Chapter 179 For the Greater Good!!

The news of Gellert Grindelwald’s escape from prison was brought back to the Australian Ministry of Magic by the Aurors, and the entire Ministry of Magic was in panic.

Even young wizards may not have experienced that era, but they have heard their ancestors say that it was the most terrifying dark wizard in history.

Now that this terrifying dark wizard has broken free from his cage, what will he bring to the entire wizarding world?

The Minister of Magic of Australia and some high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Magic have been invited to the Eagle Country to see the award ceremony of Sir Merlin’s Order, and they are not here now, so naturally they do not know the news.

However, the members of the Australian Ministry of Magic still took urgent action, they had to inform not only the Minister of Magic, but also the ministries of magic of various countries, that Grindelwald’s escape from prison was no small matter.

At the same time, Jamie took Grindelwald into the territory of Country D, and the two came to a mountain peak for the unfinished showdown.

“Here, there should be no one to disturb us.”

Jamie said.

“Boy, you chose here, if you die in the next duel, no one will collect your body.”

Grindelwald said lightly.

“That’s okay, we humans, whether it’s Muggles or wizards, we were born in heaven and earth, grew up in heaven and earth, and of course we will return to heaven and earth after death, if I die, let my body become the nourishment of nature!”

Jamie opened his hands as if he wanted to embrace heaven and earth.

“You are really just a first-year wizard, and it is incredible to have such an understanding at your age.”

Grindelwald couldn’t help but say that Jamie gave him the feeling of not like a teenager, but a philosopher who experienced life.

“I just read more books and know more, so I can’t help but feel this way.”

“Human beings, the more they know, the more troubles they have, on the contrary, ignorant people may not have such troubles and be able to live happily ever after.”

Jamie sighed.

“Huh! At a young age, don’t talk about so many big principles in life, you are not an old man like me, and life is about to come to an end. ”

Grindelwald laughed, his fingertips waved, and a long magic whip glowing with electric light swung towards Jamie.

Jamie flashed to the side, waved his right hand, and an invisible shield blocked in front of him.

“Mr. Grindelwald, sneak attacks are impolite, don’t there be a specific set of etiquette for duels between wizards?”

Jamie chuckled.

“That’s for ordinary wizards, since people call me the Dark Lord, naturally they don’t need to follow those rules.”

Grindelwald said that he began to constantly swing the magic whip, which flashed with a dazzling electric light, and if he was hit, he would definitely be seriously injured.

“Hahahaha, Mr. Grindelwald, you are very right, for the Dark Lord, there is no need to follow the rules at all, because we ourselves are the rule-makers, I say the law, I do it, and all the rules in the world will be made by us.”

Jamie laughed, and a look of arrogance unfolded.

Even Grindelwald was a little frightened, thinking that when he was young, he was not so arrogant, and he was really stronger from generation to generation.

“Dark Tornado!”

Jamie shouted, his hands waved, and two dark tornado storms instantly appeared, sweeping towards Grindelwald.

Although it was already night at this time, the bright moon in the sky was bright, and under the soft moonlight, you could still see the surprise on Grindelwald’s face.

The violent storm swept violently, and the stones, branches, grass and trees on the top of the mountain were all swept in, and the torn clothes on Grindelwald’s body were almost torn, and his nose and mouth seemed to be blown crooked.

Grindelwald was shocked in his heart, what kind of magic is this? It is so powerful.


In the face of the coming tornado storm, Grindelwald did not dare to resist, and the phantom shifted away in an instant.

In the next second, Grindelwald’s figure appeared behind Jamie, and a flash of fire shot out from the tip of his finger, hitting Jamie.

Jamie’s back seemed to have a pair of eyes, he quickly turned around, and the tips of his fingers also shot a red light, which was the Drill Heart Charm.


Two strands of magic collide in the air, creating an explosion.

For wizards of the level of Grindelwald and Jamie, they have long thought that they can cast spells silently without wands, that is, they do not need a wand and do not need to chant spells, and they can instantly cast spells.

However, wands do allow wizards to perform magic better, so wizards will prepare a wand as a weapon.

Silent wand casting, may not be as good as using a wand to cast spells, but the victory is in surprise, and wands are only foreign objects after all, without wands, you cannot cast magic, which is extremely dangerous for wizards.

The wizard’s body may be stronger than that of Muggles, but after all, it is only flesh and blood.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!……”

Grindelwald’s fingertips continued to shoot out one spell after another, as did Jamie on the other side, and between the waves of his hands, one after another spells burst out instantly.

Above the top of the mountain, the sound of explosions continued to sound, and the surrounding rocks and trees were affected, and they were shattered by powerful magical explosions.

Although Grindelwald is old and frail and has no magic wand in his hand, he is experienced and has experienced many battles.

Jamie’s actual combat experience may not be as good as Grindelwald’s, but his body is flexible, and the magic in his body is also very strong, and he can cope with Grindelwald’s attack with ease.

Any magic is useless as long as it is not hit, so dodging magic is the first lesson in actual combat.

“Divine Blade Without a Shadow!”

Jamie struck out with an invisible blade.

A crisis flashed in Grindelwald’s heart, and he quickly rolled to the side, but the invisible blade still cut off half of his sleeve.

Taking advantage of this time, Jamie casually swung out a red light and shot it towards Grindelwald.


Grindelwald’s body was hit by that spell, flew out upside down, and slammed into a large tree behind him.

The violent impact made Grindelwald couldn’t help but spit out a small mouthful of blood, it seemed that several bones were broken, and all internal organs were displaced.

“Mr. Grindelwald, you lost!”

Jamie’s figure came to Grindelwald.

“It seems that decades of self-imprisonment have weakened your magic a lot, and now it seems that the gap between you and Professor Dumbledore is getting bigger and bigger.”

As the first generation of the Dark Lord, Grindelwald’s strength is indeed very strong, and he can be sure that Grindelwald definitely has a lot of powerful magic at the bottom of the box that has not been cast.

But so what, losing is losing, and between life and death, the enemy will not give you time to cast those magics.

“Yes, my magic has indeed declined, my body is not as flexible as before, and I am still old after all.”

Grindelwald seems a little lonely, the aging of the body, the decline of magic is one of the factors of his failure, but in fact, he is still careless after all.

“Heal as before!”

Grindelwald cast a healing spell on himself, and under the healing spell, his injuries began to gradually recover.

“Mr. Grindelwald, according to the agreement, henceforth you should do what I command.”

“But just in case, I still need to make an unbreakable vow with you, as a former Dark Lord, you shouldn’t regret it, right?”

Jamie said.

“Oh? What if I repent? ”

Grindelwald said, squinting at Jamie.

“Then, I can only take your life, Mr. Grindelwald, you are too terrible, if you can’t use it for me, then you can only kill it in advance.”

“Although I don’t want to kill too much, I have to do something for the greater good.”

Jamie said lightly.

“For the greater good!”

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