Harry and the others knew that although Vicie had feared that those people would hurt her, she was more distressed because she was involved with other people.

They choked up.

"Anyway, those people have nothing to do with you, they're all crazy, how could you have researched a vampire potion in the second grade?

Come to think of it, you're just an ordinary student......"

Harry was excitedly comforting Visey when he was suddenly interrupted by a voice.

"Potter, I think you've always been like this, you always think your sister is not as good as others, what's wrong with her second grade?

Why can't she come up with a potion? Do you think everyone else is stupid, and only people like you can shine?"

It's Malfoy.

He had a disgusted smile on his lips, and looking at Harry's expression, it was like he was a bedbug.

"The famous Harry Potter always thinks that he is the center of the world!"

Malfoy continued mockingly.

"My brother never thought so!"

Visey pretended to be angry.

Malfoy snorted.

"What do you know? You just know how to get in front of others!"

He was furious.

At this time, Ron and Ginny both came over.

They were holding a pile of books in their hands, and they looked 22 heavy.

"Oh, it's you, what are you doing here? You must be surprised to see Harry and Vesey here, right?"

Ron said scoffingly.

He thinks Malfoy is jealous.

He's such a person.

But Malfoy was not to be outdone.

He also said mockingly: "I didn't expect you to be here, look at the books in your hands, it's not cheap, is it? Think of your poor parents, they may be eating air this month!"

He scoffed.

Ron blushed.

He's going to beat Malfoy up.

But Vesy was a step ahead of him.

She went up and lifted Malfoy up, then punched him hard.

"Have you eaten feces in your mouth? Every time you speak, your mouth stinks?"

She clenched her fists and looked at Malfoy.

Ron and Harry were stunned.

I never thought that Vesie would actually fight.

Or is it that Vesie used to use a wand, and now he can beat Malfoy directly without a wand?

But this was not the time to think about it, and they saw Malfoy struggling violently.

Afraid that he would hurt Vesie, they immediately rushed forward together.

They grabbed Malfoy by the collar and rolled on the ground as they fought.

"Ron, Harry, Vesie...... Oh my God, get up, don't hurt you......"

Mr. Weasley was startled.

Especially when he saw that Vicie was also beating Malfoy, he was even more afraid that she would be bullied by Malfoy.


Lucius Malfoy suddenly grabbed Mr. Weasley.

His face was full of sneer.

I probably thought that Mr. Weasley was so worried that Harry had beaten them, so he was very happy.

Mr. Weasley nodded coldly.

Lucius didn't seem to care about his coldness.

He looked at Mr. Weasley and said, "I heard that my brother is busy with official business, so he led a team to search...... How much oil and water did they give you?"

He said with a sneer.

Then he reached into Ginny's cauldron and pulled out a tattered second-hand book from it.

He flipped through it, then looked at Mr. Weasley and said mockingly, "It doesn't seem to be any good at all, I really don't know what's the use of being a scum among wizards?"

Mr. Weasley's face flushed.

"We have a different opinion on who is the scum of the wizarding world!"

Mr. Weasley said angrily.

Lucius curled the corners of his mouth.

His eyes fell on the Grangers.

"Hah, Muggles, I didn't expect that! I thought your family was a bunch of ......."

Ginny's cauldron overturned.

Buckled to Lucius' head.

Mr. Weasley and Lucius got into a fight.

They crashed into the shelves, and dozens of books fell down.

Mrs. Weasley screamed. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ginny also let out a cry.

"Daddy, hit him on the head!"

"Pinch his arm!"

Fred and George egged on the sidelines.

"Gentlemen, all right, don't fight......"

The clerk at the Blotted bookstore shouted loudly.

But no one paid attention to it at all.

It wasn't until the sound of footsteps came that it alerted Vicsi, who was beating Malfoy.

She jumped up at once, and then came to Lucius and Mr. Weasley.

"Don't fight ......"

She said that, as if embarrassed, pulled Lucius and Mr. Weasley away with her hands.

Ding, +10 energy points

Ding, +10 energy points

Ding, +10 energy points


Barely speaking, Vessy's power had already shocked many people.

Especially Lucius and Mr. Weasley, the two of them were still tearing up, and suddenly they were lifted up and separated.

"Mr. Lucius, if you fight again, I may have to send you to the Ministry of Magic, and you don't want people to know, the patriarch of the Malfoy family, because of the fight, to mediate the dispute, right?"

Wei Xi said solemnly.

Lucius finally stopped.

Vesy put them on the ground and watched them warily.

"Stop fighting, there are so many people today, it's causing trouble for other clerks!"

She sighed and helped the clerk put all the scattered books on the shelves.

Lucius held back his anger and stuffed Ginny's textbook, which he had been holding in his hand, directly into Ginny's hand.

"Take it, this might be the best thing your waste daddy can give you!"

Mr. Weasley was furious.

He was about to fight Lucius again when Hagrid inserted him between them.

Lucius took the opportunity to run away.

Hagrid helped Mr. Weasley smooth his robes and nearly lifted him up with 700.

"You shouldn't pay attention to him, this guy is terrible, everyone knows that the Malfoys are not good things, their words are not worth listening to at all, okay, so be it!"

He grabbed Vicsy, who was still helping the clerk, and dragged her and Mr. Weasley outside.

The clerk hesitated to leave them claimed, but looked at Hagrid's strength and held back.

Vesey pretended to be embarrassed and wanted to go back and help.

But it was directly pushed away by everyone.

"It's nothing, you can't use your wand right now, so leave it alone!"

Fred shoved Vesey and shoved her out of here.

"Bad ...... for kids"

Mrs. Weasley said huffingly.

George looked at her with a grin.

"Oh, Mom, it was Vicie who started the fight first, you didn't even see how powerful Vicie was, when she hit Malfoy, she slapped him in the face......"

George didn't dare to speak.

Because Mrs. Weasley's eyes were too fierce to glare at him.

After glaring at George, Mrs. Weasley looked at Vessy, who grabbed Vicie worriedly, looked around her body, and found that she was not injured, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"Poor Visey, Malfoy must have said something unpleasant.

But he should fight, but Vesie, you still let Ron and Fred fight, you're still young!

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