The two of them were very happy.

Soon after Andy met Krum, he heard about the Christmas ball in Professor Flitwick's spell class.

Professor Flitwick asked them to review the definition of the Happy Spell and practice it on their partners.

After obtaining Professor Flitwick's consent, Andy cast a Happy Spell on him.

"Hahahaha! Great spell, Andy, five points for Ravenclaw! Christmas is coming soon! Classmates!" Professor Flitwick couldn't stop laughing and said, "I believe you already know that we will hold a Christmas ball!"

The students in the classroom became visibly excited.

"Students above the fourth grade are allowed to invite a dance partner."

"You don't need to worry about this, haha! Because you are all in the fifth grade, it's really exciting."

"Of course, you can also choose to invite students from lower grades, which is the only way for them to attend the dance."

"Andy! As a warrior, you will be the one who opens the dance, so you must invite a dance partner to arrive on time!"

After Professor Flitwick finished speaking, all the girls in the classroom turned to look at Andy, their eyes lit up.

Andy showed super strength in the first game, and his image was outstanding. Now he has to dance the opening dance.

It would be great if I could be his dance partner, and I could be the focus of everyone's attention.

Marietta coughed, squeezed out an extremely weird smile, and prepared to step forward and take the initiative to invite Andy.

"Isn't your target Krum?" Seeing her stand up, a girl next to her was surprised.

Marietta smiled and said, "If both warriors are willing to invite me as a dance partner, then wouldn't it be..."

"Oh, that's easy." Before Marietta could act, Andy, who was sitting on the other side, turned his head and looked at Qiu Zhang next to him after hearing what Professor Flitwick said, and extended his hand to invite, "Will you be my dance partner?"

"Huh?" Qiu Zhang was a little surprised, "You actually invited me so decisively?"

The students in the entire classroom were also shocked by Andy's courage, and Marietta was petrified.

"Who else is there besides you?" Andy thought for a while and said, "Fleur and I just stood there and chatted briefly, nothing."

Qiu Zhang looked into Andy's eyes, smiling, and said softly, "I know, I've never worried about this."

After that, she changed the subject.

"But I don't know how to dance..."

Andy: "What does it matter, I don't know how to dance either."

"Okay then."

Qiu Zhang smiled and took Andy's hand generously.

Professor Flitwick was the first to applaud, and shouted with a ruddy face: "That's it! Andy! Men should take the initiative!"


The other boys in the classroom were encouraged by Andy, and looked at the female classmates next to them with great interest, inviting them to be their dance partners.

Some succeeded, some failed.

Only Marietta looked at Andy who had already invited Qiu Zhang in anger, and loudly rejected another boy who came forward to invite her: "Only warriors can be my dance partner!!!"


The news of the Christmas ball quickly spread throughout the castle.

The atmosphere in the castle suddenly became weird.

Girls often walked together in groups, whispering to the boys passing by, and teasing each other in low voices.

Most boys tried to pretend to be indifferent and walked by with their heads held high.

The smell of hormones began to spread without scruples.

In the eyes of some boys, female classmates who were usually not noticed suddenly became very cute, and their every move unconsciously attracted the attention of others.

That's what adolescence is like.

The ignorant heartbeat will unconsciously occupy your heart.

Those who usually attract much attention suddenly become extremely popular.

For example, Cedric.

Although he did not become a champion of Hogwarts, a handsome and good student would be very popular everywhere.

In Hufflepuff alone, he received invitations from five girls of different grades in one day, as well as two love letters.

Cedric had to reject these invitations one by one.

The girls in Hogwarts are quite proactive.

Krum was even worse. After the news spread, he hid on the ship of Durmstrang and did not come out.

Because no matter where he went, a group of fans would gather to pester him, even in the library.

They pestered Krum.

They asked Krum about everything, and they all wanted Krum to invite them as dance partners, even if Krum chased them away, they couldn't be driven away.

In this regard, Andy could only say that it was difficult to comment.

There was no such thing as premature love in Hogwarts. Young couples who were secretly meeting in the corridors and the grove beside the Black Lake could often be caught.

The arrival of the Christmas ball made them even more unscrupulous.


Harry heard about the Christmas ball from Ron and Hermione who came to visit him several days later.

He was seriously injured in the first event and had been lying in the school hospital for a while. He was not allowed to leave the bed until today.

After he was almost killed by the Chinese fireball, Ron and his relationship were restored.

Originally Ron was jealous of Harry and thought that he had secretly signed up, but now he firmly believed that someone wanted to take the opportunity to kill Harry.

Even if he had a hundred guts, he would not dare to jump around on a flying broom in front of the dragon.

"What? Warriors have to dance the opening dance?!" Harry was surprised.

Ron patted his shoulder: "Yes, you have to invite a dance partner for yourself."

Harry's face turned pale.

"What's wrong? Although I also feel terrible, you don't have to do this, right?"

"It's not because of this." Harry said, "I have to leave the hospital quickly, I hope I can catch up."

"Why?" Ron said, "Madam Pomfrey said you'd better lie down for two more days."

Hermione suddenly asked: "Harry, who do you want to invite?"

Harry and Ron looked at Hermione in surprise, and Harry asked: "How do you know?"

Hermione rolled her eyes at them: "Come on, I'm a girl too, of course I know these thoughts."

Ron subconsciously chuckled, and then he realized that Hermione was serious, and his expression looked a little embarrassed.

At this time, a noisy sound came from the entrance of the school hospital, with some female screams.

Harry and others looked at the door.

Hermione frowned and said, "I suddenly have a bad feeling about this voice. Why is it exactly the same as that group of Krum's fans?"

"When I was reading in the library recently, he often brought his group of fans around."

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