At noon, Harry and the others returned to the castle from Hagrid to prepare for dinner.

As soon as he entered the castle gates, he ran into Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall had two notes in her hand, and when she saw Harry and Ron, she shoved them into their hands.

"You haven't forgotten that you still have a confinement, have you?"

Harry and Ron nodded hurriedly.

Because they came to school in a speeding car, Professor McGonagall gave each of them a confinement.

Professor McGonagall looked at Ron coldly.

"To-night, you go and help Mr. Filch wipe the silverware in the prize showroom, no magic, all your hands wipe!"

Ron gasped.

He knew that Filch hated the students the most, so it was basic for them to wipe their hands.

The punishment that Filch favored the most was actually to hang them up and whip them.

Fight until you die.

Then Mr. Filch will be pleased.

So Ron's confinement is for Filch to deal with, which is simply a sheep's mouth.

"Potter, you're going to help Professor Lockhart write a reply to the fans!"

Professor McGonagall looked at Harry again.

Harry was stunned.

He hurriedly said: "Professor, I can go and clean all the toilets in the school, I'd rather brush them by hand, really!"

He can't accept anything but eating and drinking urine, as long as he doesn't use 24 to be with Lockhart.

But this is clearly not a no-go.

Professor McGonagall rejected him.

"This is confinement, Mr. Potter, how can you be bargained, not to mention that Professor Lockhart has sent you through, and he probably trusts you!"

The corners of Harry's mouth twitched.

Lockhart trusts him?

Lockhart, that's to show off to him!

He couldn't figure out how Dumbledore had hired Lockhart to come to school.

After spending a week together, Harry thought he had seen Lockhart's true colors.

He's a complete straw bale!

Although he didn't know what Lockhart's books were about, based on his experience with Lockhart, Lockhart couldn't do the things written in the books at all.

Maybe he made up those things?

It's just that even one of his students knew that Lockhart had a problem, but Dumbledore hired Lockhart anyway, which was strange.

Of course, it was useless for Harry to say these oddities, especially if he said them in front of Professor McGonagall, he would probably only get points deducted.

Because Professor McGonagall doesn't like them to belittle any professor casually.

"It's eight o'clock today, and you two must be in place!"

Professor McGonagall said sternly.

Then her gaze turned to Vesie.

She gently rubbed Vicsy's hair.

"Go, good boy, you must be hungry, eat more for lunch!"

Vicie nodded obediently, and she left smiling, completely unfazed by Harry's anger.

But Harry, they weren't jealous.

This is normal.

After all, both of them are not in a good mood right now.

I can't say who is more desperate, Harry or Ron.

Ron complains about Filch's cruelty, and Harry complains about Lockhart's brain-dead.

They both want to swap things out with each other.

But unfortunately, as time passed, they walked out of the common room in despair.

As for Vessy, of course she is comfortable staying in her private room, watching TV and movies, and enjoying this wonderful alone time.

And what surprised her even more was that she dug up new features of the system.

The system can be connected to the network of her previous world, and even spend 1,000 energy points to exchange for a game console, which is expensive, 100 energy points per hour.

But even so, Wei Xi was so excited that he didn't sleep this night.

She was sleepy the next day, yawning all the time.

Of course, the reason why he didn't sleep at night, Vicie naturally gave it to Harry.

Indicates that she had nightmares all night long, always dreaming of Harry having an accident.

This touched Harry, who did hear the strange noise.

He told everyone what happened in the evening.

Ron and Hermione looked at him in shock.

"Could it be that you've been under too much pressure lately?"

"Maybe I didn't sleep well?"

The two of them thought that since Lockhart hadn't heard, maybe there really wasn't, maybe Harry had hallucinated.

But Vesey believed Harry firmly on this.

Knowing the original plot, she certainly knew that Harry was right. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

With a pensive expression on her face, she said:

"Could it be that Professor Lockhart is lying to you? because that voice is terrifying.

Brother, you also said it, and that voice said kill, tear ...... Maybe Professor Lockhart was worried that his brother was scared, so he deliberately pretended not to hear, but in fact, he is now chasing the truth?"

Harry, they twitched the corners of their mouths.

When they first heard Vesey say that Lockhart was a liar, they almost jumped for joy.

After all, Vesey was able to know that Lockhart was deceiving, which was already an improvement.

But after hearing Vessy's words, they shook their heads helplessly.

Well, something that Vesie would have come up with.


Vessie's thoughts were a little too outrageous.

How could Lockhart possibly go after the truth?

Based on Lockhart's current performance, Harry really felt that his achievements were fake.

Such a guy will go after the truth?

"Brother, you don't believe it, do you?

Professor Lockhart is so powerful, he has written so many books, he must be very powerful, so it is normal for him not to talk about it for the sake of his students.

Of course, if I were to tell Headmaster Dumbledore by now, that thing might be killing in the school, I'm scared......"

Ding, +10 energy points

Ding, +10303 energy points

Ding, +10 energy points

Visie, who had harvested the energy points, closed his mouth in satisfaction.

But Harry, they didn't find it weird.

They knew that Vesie had been ashamed of the vampire wizard attacks that had injured the students and parents.

Now that she learned that there was another thing to hurt the students, it was impossible for her not to worry.

Harry knew she wanted to tell Dumbledore about it.

But he wasn't quite sure that if he told Dumbledore about this kind of thing, Dumbledore wouldn't believe it.

Maybe Dumbledore would think he was too busy.

Maybe he was really like Ron and Hermione said, he was too stressed and had auditory hallucinations.

Anyway, Harry didn't believe in himself very much.

He hesitated to tell Vesy what he thought.

But Vesey had apparently guessed it.

Although her face was a little disappointed, she understood more.

She smiled and said, "I understand my brother, if it were me, I might not be too embarrassed to say it......"

Seeing Harry's surprised expressions, Vesey said shyly:

"I don't think I'm a very good kid either, and I'm always worried that things that are unfounded will cause trouble for the principal, and I'm afraid that everyone will think I'm a liar...... Brother, I don't want to be scolded by everyone for lying!"

Ding, +10 energy points

Ding, +10 energy points

Ding, +10 energy points.

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