In the end, Kahn decided to take a look. After all, you can't watch George and Fred give away their heads!

In Kahn's own words, of course he is not sure about hammering the three-headed dog to death. This thing's magic resistance is ridiculously high, and its power is still strong. Ordinary magic spells have no effect at all, even if Kahn's current killing spell is cast on it. It doesn't work, but if Kahn wants to leave, there is no problem at all.

Following George and Fred, Kahn soon came to the right side of the fourth floor, and after a while of groping, George quickly found the locked door.

"Looks like it's here, Alahho Cave is open!"

When Fred picked up the wand, it was an unlocking spell, and there was no lock at Hogwarts that he was afraid to open.

Kahn's eyelids only twitched, and he still reminded: "Wait, go in slowly, be careful."

Snape's car overturned here, and a leg was bitten off. These two don't have the pig's foot halo protection, so I'm afraid they'll just disappear.

Fred spread his hands: "Kahn, are you so cautious?"

After speaking, he walked in first, followed closely by George beside him. Kahn had no choice but to go in together. These two are really reckless. Speaking of which, why don't you jump on Voldemort's face if you are so cheating!

After I walked in, I took two steps and found a big three-headed dog. It was really hard to find this guy in a black suit with only a little moonlight. He was at least four meters tall and had a strong and strong body. Sleeping, the three dog heads are still wearing harps. It can be said that this narrow aisle completely limits its performance, but this dog is a bit ugly, not very like a hell three-headed dog, but this dog head has a little bit of Cathrow. smell.

Fred exclaimed a little: "This is Lu Wei, I didn't expect it to be here."

Now Kahn is not calm: "You know it?"

"I know it, but it doesn't know me!"

Fred's legs were already trembling a little because the dog had raised its head, having harassed Hagrid many times, and the two brothers who had run into the Forbidden Wood had certainly seen the big guy, but the three-headed dog didn't take their pride.

George pulled Kahn's magic cannon cuff and backed away, whispering, "Kahn, slow down, let's not disturb it."

But just for a short while, Lu Wei got up completely and rushed over. It was so powerful that Kahn didn't have time to think about Dumbledore and Hagrid. Did he give it an order not to hurt the little wizard?

Immediately, he pulled out his wand and hit the "repelling curse", which accurately hit the three-headed dog's chest.

The powerful force did make the three-headed dog's forward posture stop, but that's all. You must know that the repelling spell released by Kahn with all his strength can completely smash down a normal wall,

"Torn apart!"

"Total petrification!"

Seizing the opportunity, he used two more spells, but it still had no effect, it just made Lu Wei's hair messy.

But this seemed to anger Lu Wei, the three huge dog heads roared fiercely, and the stench spread over the face, and the paw, which was bigger than the whole head, slammed at the three of Kahn.

Sure enough, Lu Wei was just pretending just now, and now he really started to make a move.

"There are many obstacles!"

After using the Obstacle Charm, Kahn turned his head and shouted, "George, Fred, retreat first."


The Obstacle Curse lasted no more than two seconds before it shattered, but this also bought time for the three of them.

George and Fred had already gone out, and Kahn had already arrived at the door, but Kahn still wanted to try. With a light wave of his wand in his hand, a dark red blood blade came quietly, directly cutting towards Lu Wei's dog paw.

All of a sudden, the dog's hair flew across, and Lu Wei's dog's paw could see a trace of fine blood beads, but Lu Wei became even more angry, opened his bloody mouth, and bit Kahn fiercely.

Kahn didn't choose to be hard steel with this guy, and took two steps back directly to the door. With a loud "boom", Lu Wei's head came into close contact with the wall, but Lu Wei still refused to give up at this moment.

Kahn didn't force it, and when he changed hands, a wave of "fear" was thrown on Lu Wei's forehead. Unexpectedly, it really worked.

Lu Wei, who was hit by the dark red crow, retreated and disappeared in front of Kahn's eyes.

In Lu Wei's eyes, Kahn jumped up and became a ten-meter-tall titan, hanging Lu Wei from a tree, holding a sharp knife in his hand and was peeling and deboning, with a boiling cauldron beside him.

This scene is really what Lu Wei was afraid of all day long when he was a puppy. At that time, it was a baby who was just born with a thin body. After being bought by Hagrid, it had a mother deer. Unfortunately, after completing the task, the mother deer was killed by Hagrid. In front of Lu Wei, he was slaughtered and made into smoked venison, which also led Xiao Lu Wei to think that Hagrid raised himself just to eat.

And Kahn also breathed a sigh of relief. Although Lu Wei is powerful, he is still a dog after all. His willpower is still far inferior to that of humans, let alone those who are good at Occlumency.

Fred lowered his head, with a frustrated expression: "Sorry, it was all my fault just now, I don't..."

Kahn waved his hand and interrupted Fred: "It's nothing, aren't we friends?"

The three-headed dog is really not covered, the "Night Cut" has only a little bit of skin, and the accompanying forbidden magic has no effect, because this thing is fighting with the body, but "fear" is effective, which Kahn did not expect.

"Kahn, what were those two hands you just had, so cool."

Although George was a little scared, he was not so depressed. As Kahn said, they were friends.

"Family magic, one is an improved cutting curse, and the other is a fear curse. I don't know what this big dog saw!"

Of course Kahn can't tell the truth, but it's true to say that, isn't Yecut just a more powerful cutting curse, plus a short-term effect of banning magic.

"We actually have some family traditions, but they don't seem to be as powerful as you, but they are still very useful for our development of joke products."

George was quite interested at first, but since it is family magic, it is generally not leaked, for example, there are some inheritances from ancestors in his own family.

It is not uncommon for pure-blood families to have their own inheritance. For example, Snape invented Shenfeng Wuying. If he is not a loner, this will be left to his descendants. Besides, many of his potion skills are from his mother's family. left.

The twenty-eight pure-blood families are families that have been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years. Home has been selected!

"By the way, I need your help with something."

When he was about to leave, Kahn suddenly realized that he still had a lot of broomsticks in his hand. It was really difficult for him to deal with these broomsticks. Help those dark wizards in the city deal with it!

Kahn didn't want to do such a shameful thing yet.

George was a little curious: "What is it?"

"Just a bunch of broomsticks."

Fred was shocked: "A bunch?"

Whose broomsticks are described as piles!

But looking at the broomsticks that Kahn took out, George and Fred were excited. They are both members of the Quidditch team and they are quite fond of broomsticks.

"Is this the dream of the moon?"

George couldn't put it down when he touched one of the broomsticks. This is an early model of flying broomsticks, and it has long been discontinued.

"Sweep a star, Comet 140!"

Fred also held two flying broomsticks and couldn't put it down. Their family used the sweeping series, but it wasn't the earliest one star. The one star was something more than sixty years ago. At that time, there were not many brooms produced. Many broomstick enthusiasts want to collect one.

"Kahn, are you sure you want to sell?"

George's voice trembled a little, which is invaluable in the eyes of broomstick lovers!

"Of course, we'll split the money in half."

"No problem, we will sell you the right price."

Touching the Moon Dream flying broom in his hand, George couldn't put it down. Such a good thing has to be sold, but it's a pity that he has no money!

"If you have time, help me purchase some large beakers, test tubes, and special needles for dragon's blood."

This thing Kahn has no way, ordinary stores obviously don't sell these, it's better to give it to the twin brothers, they are not familiar with Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade Village.

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