death" to Tiamat. Adam did notI did care, but I just took a quick glance.

He had already learned how to add concepts. As for the concept of death, it was a specialty of this world based on the crown spirit base. It was not real death. Just take a look at it as a reference. Even if you learned it, you couldn't bring it to other worlds.

"Speaking of which, it seems that there is no high-level concept of 'death' in the Type-Moon world."

Adam suddenly discovered a problem.

In the Type-Moon world, everything comes from the root and returns to the root. At the moment of birth, it is accompanied by the "death" destined by the root. The Mystic Eyes of Death see the result destined by the root.

If it is a true concept of "death" that can be shared by all realms, there will be no restrictions such as roots and reincarnation.

If you are labeled with such a concept of "death", you can't be as alive as Tiamat now. That is the end and complete extinction that cannot be changed even if time goes back - of course, this ability to play with mechanisms will eventually fall on the level.

Status is something illusory. Without power, a single status is useless, but at a certain level, status is everything.

"Keep it up."

Adam cheered up and continued to try to reverse the power of Antrum.

Although Tiamat was particularly crazy at first because of Adam's rudeness, she later returned her attention to Fujimaru Ritsuka and his group, and the development of the story gradually returned to the right track.

Gilgamesh summoned the Sword of Separation. The Sword of Separation released by Gilgamesh in the Age of Gods blatantly pierced through the "Anti-Genesis" released by Tiamat, but failed to penetrate Tiamat's spiritual base.

Merlin's pupils shrank when he saw this scene:

"Adam! You've done something wrong, come and put an end to it!"

"Tsk, I actually alarmed Goetia..."

The short stick scientifically known as the whip fell from the sky, smashing Tiamat's head cleanly, and then smashing Tiamat's spiritual foundation and body all the way down, leaving a heavy mark on the already broken land.


Merlin's eyes twitched, another crown-level magic weapon.

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