After stirring, the big bubbles turned into fish-eye bubbles, the turbid blue gradually became clear, and the impurities gathered in the middle little by little.

The potion in the crucible turned into a clear light blue, and the impurities suddenly flew up at this moment, forming pure pink smoke at the mouth of the crucible.

"It looks so good!" Hannah's face flushed with excitement, and she couldn't wait to grab the porcupine quills and throw them into the crucible.

Vizet quickly reminded, "Hannah, add the porcupine quills after the fire is removed."

"I almost forgot!" Hannah said gratefully, and quickly picked up the rag and lifted the crucible, adding the porcupine quills.

The porcupine quills slowly melted in the residual heat, turning into stars, dotted in the potion.

Snape came over again, picked up a spoon and scooped out the boil treatment potion to check, "Is this your first time making a potion? You've never learned it before?"

Vizet asked back, "Helping Mr. Lovegood squeeze gold root to make tea, does this count?"

"Making tea with gold root?" Snape's hands trembled, and he looked at Vizet very seriously, "Don't be influenced by those ridiculous theories, can you do it?"

Vizet was a little confused, "Are you talking about Mr. Lovegood? I think what he said to Luna makes sense."

"You have some talent!" Snape didn't answer, his voice was dry.

He changed the subject and continued, "Since you have finished the potion, why don't you look at the classmates around you? Do you want to make yourself stand out from the crowd?"

Vizet still answered calmly, "Okay, Professor Snape."

Hannah followed him, and the two of them walked around the classroom like Snape.

If Snape brought fear to the students, then Vizet brought hope.

With the help of the Magic Eye, Vizette helped improve the potion making process by observing the completeness of the material symbols.

Not long after, all the students helped by Vizette successfully completed the potion.

In the eyes of the students, the originally hot crucible now looked more pleasing to the eye.

Even the rising pink smoke was as festive as the fireworks of celebration.

Chapter 33 The Charm of Magic History

When the bell rang, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief and leaned towards Vizette, wanting to say something.

"Do you want to stay here to clean the classroom?" Snape said slowly with his eyelids drooping in a cold voice.

Everyone was like a frightened bird, quickly packed up their textbooks, and rushed out of the classroom.

Snape said suddenly: "Vizette, you stay to clean up."

Michael and others showed a "good luck" expression, waving their hands and leaving the classroom.

Hannah said weakly, her face flushed, "Can I stay with you?"

"Heh!" Snape sneered and did not give a direct response.

Vizet waved his hand, "There's not much to clean up, I can do it alone."

"If it weren't for you, I would definitely not be able to finish the potion." Hannah didn't explain too much, rolled up her sleeves and began to wipe the table.

"Thank you!" Vizet thanked softly, picked up the broom and dustpan in the corner, and swept away the snake tooth fragments and dry nettles on the ground.


The sound of the stone pounding against the snake teeth echoed in the classroom, and Snape handled the materials as if no one was around, preparing to brew the boil treatment potion.

The cleaning work was completed quickly, and Vizet stood in front of the podium, carefully observing Snape's medicine making process.

Snape's movements were very steady, without any unnecessary movements, but after ten times of crushing, all the snake teeth turned into extremely fine powder.

When dealing with the slug, he did not use tweezers, but pinched the slug with his fingers and put it into the steamer.

The whole process of brewing the potion was smooth, and Snape, who was skilled and bold, used high heat to shorten the brewing time of the potion.

In just ten minutes, the extremely pure pink smoke bloomed like a flower, announcing that the pot of potion was completed.

Snape looked up at Vizet and asked in a cold tone: "What did you see?"

Vizet thought for a moment, and Langsheng said: "Familiarity with potion materials! Whether you handle snake teeth or dry nettles, it is just right and precise."

"The same is true for steaming slugs. You knead the slugs with your hands to judge the quality of the materials, so you can get the best quality slugs without opening the lid."

"Before adding porcupine quills, you use a scraper to scrape off the impurities on the surface of the porcupine quills, so that the potion is flawless. This is the most beneficial point for me."

"Yes, it seems that you are not stupid." Snape said softly, and it is impossible to tell whether he is happy, angry, sad, or happy. "Talent can raise the upper limit, but potion science is not a simple subject."

"Experience is as important as talent. Being able to judge the quality of materials with experience can help you go further on the road of potion... Ravenclaw adds five points, you can go back."

Hannah showed an incredible expression and even covered her mouth.

