Chapter 57: The First Game in Life

""Be careful!"

Huo Bufan saw which family sent the person, his face changed slightly, and he couldn't help but shout softly, the person coming is not friendly.

Hope was calm, and he exerted a little force on his back foot. The front end of the peach wood sword suddenly tilted up, and the next moment it flew out suddenly. On the way, the sword hit high again. The whole person was almost parallel to the ground, but he did not fall from the sword. He was like a magnet adsorbed on the peach wood sword.

He soared into the sky and came to the entrance on the top of the stone tower. Next to him was the hanging ancient bell.

Looking at the passage in front of him, Hope couldn't help but feel a little excited. This was his first time to officially participate in such a competition. The feeling was different from the previous one when he secretly practiced late at night. It was completely different. I felt a surge of air in my chest.

His eyes flickered slightly, and as the ancient bell rang, Huo Xi's figure instantly rushed out, flying down the passage on his sword.

He moved left and right, and his speed was no slower than those senior students who had practiced for many years.

His speed was even a few points faster than Huo Bufan.

Everyone's starting line was the same, because this map was randomly generated.

If ordinary people want to rush through quickly, the first requirement is sharp eyes. The moment they just pass the previous checkpoint and are about to enter the next checkpoint, they need to judge where the next entrance is. Once they look slowly, their speed will naturally decrease. down.

The second requirement is the body's reaction ability. Passing these obstacles requires more than just good eyesight, because some obstacles require passing sideways, some obstacles require squatting, and there are even obstacles that require passing by lying on one's stomach. Even if the eyesight is good enough, failure to react quickly will cause the speed to slow down, or even directly hit the wall.

However, Huo Xi's ability to dig soil and stone can sense the entire stone tower and build a 3D model of the entire stone tower in his mind. He can have a clear understanding of the passageway without his eyes.

When passing the first pass, he had already seen what the next pass was like. He didn't need to look at it at all. His familiarity with the passage was like an instinct engraved in his body, just like knowing the answer to the test paper in advance. The only thing that limited him was his body's reaction ability! But it was precisely because of his familiarity with the passageway that he could react in advance to pass the next pass.

That is, when others passed the pass and observed the next pass, he was already reacting and preparing to pass the next pass. He had less time to observe and react than others, so his speed was naturally faster than others.

In just five or six seconds, the gap between him and his opponent was already obvious.

""So fast!"

Huo Bufan's eyes widened slightly. How could he not know that his little brother had such a trick up his sleeve?

The audience was also watching this scene in shock. The figure seemed to be flying in the sky without any obstacles. The speed did not slow down at all. The stone arrows shot from the stone tower could only fall behind him, and were even thrown away by him.

If the passage is divided into sections, when the opponent just passed the second section, Hope was already in the third section and was sprinting towards the fourth section.

Such an obvious gap made all the audience present stare at it, not even daring to breathe.

And this gap seems to be widening!

Especially when Hope passed through the middle area of the passage, the level of the previous players was not much different. Even if they were a little worse, they would mostly meet in this middle area and have a momentary duel.

But when Hope passed through the middle area, the opponent was still a clear gap away from entering this middle area.

"How could it be!"

The gap was so sharp at this moment that even people who didn't know much about the game could see how huge the gap was.

Exclamations rang out, and the audience outside were all in disbelief, looking at

"This speed... is too fast!"

Many people opened their mouths and eyes wide, forgetting to close their mouths.

At this moment, Hope's opponent was concentrating on flying his sword, not forgetting the task that the main disciple had just given him. It was undoubtedly the same operation as before. Since he had been shameless once, it didn't matter if he did it again.

He would stop in front of the middle area, ambush, seize the opportunity to attack first, and make sure to seriously injure the boy on the opposite side.

It's almost time! As long as he passes a few checkpoints, he can reach the checkpoint in the middle area!

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly rushed out from the checkpoint in front, which scared him. Before he could react, there was only a fist in front of him that was rapidly enlarging.

The next moment, the man's face was distorted by the fist, and even half of his face collapsed. The terrifying power burst out on his face, and the whole person flew backwards.

This was just a moment, and the audience outside didn't even see Hope raise his fist clearly, and saw another player flying in the opposite direction.

But Hope didn't stop at all, and continued to rush down, like waving his hand to drive away flies on the road.

At this time, no one had time to look at the other player who flew out. All eyes were fixed on Hope.

Because they found that the speed at which the stone tower shot out the stone arrow was obviously much faster than before, but Hope still threw it away!

Could it be?!

All the audience held their breath at this time, without blinking, for fear of missing the next scene.

When Hope's figure appeared outside the entrance of the stone tower, the ancient bell rang, and cheers exploded directly. Countless cheers rang out, wrapping from all directions. It was a pure and enthusiastic sound. Even in the corner of the academy, you could hear the cheers here.

Hope looked at the excited crowd waving and cheering at him again, and couldn't help but stretch out his hands and fly high to welcome his victory. He was also very excited, with a light in his eyes and a big smile on his face. He felt that all the cells in his body were blooming at this moment.

This feeling was too wonderful, making him a little dizzy. He flew around the stone tower in the air for a few circles and waved to the group of excited fans outside, and then flew away, leaving them with a proud and unforgettable figure.

As Hope left, at this moment, someone remembered the fallen���A contestant carried him out, but found that he looked very miserable. Half of his face collapsed, his face was covered with blood, and he was in a coma, no better than those students who were hit by the attack spell.

There was no way. Hope had thought about using magic to duel. These days he had mastered an attack magic that could petrify everything.

