"...Oh, of course, this shows that you are very popular with students, right? My fans often give me such gifts. Last time, the fondant on the cake could dance..."

When Professor Dumbledore saw Lockhart pick up the knife, he frowned and silently moved his hand to the Elder Wand. However, before he could make a move, Lockhart's knife had already cut it quickly.

It doesn't matter. Control the magic and use the repair to repair it.

Just as Professor Dumbledore was thinking this, the cut fondant suddenly changed slightly:

The group of badger-shaped fondant decorations suddenly turned into green spheres in the twisting, and each one was growing rapidly - Professor Sprout, who was still immersed in shock and sadness, was stunned. Why do these spheres look so familiar, a bit like... Chinese biting cabbage?

The whole process of change was not long. In less than three seconds, the first Chinese biting cabbage had grown to mature size and opened its mouth.

The professors sitting next to Lockhart couldn't help but step back a little, but Lockhart, who was immersed in sharing how delicious the cake his fans gave him, didn't notice this.

In order to make the action of cutting the fondant in the shape of Professor Sprout less deliberate, Lockhart deliberately didn't look at the cake when he moved the knife, so that he could use the excuse of not seeing it to excuse himself, but now he has paid the price for this behavior.


"Ah ... He discovered that the flower cards could turn into Chinese biting cabbage because of greenhouse number 3. Come to think of it, who said that the flowers of magical plants are not flowers? And the flowers of Chinese biting cabbage are actually the mouth with sharp teeth. Adam was even a little curious about how they pollinated, but after thinking about it carefully, he chose to ignore this question.

"I have to tell you with regret that your Professor Lockhart will have to stay in the hospital wing for at least half a month before his nose grows back, so..."

Using the magic wand to pull up the curtains all the way, Professor Snape, who turned around with his cloak at the podium, looked at the students below and pulled the corners of his mouth.

Adam guessed that Professor Snape was probably like him, trying to control himself from laughing.

"Now, throw the garbage on your desk aside and look ahead."

Professor Snape waved his magic wand, and the projection cloth in front of the classroom fell down.

After class, Bernard packed up his notes and picked up his bag and sighed:

"Professor Snape is really amazing. Why doesn't he continue to teach us Defense Against the Dark Arts? I remember Cedric mentioned that Professor Snape always wanted to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor when he was talking about the legend of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

"Probably because Professor Snape's ability in potions is too irreplaceable."

Adam said while sorting out the notes in his shorthand feather pen:

"As for concurrent teaching, it's okay for several professors to take turns teaching like now, but it's too scary for a professor to teach two courses."

Even if two colleges in a grade can take classes together, there are seven grades and four colleges. A professor of a compulsory course originally has fourteen large classes a week, but two courses means twenty-eight large classes. Who can bear this?

"Speaking of which, Adam, you are also amazing. You can make a woooo ..., and repaired Professor Sprout's fondant. Professor Sprout was in a good mood and gave him a large piece of cake.

Professor Dumbledore, who was shown off, didn't expect to see two Fawkes when he returned to the office. After a closer look, he found that one of them was fondant... so he was shown off again.

The old headmaster, who tried to ask for a bite of the fondant version of Fawkes but failed, thought of the delicious cake he had just eaten, and suddenly he felt greedy from the tip of his tongue and hungry from the side of his stomach. He began to calculate how big the fondant of the headmaster and the four deans should be ordered when he asked Adam to order a banquet next time.

It should be okay for him to eat his own fondant at that time, right?

Although many people hope that Lockhart can stay in the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey's professionalism is unquestionable. Lockhart returned to his post in less than half a month.

Adam and the others also had to welcome their first Defense Against the Dark Arts class taught by Lockhart.

"Classmates, I'm glad to see you all--"

Lockhart's brilliant smile was a little bit unbearable when he saw Adam, and his nose and bones felt phantom pain, but he still maintained his smile that won the "Wizard Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award" five times.

"Ahem, let me introduce myself belatedly first. Because of a small accident, I have to trouble my colleagues to take my place to teach a few classes for you... But I believe that you should have a certain understanding of me in these classes, right?"

Lockhart rubbed his hands and looked around, but found that there was no work of his on everyone's desk:

"... I remember that your textbook this year is my work, where is the book?"

The students looked at each other for a while, and then looked at Lockhart:

"Professor Lockhart, you didn't inform us that you were teaching today, so we didn't bring it."


Lockhart's lips moved. This class was his first class after returning, and he really didn't know about it. It took Lockhart a while to find his voice again:

"How did you take classes during this period?"

Would the professors who helped him with his classes use his Defense Against the Dark Arts class to teach their own subjects?

"The professors used projectors and blackboards to teach us the contents of Magical Defense Theory."

The students answered.

"Oh... well, it's not bad, it's also a book of some level, but it's too boring."

Lockhart racked his brains but couldn't remember what the book "Magic Defense Theory" said. The time at Hogwarts was too long ago for him, but it didn't matter, he didn't use that book as a textbook.

"Believe me, everyone will be able to learn knowledge while having fun next."

Lockhart was somewhat glad that he brought his own books. He picked up a book "Breaking Up with the Female Ghost" and looked down with the same smile on his face as on the cover:

"Is there anyone who volunteered to play the female ghost of Wanlun?"

The Hufflepuffs and Slytherins who were waiting for him to start the formal class: "???"

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