Chapter 152: Professor Quirrell’s Death!!

“What do you say, there are wizards fighting in the Forbidden Forest?”

After hearing the horsemen’s explanation, Hagrid and Harry who was hiding behind him were taken aback.

“Yes, you saw the fire that rushed into the sky, it was a powerful fire spell cast by a wizard, the fire was too fierce, we didn’t dare to approach.”

Ferencze pointed to the side of the dense forest and said that there was indeed a fire and smoke, illuminating the Forbidden Forest at night.

“Oh my God, that’s amazing!”

Hagrid was dumbfounded and muttered.

Harry, Hermione, Ron and Neville also looked at each other, they didn’t expect to encounter such a dangerous thing just by patrolling the Forbidden Forest.

“Hagrid, we need your help, the fire can’t burn like this anymore, otherwise the entire Forbidden Forest will not be saved, and now the only one who can stop all this is Dumbledore.”

“Hagrid, you go and inform Dumbledore and the professors at Hogwarts that you must stop all this as soon as possible.”

Ferencze said with a worried face, they can observe the sky at night, and tonight’s stars show a great evil.

The Forbidden Forest has always been the residence of their horse people, and once the Forbidden Forest is destroyed, they must move to other places to live, but there are not many places suitable for them.

“I’ll stay here to help, Harry, you guys go back to the castle and tell Dumbledore and the professors about all this and let them come as soon as possible.”

Hagrid said.

“Okay, let’s go right away.”

Harry also knew the seriousness of the matter, and immediately turned around and returned along the road, and even trotted all the way, and the hounds followed them.

“Ferencze, do you know the identity of those dark wizards? Last week I found a dead unicorn in the Forbidden Forest, and that must have been done by those dark wizards, and those damn dark wizards should have put them in Azkaban. ”

Hagrid said angrily.

“No, we don’t know the identity of those wizards, but they are powerful and able to hunt unicorns and cast such a huge fire, which is very terrifying.”

Ferencze shook his head and said.

“Damn wizard!”

Bane and Ronan on the side were a little angry, they had always regarded the Forbidden Forest as the territory of their horsemen, but now there were wizards in the Forbidden Forest to wreak havoc.

At the same time, deep in the dense forest.


Voldemort roared, and the wand in his hand kept waving, controlling the huge fiery basilisk.

Although that powerful fire basilisk is powerful, it is facing a phoenix and a unicorn, both of which are not weaker than its existence.

Toby and Jamie also kept waving their wands, controlling the Flame Phoenix and the Fire Qilin, constantly attacking the Fire Basilisk.

The flame phoenix flew in the air, swooping down from time to time, grabbing a handful on the body of the powerful fire basilisk, and the fierce fire unicorn also rampage on the ground, hitting the powerful fire basilisk backwards.

“Damn it!”

Voldemort felt that the magic power in Professor Quirrell’s body was being consumed sharply, and if he hadn’t just absorbed some unicorn blood and replenished some of his strength, I am afraid that he would not have been able to hold on until now.

But in this level of battle, the magic power in Professor Quirrell’s body is simply not enough for him to consume, and the blame can only be blamed on Professor Quirrell being too weak.

As the battle continues, Professor Quirrell’s body becomes weaker and weaker, and Voldemort is constantly absorbing his life force in order to control this battle.

“Lord……… Master, I……… Let’s run away! ”

Professor Quirrell said weakly, feeling like he was dying.

“Waste! It’s all to blame that you are too weak, and the magic in your body can’t support this battle at all. ”

Voldemort was very unwilling and felt quite humiliated, even when he faced Dumbledore, he did not run away, but now he had to run away in order to save his life.

But Voldemort also knows very well that he now has to escape, otherwise Professor Quirrell will definitely die, and once Professor Quirrell dies, he will continue to turn into a remnant soul and return to the forest of Albania.


Voldemort cast a phantom transfiguration and quickly left.

“I want to escape! Not so easy! ”


Toby and Jamie also cast the phantom transfiguration at the same time and chased up, the phantom transfiguration is not untraceable, as long as they catch up at the first time, it is still possible to catch each other.

On the other side, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville finally ran out of the Forbidden Forest, because they ran too fast and too violently, and they all looked breathless.

But they didn’t dare to rest now, something so big happened in the Forbidden Forest, they had to inform Dumbledore and the Hogwarts professors immediately.

“Quick……… Quick………”

Hermione gasped as if she was about to break her breath in the next moment, but she persisted, trotting all the way towards Hogwarts Castle.

On the other hand, Harry, Ron and Neville, not only could not keep up with Hermione, but ran almost collapsed, where they had such intense sports, even Quidditch training, they were all sitting on brooms.

Finally, Hermione ran into the castle and happened to meet Filch and his Lady Loris.

“Why, you guys came back so soon, what is Hagrid doing, how can you get you back so soon, this is not a confinement at all.”

Filch saw Hermione and said dissatisfied.

“Also, why are you alone, and the others should not be eaten by the monsters in the Forbidden Forest!”

Filch gave a sinister smile.

“I… Looking for……… Professor McGonagall……… Hermione gasped. ”

“Professor McGonagall! At this time, she has already slept, do you want to find her or tomorrow, now you also give me back to the bedroom, and let me see that you violate the school rules, I will definitely not let you go easily. ”

Filch said.

“Forbidden……… Something happened in the Forbidden Forest! ”

Hermione shouted with all her strength, and she ignored Filch and ran towards the second floor of the castle.

“Something happened in the Forbidden Forest?!”

Filch was a little surprised, looking at Hermione’s figure leaving quickly, he didn’t catch up, but walked outside the castle and looked in the direction of the Forbidden Forest, and found that there was a fire in the Forbidden Forest.

“Oh my God!”

Filch was stunned.

“Professor McGonagall! Professor McGonagall! Professor McGonagall!……”

Hermione came to Professor McGonagall’s office door, knocked on the door, and shouted.

Finally, the door to the office was opened, and Professor McGonagall stood in the doorway in her pajamas, and her face suddenly sank when she saw Hermione.

“Miss Granger…”

Professor McGonagall was about to say something when Hermione interrupted her.

“Professor McGonagall, something has happened in the Forbidden Forest!”

After saying this, Hermione seemed to be unable to hold on any longer and fainted.

“Forbidden Forest! Oh my God, Miss Granger! ”

Professor McGonagall immediately picked up the unconscious Hermione, helped her to the office, and then walked to the window and looked in the direction of the Forbidden Forest.

“Merlin’s beard, there’s a fire in the Forbidden Forest!”

Professor McGonagall was shocked to see the scene of the fire in the Forbidden Forest, and immediately asked her patronus to go to the headmaster’s room to inform Dumbledore.

Deep in the Forbidden Forest, Voldemort manipulated Professor Quirrell’s body, shifting his phantoms several times in a row, trying to escape Toby and Jamie’s pursuit.

However, Toby and Jamie chased so closely that he had no chance to escape, and even his magic was almost consumed.

“Professor Quirrell, it’s time to send you on your way!”

Finally, Toby and Jamie force Voldemort in front of a boulder.


Voldemort just wanted to say something, but Toby and Jamie were no longer going to listen to his nonsense.

“Black Crossbow Arrow!”

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