Boom! ! !

"Kahn, get up and eat breakfast!"

"Well~, come right away!"

Kahn opened his eyes with some difficulty, had he slept for three hours?

Children don’t get enough sleep, but they don’t grow tall. If I knew it, I’d smoke it once a day. Maybe it’s easier to get good products, alas!

Breakfast is still prepared by Yale and Crane, toasted bread with cheese, and a fruit oatmeal, ham, and yogurt. Speaking of breakfast, it seems that toast is the main food most of the time, supplemented by other gadgets , Mouth is going to fade out the bird smell!

After hastily eating breakfast, Kahn was still yawning and preparing to go to the study room, as if he was going to learn a new spell today.

He took out the coconut milk that was drawn in the lottery yesterday, unscrewed the cap of the bottle and took a sip.


This tastes good!

I have never tasted coconut milk in my previous life, but I have never tasted such a delicious one. It is smoother than ordinary coconut milk, with a stronger milk fragrance and a very light sweet smell. Secondary processed coconut milk, but a natural coconut milk.

But how can there be any natural coconut milk, coconut milk can really be produced on the tree, don't talk about it.

And after taking this sip, I am really refreshed, and the dizziness caused by lack of sleep is gone. Is it really just one bottle of refreshing, two bottles of never tired, three bottles of immortality?


Why not?

This bottle is also a little less, so let the baby drink this amount!

Take a closer look, Coconut Milk Coconut Milk is produced in Tivat!

Sure enough, coconut milk still has to look for you, Wang Xiaomei, Qiqi really didn't wrong you, there really are coconut sheep, and coconut sheep really produce coconut milk!

Hmm, the magic power actually increased?

I didn't expect coconut milk to have this effect. It is indeed an old brand for thousands of years. The coconut milk produced by the half-immortal beast coconut sheep is awesome.

It's a pity that I didn't give the coconut sheep, otherwise I would have to smoke the pot and sell the iron and lose all the family property!


"Kahn, what are you thinking!"

Looking at Kahn, who was in a daze and didn't know what to think, Rozier was a little puzzled, something was wrong since the morning.

I used to get up on time every day, and I would come here to practice magic seriously after breakfast, but what is going on now?

"I was wondering what spells I should learn today, Grandma Rozier!"

After being reminded by Rozier, Kahn came back to his senses, my coconut sheep, coconut sheep!

"Kahn, tell me what you think, is there any magic you want to learn?"

"As far as possible, it is a magic that improves the strength."

Time is running out, just over a month, it will be too late if you don't learn two unique skills, Rozier is also in a hurry!

As for the Crushing Curse and the Petrification Curse, which can also be called offensive magic?

It's just a kid's plaything.

Hearing that you can choose the magic you want to learn, Kahn didn't hesitate at the moment: "Grandma Rozier, I want to learn the Fiercefire Curse!"

This is a magic that Kahn has been thinking about. Apart from those ancient magics, Kahn feels that Fiercefire is the best.

It was simply sticking to death, and it took Nicole Flamel and dozens of wizards and Aurors to use the spell of death to resist it. The power can be imagined.

Hearing what Kahn said, Rozier, Charles and the others behind him hesitated a bit. This Fierce Fire Curse is more dangerous than the Killing Curse. If the fire curse is not well controlled, it will cost your life.

"Kahn, the Fiendfyre Curse is dangerous. We can teach you, but you can't use the Fiendfyre Curse until you have mastered it."

After thinking for a long time, Rozier and others agreed, thinking that the leader was so coquettish with the Fierce Fire Curse, and Kahn is worthy of the blood of the Grindelwald family. He wanted to be an arsonist when he just learned magic, and he has a bright future!

Kahn immediately nodded excitedly: "I've read the introduction to the Fiendfyre Curse in the book, and I won't use it until I fully master it."

As long as you can learn it, Kahn really didn’t find a way to learn the Fiercefire Curse in the library of the old castle. I don’t know if the library is too big to find it, or it was hidden by Rozier and others, but the Fiercefire Curse is indeed dangerous. .

But Kahn has absolute confidence in himself, a 10-point black magic talent is no joke, and a mere Fiendfyre Curse is still in hand!

I think that my old man must have filled up the Fierce Fire Curse in one hand, and then added other magics, which turned into the frightening gas stove magic. It is estimated that he is the only one who learned the Fierce Fire Curse in the entire magic world. At this point, being able to retract and release freely is simply a playful game. If my little Grindelwald doesn't learn both hands, is he worthy of others?

"You don't need spells when you learn Fiendfyre, but you have to remember the specific magic route."

"The most important thing is to raise the emotion of destroying everything in the heart, release the desire for destruction in the heart, and transform it into a substantial flame. This is the Fierce Fire Curse."

"The threshold for learning the Fiendfyre Curse is not high, but it is extremely dangerous. It will burn everything nearby. During this process, the Fiendfyre Curse will continue to expand until there is no more combustible objects around..."

After Rozier handed Kahn an ancient parchment scroll, he began to describe the precautions for the Dieblaze Curse.

Kahn interrupted Rozier before he finished speaking: "Grandma Rozier, I have learned!"

Kahn feels that the threshold is really not high!

You can learn it at a glance, anyway, I feel that I can use it.

"That's it?"

Rozier felt a little unbelievable, it's only been a few minutes!

Although it is not difficult to learn the Fiendfyre Curse, it is not that simple. Two hours may not be enough for someone else to learn the Fiendfyre Curse. Your Fiendfyre Curse is simpler than that?

"Well, Grandma Rozier, I want to go out and try!"

"Come with me!"

There was no way, Rozier could only take Kahn to the outside of the castle, it must not be tried inside, this spell is a bit too dangerous.

Arriving in a forest outside the castle, Kahn followed the magic route on the parchment and began to condense the emotions of destruction and destruction into flames.

This step is really not a big problem for the useless young people who have been severely beaten by society and poisoned by the Internet in their previous lives. A palpitating crimson flame floated out from the top of the wand, and quickly expanded. The forest on the side was ignited.

Seeing this, Rozier and others were so excited that they couldn't help themselves, and immediately reminded: "Kahn, try to control it."

This talent is definitely no less than that of the leader. It seems that the revival of the Wuzi Party is really hopeful.

Kahn is also trying his best to control it, but it is really difficult. Fiendfire forms a fire phoenix uncontrollably. Kahn can only use his magic wand to barely guide the path of the fire phoenix.

However, with the continuous expansion of Fiendflame, all kinds of monsters and ghosts appeared. Phoenixes, giant dragons, crows, and giant horses. When there were more monsters composed of Fiendfire, Kahn's already difficult operation became even more difficult.

Seeing that it was about to get out of control and sweep in all directions, Kahn didn't care about face: "Grandma Rozier, I can't control it anymore."

At that moment, Rozier and the others didn't hesitate any longer, and the four of them directly apparated to the surroundings of Fiendfire, waved their magic wands, and a crimson magic barrier formed an encircling circle, besieging Fiendfire in the middle until it was completely wiped out.

Seeing this scene, Kahn breathed a sigh of relief. This almost set fire to the mountain, and it was still the kind of fire that could not be extinguished.

Rozier and the others were also a little surprised, the first time they released Fiendfyre they could control it to such an extent, what did they and others learn back then!

[ps: Although Grindelwald's gas stove didn't say what kind of magic it is, it should be the improved Fiercefire Curse. In Harry Potter, only the Fiercefire Curse can reach that level. It will be incinerated to ashes when it touches it. But it can’t be done. Nicole Flamel said that Paris can be destroyed, and the characteristics of infinite expansion as long as there are still things burning are also in line. 】

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