Chapter 399 Opening a shop in Diagon Alley!!

Diagon Alley is the most prosperous commercial street in the wizarding world of the Eagle Country, and the land here can be said to be inches of gold, and it is quite remarkable to have a shop in the commercial street of Diagon Alley.

“What do you think of this place?”

Toby and Jamie were standing in front of a shop in Diagon Alley, which was not well located, almost to the edge of Diagon Alley.

This shop is a legacy left to him by Toby’s cheap parents, and although the location is not very good, it is in the bustling Diagon Alley, and even if it is rented out, it can earn a lot of income every year.

Many of the shops in Diagon Alley can be said to be ancestral, such as the Ollivander Wand Shop, which has a very long history, and the good location has been occupied by those historic shops.

“The location is not good, but it doesn’t matter, the most important thing in the store is the goods and publicity, as long as the things are good, plus the publicity can keep up, even in the corner, it can still be popular.”

Jamie said.

“Let’s go, go inside and take a look.”

Toby uses the key to open the door of the store, and is greeted by a puff of dust, after all, this store Toby has never rented out, and no one lives inside.


“Clean up!”

Toby covered his mouth and nose with his hand and waved his wand in his hand.

Needless to say, the effectiveness of cleaning magic is naturally that cleaning a room does not take much effort at all, it is almost instantaneous.

The whole shop 710 was empty, except for some debris piled up in the corner, there was nothing else.

The shop is divided into two floors, the lower floor can be used as a shop, the upper floor can also be used to live people, the area is not small, if designed as a coffin room, can live dozens of people.

“This shop is quite good, the lower floor can be used as a store, and the upper room can be used for the employees of the store.”

Jamie nodded and said.

“But you still have to plan, you deal with the upper layer, I will deal with the lower layer, just use the transfiguration technique to add spells, it doesn’t take any effort.”

Toby said that wizards are so convenient.

The upper floor of the shop has four rooms, each room can accommodate two people, but the bathroom has only one, which is shared.

Jamie first used some debris to use transfiguration to turn into beds, cabinets, tables, chairs, etc., and although the transfiguration became something that would not be permanently deformed, it could be permanently deformed as long as a permanent solidification spell was added.

But with a few efforts, Jamie arranged all four rooms, and he could directly carry people.

On the lower level of the shop, Toby was also busy, and for Muggles, it would take a lot of time to decorate a shop, but for wizards, it was easy to do it with magic.


Jamie walked down the stairs and saw the new shop façade, and couldn’t help but marvel.

“Nonsense, I have adopted the most advanced decoration, compared to those shops in Diagon Alley, it can be said that it is hundreds of years advanced.”

Toby said.

If the shops in Diagon Alley use a medieval retro style, then Toby’s decorated shops use a technological style.

“So who do you think the store manager will let be the manager?”

Jamie asked, the two of them are still students, they can’t always sit in the shop, this time they need a store manager.

“What about Gilderoy Lockhart, he still has a very good reputation, and if he is the store manager, he can do a good job of publicizing the store.”

Toby said.

Gilderoy Lockhart has not been exposed, he is still a celebrity in the wizarding world, deeply loved by those witches, especially those middle-aged witches, and regarded him as an idol, even a dream lover.

Although Gilderoy Lockhart is a liar, he is good at packaging himself and hyping himself.

What’s more, Gilderoy Lockhart is now considered their servant.

“Gilderoy Lockhart? No, let him be the store manager, but let him be the image spokesperson of the store. ”

“As for the store manager, to choose a person with a stable personality, I think Lupin is good.”

Jamie said.

“Lupin, the first thing I think of is also Lupin, but I don’t know if he wants it or not, he is now with Sirius, maybe completing the task that Dumbledore gave them.”

Toby explained.

“If you want it or not, you can just write a letter and ask him if he is a werewolf wizard, and it is difficult to find a job in the wizarding world, not to mention that with his personality, he will not be willing to accept the funding given to him by Sirius.”

Jamie said that Lupin was a wizard with strong self-esteem, otherwise he would not have been poor or looking for friends.

“Okay, then I’ll write a letter to him, by the way, and a letter to the twins, they should also have a lot of inventory in hand, although they are all prank goods, but they can also sell them in the store if they want.”

Toby thought about it and said.

Although the Weasley twins had always wanted to open their own shop, they lacked the funds, not to mention that they were still students, and they were still two years away from graduation.


“Hey! It’s an owl. ”

Ron saw an owl constantly tapping the window of the house with its wings, and immediately walked over, opened the window, and let the owl fly in.

The owl flew directly to the Weasleys’ table and threw a letter in his mouth onto the table.

“Whose letter?”

Ginny asked curiously.

“I’ll take a look.”

Fred moved quickly, taking the letter in his hand before anyone else could react.

“Hey! Look, it’s Toby’s letter to us. ”

Fred said excitedly to George on the side.

“Let’s take it apart and see, but why Toby wrote to you instead of me, obviously we are friends in the same grade.”

Ron said a little depressed.

“This shows that we have a higher status than you in Toby’s heart, and besides, we and Toby are also good friends.”

Fred said as he opened the envelope.

George on the side immediately leaned over and looked at Fred, which made both Ron and Ginny a little curious, they also wanted to see it, but as soon as they got closer, the letter was put away by Fred He.

“What for? This is Toby’s letter to us, so we won’t let you see it! ”

Fred looked at Ron and Ginny like a thief.

“Mom, Fred and George bullied me!”

Ginny shouted at Mrs. Weasley, who was busy in the kitchen, which made Fred and George’s faces change.

“Fred, George, what did you do again?”

A roaring sound came from the kitchen, frightening Fred and George to run back upstairs.

Back in the room, Fred and George breathed a sigh of relief and took out the unfinished letter and continued to read it until they finished reading it.

“Toby and Jamie actually opened a shop in Diagon Alley, George, what do you think of Toby’s suggestion?”

Fred asked.

“I think so, we don’t have enough money to open our own store right now, and we’re still students, so Mom and Dad won’t agree to us dropping out of school.”

“Taking our goods to Toby’s store to sell can both accumulate money and help us consume our inventory.”

George said.

“But let’s go there in person, it’s in Diagon Alley anyway, it’s very convenient.”

Fred said…

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