The protection measure Adam mentioned is very simple, that is, from all to one.

Merlin had said before that other concepts can be contained through a kind of godhood or authority. This method similar to from one to all can make an existence in a world reach the strongest - for other existences in that world.

Then the reverse is obviously feasible, in a world, all concepts are merged into the concept of magic.

It is difficult to condense the complete concept of the only one in all worlds. It is almost impossible to do this without achieving the only one in all worlds. No one has yet taken this path, but it is not difficult to limit it to one world. Adam has already achieved the only one in this world.

"Conservatively speaking, I can condense the concept of magic in this world within ten years."

With the experience of the Type-Moon world, Adam is obviously much more proficient in collecting information at this world level. This year, he still considers that the details in the later stage may delay the progress.

In ten years, a concept of magic, or godhood, is condensed from nothing.

"Ten years to become a god... this speed is really outrageous."

Having learned from Adam that Adam is equivalent to the god of magic in this world after doing this, Uther couldn't help but be shocked by this efficiency.

It would be great if his subordinates could be so efficient.

"No need for this godhood. I am also the god of magic in this world, and I will be going out later, so this godhood is for..."

Adam looked around, but met five pairs of dodging eyes, which made Adam speechless:

"This is the godhood, a shortcut to becoming a god, don't you want to be tempted?"

"Thank you for the invitation, family members, who understands? The last time I was tempted, I got a construction period of hundreds of years. This time I really can't be tempted at all."

Eugene denounced Adam's behavior of pulling people to work illegally.

"That's right, don't you have to work if you become the god of magic? What? Becoming a god can make you immortal? It's as if we will grow old now!"

Uther also expressed strong condemnation.

"Adam, even if we have a good relationship, you can't just take advantage of us."

Bernard's face was full of pain, but he also knew that this power could not be given to others casually. Finally, he gritted his teeth:

"If it really doesn't work...Cologne is the most idle among us now."


Cologne stared at Bernard in shock, with "rebel" written in his left eye and "disciple" written in his right eye, and then waved his hands at Adam:

"No, no, I really can't do it. If I become the God of Magic, wouldn't the job of the Chairman of the Human Union be..."

"Alas~ The Chairman of the Human Union has the most powerful protective measures in the world. This is a perfect match!"

"This is absolutely reasonable!"

"This is simply a match made in heaven!"

The three people blocked Cologne's retreat with a sentence each.

Although some strange things seemed to have been mixed in, Adam felt that it made sense and patted Cologne on the shoulder:

"You are the one that everyone wants, so it's you!"


Cologne looked petrified, but Adam comforted him immediately:

"Don't worry, this power doesn't actually come with any work, you just need to use it to protect the world. I will leave you a magic, you just need to use this power to maintain it, and you don't need to do anything else."

"Really? You don't need to do anything else?"

"Yes, yes!"

"Then can I quit my job as the chairman of the Human Union and do this exclusively?"



The atmosphere at the table was suddenly much more relaxed after happily confirming the candidate for the future God of Magic.

When Adam collected materials before, he also collected some ingredients, not only cattle and sheep cultivated in modern spiritual lands, but also fantasy beasts and even dragon species from the Age of Gods.

The former has delicate meat and is more suitable for boiling in a soup pot. The thin slices of meat are quickly taken out after being placed in various soup bases until they change color, and then eaten with the favorite dipping sauce.

The latter has a wild taste and is more suitable for being cut into large pieces and roasted. The thick pieces of meat are sprinkled with spices, and the fat in the fat flows freely between the muscle lines, making people unable to resist the temptation.

"Speaking of which, it seems that Adam has only been in school for more than ten years?"

Eugene swallowed the beef that had just been boiled, turned his head to look at Adam, and his eyelids could not help but twitch:

"This is..."

"Charcoal-grilled Hydra, it smells so good, do you want a piece?"

Adam held a large piece of roasted meat and gnawed it. He took a bite, and the gravy dripped into the plate with a sizzling sound - the ceramic plate was corroded with holes in the blink of an eye, and then it continued to recover under the effect of magic.

"Should I say that toxins are ineffective in this field?The magic really expands the possibilities of food. It is recommended to set up a constant one in the Human Union cafeteria. "

"As the chairman of the Human Union, I think this is possible!"

Bernard and Cologne also ate happily.

"Adam, what do these little guys eat?"

Uther waved a skewer of meat in front of several strange animals.

There was no curvature on the whole body of those strange beasts. Looking around, it was almost a starry sky with only outlines. Only a few accessories on the limbs, head, tail and back that seemed to be made of gold helped to outline the details of the outline.

Adam took a look and took the time to raise his head and said:

"They eat meat. You can just put the barbecue in front of them. They will eat it by themselves. "

During the Age of Gods in Ancient Egypt in the Type-Moon world, there was a mythical beast called the Sphinx, which was beyond ordinary fantasy beasts and demon beasts, and was on the same level as dragon species, and the king species was called the Starry Sky Sphinx.

Don't look at these little guys lying on the table now, each of them is small, when they grow up, the size of the Starry Sky Sphinx will become quite large - even larger than the Sphinx statue.

As the representative pet of Ra II in the Type-Moon world and the royal guardian beast of ancient Egypt, Adam gave it to Uther as a souvenir, and it is obvious that both the gift and the recipient are quite satisfied with each other.

"Although, why is only Uther's gift alive?"

Eugene glanced at the Sword of Promise and Victory with a scabbard beside him:

"What's the use of me holding King Arthur's sword? Take it to drive those people out of Buckingham Palace and move in myself? "

"It's not impossible, but this is for you to use for self-defense. In a sense, this sword can also be used as a magic wand."

When he beat the twenty-seventh ancestor, he used the Sword of Promised Victory and the Angel of Death to cast a spell. Both the mysterious elements and the conductivity of magic power are quite excellent... It's just a little bigger and heavier.

"Then what is mine...?"

Bernard pointed to the metal gloves beside him.

The Sphinx and the Sword of Promised Victory are fine, but why is his obviously a modern craft?

"That's Tesla's treasure, for you to use electric shock."


"Azkaban is now a warm and sunny place. When has anyone been electrocuted? Don't talk nonsense!"

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