"Thank you, Professor Snape. We'll leave first." Vizet looked at Snape, and he seemed to see a hint of appreciation in Snape's eyes.

But this appreciation was fleeting, and he thought he might have seen it wrong.


Arriving at the door of the auditorium, Hannah was still a little dizzy, "This is the first time I know that Professor Snape would say so much, and he also gave you five points! Five points!"

"Isn't it?" Vizet asked, "I remember Qiu Zhang told me that every professor has the power to add or deduct points."

"Professor Snape is different..." Hannah glanced back before lowering her voice and explaining, "Professor Snape will only add points to Slytherin and deduct points for the other three houses."

"Is that so?" Weizet said with a slight smile, "It seems that I am quite lucky."

After a morning of potions class, Vizette gained a lot of goodwill among the new students in Hufflepuff.

When passing by the Hufflepuff table, the new students would still smile at him.

Madam Pomfrey's medical advice was indeed effective. After a midday meditation, he appeared in the History of Magic classroom full of energy.

This classroom is located on the second floor of the castle. The layout of the classroom is orderly, with good ventilation and good lighting.

In the afternoon, bright sunlight shines into the classroom, nourishing a peaceful and warm feeling.

As the only ghost professor at Hogwarts, Professor Binns' way of entering the classroom is particularly special.

Just hearing the class bell ringing, Professor Binns came through the wall and floated to the podium.

"It's time, let's start class!"

He did not take roll call, and without even looking at the students in front of the stage, he started teaching in a dull, toneless voice.

"There was a period of stability and prosperity between wizards and Muggles...Wizards lived in Muggle villages, exchanging potions and healing magic for daily necessities..."

"The demon Emeric rose in southern England and implemented a reign of terror there... The emergence of this dark wizard was the trigger for the Muggles to carry out the 'witch hunt'..."

"The relationship between wizards and Muggles broke down, and wizards began to stay away from Muggle villages...Although Muggles cannot deal with adult wizards, they can attack young wizard children..."

The bright, warm sunshine and the drawling voice are perfect for catching up on sleep.

Around Weizet, the roommates who were planning to take notes seriously could not bear the voice of Professor Binns and dozed off like chickens pecking at rice.

Unknowingly, there were only two sounds left in the entire classroom—the sound of Professor Binns teaching and the rustling sound of Wizette taking notes.

The book "History of Magic" is really too thick. Even if Weizet copied the entire book, it would still be difficult to memorize all the contents.

When Professor Binns was teaching, he did not follow the text and would concisely summarize the content, which benefited Weizet a lot.

It's a pity that these contents are hidden in the drawl. It takes the patience of a gold digger to find the shining golden words.

Professor Binns continued to teach, "Some wizards gradually go to extremes because their children were killed, and they killed Muggles as a means of revenge..."

"The emergence of these dark wizards has intensified Muggles' fear of wizards, and the 'witch hunt' has intensified, leading to the brutal murder of more wizard children..."

"Wizards have developed methods specifically for Muggles, such as Muggle-repelling spells and Muggle-proof doorknobs. The emergence of these methods has further reduced the communication between wizards and Muggles..."

It is said that by using history as a mirror, we can know the ups and downs.

Through Professor Binns's teaching, Weizet understood step by step why wizards isolate themselves to form a "magic world."

Wizards are beings who are born with the ability to perform magic, and their way of thinking is very different from Muggles.

For wizards, when they encounter trouble in life, they will immediately use magic to solve the problem. This is also the reason why Muggle-repelling curses and Muggle-proof doorknobs appear.

However, this is the same goal. Muggles have created various tools for production, and wizards have invented various magics to deal with troubles.

Thinking of this, Weizet realized the charm of the history of magic more and more.

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, the roommates woke up one after another and wiped the traces of saliva from their mouths in unison.

Terry rubbed his eyes and asked in a confused voice: "Ah... Vizette, why do you look so energetic?"

"I'm taking notes." Wiese said, "History of Magic class is so interesting!"

Michael opened his mouth, patted his face and said, "Maybe this is the real Ravenclaw... Even the history of magic class can be so diligent!"

Weizet smiled noncommittally and turned his gaze to the scenery outside the window.

He suddenly felt that it was not difficult to write a letter, and there were so many interesting things to say.

Chapter 34 Luna and Xin

Lovegood House, Ottery St. Catchpole Village, Devon.

On a bright morning, the pink-blue curtains swayed gently with the breeze.

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