But he couldn't cast spells silently and without a wand, which would cause a problem. The spell he recited was in a foreign language, which was a bit embarrassing. People would doubt his identity if they heard it, so he could only use his fists.

His sword speed plus the opponent's sword speed was like two speeding cars colliding with each other. It was this obstacle-filled passage that limited the speed of their peach wood swords. Otherwise, with the real speed of the peach wood swords, even a wizard would be killed on the spot if they collided head-on.

Of course, this was based on the fact that there was no corresponding protective magic on the peach wood sword, but in fact there was. In order to prevent wizards who were flying too fast from hitting something and dying directly, there was still such protective magic on the peach wood sword, otherwise the student's current situation would definitely be worse.

Although Hope hit him with his fist, the speed was no different from the other party hitting him with his face. It was the same collision, but Hope was fine. This was naturally due to his tough skin characteristics. That's why he dared to play like this.

After having a good time, Hope didn't stay here for long and went back to Hogwarts directly. It was still afternoon here.

Hope, who had nothing to do, naturally didn't go to study. He could only apparate again and chose a sunny island. He turned into a Muggle tourist, basking in the sun on the beach and watching the unrestrained foreign beauties running around on the beach. The scene was spectacular.

He didn't return to Hogwarts until dinner time. He went out of the Gryffindor common room and walked towards the auditorium on the first floor.

Suddenly he stopped and looked around with a little confusion. Why did Hogwarts feel a little empty?

Then he realized that it was not an illusion. There was really no student around, and he didn't even hear a trace of noise.

It was Friday afternoon now. All students were on vacation. Even at dinner time, it wouldn't be so quiet.

Hope frowned. It was obvious that something was wrong, but he didn't know the reason. He could only continue to go downstairs and go to the auditorium first to see if there was some kind of celebration.

However, when he went down to the second floor, he couldn't help but stop again. He saw a huge figure standing in the corridor a few meters away.

This figure was almost as tall as Hagrid and equally huge. His skin was like a layer of gray crust, his arms were very long, he had two big feet with thick joints, his head was bald and pointed, and he was holding a huge wooden stick in his hand.

Hope couldn't help but tilt his head slightly, and he immediately recognized the thing in front of him, a troll!

There was no way, trolls appeared too frequently in wizards' storybooks, and it was difficult for him not to recognize the ugly big thing in front of him.

Now that it appeared here, he knew that it was obviously related to Quirrell, but he remembered that the troll didn't seem to appear at this time.


The troll saw Hope and made a low sound. He held a thick wooden stick in one hand, raised it high, and smashed it towards Hope.

Hope raised his eyebrows slightly and stood still. When the stick was raised high but not yet smashed down, the troll's body suddenly swayed and couldn't stop sinking.

The ground where the troll was standing seemed to collapse suddenly because it couldn't bear the weight of the troll. Half of his body fell into it. He could only abandon the wooden stick in his hand and use both hands to support the corridor floor.

""Hulu, hulu!"

The lower half of the troll's body was suspended in the air, appearing on the ceiling of the first floor. Its two feet were swinging randomly in the air. It couldn't find a foothold for a while, and it didn't know how to support its body with its hands, so it roared anxiously.

Fortunately, the troll was not hopelessly stupid. It finally thought of using its hands to support the ground and pull its whole body out of the hole.

However, it seemed to be stuck just right. It was unmoved even after wasting a lot of effort, and continued to roar anxiously.

This was naturally Hope's method. He directly used the characteristics of digging soil and stones to collapse the floor of the corridor. In order to prevent the troll from running out, he even controlled the floor of the corridor to clamp the troll's body tightly. It would not come out for a while unless it had enough strength to collapse the entire corridor.

Looking at the troll who could not move, Huo Xi licked his lips slightly, pulled out the magic wand from the wizard, and waved it gently.

""Petrify all!"

A spell was successfully cast and landed on the giant monster, but it was obvious that it had no effect. The giant monster was still struggling vigorously.

Huo Xi couldn't help but shake his head. It seemed that most magical creatures had magic resistance, but the"petrify all" spell had no effect at all. If you want to deal with such a giant monster, some powerful offensive spells are better.

"Mr. Hope."

At this moment, Professor McGonagall hurried over and saw Hope standing in front of the troll and couldn't help but shouted seriously

"Professor McGonagall, this troll has trampled the corridor of the castle!"

Hope shrugged and pointed at the troll in front of him.

"Even so, you shouldn't be so close to this giant monster, he may come out!"

Professor McGonagall said seriously, blaming Hope for his recklessness. That's a giant monster, if you are not careful, you will be crushed into a meat pie.

"Yes, Professor.

Hope did not refute and honestly admitted his mistake.

"You go to the auditorium first. The other students are all there. I'll take care of this."

Professor McGonagall kept her eyes on the troll and never let go of the wand in her hand. Seeing that the troll did not break free, she relaxed a little.

Hope naturally had no objection and came to the auditorium, which was full of young wizards who were chattering about something. He soon found Harry and his friends among the group.

"Hope, that's great, you're okay."

Hermione breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Hope.

Hope only knew what had happened after Harry and the others told her. Someone on the upper floors of the castle saw the troll, and fled downwards in fear, shouting as they ran. People who heard the news also ran downwards, and finally gathered in the Great Hall.

With Dumbledore present, there would naturally be no problems. On the contrary, the troll wandering outside was the most dangerous.

Professor McGonagall and Snape left the Great Hall in a hurry. After all, they could not ensure that all the students were here. The students in the castle might very likely encounter the troll, and the danger had to be eliminated as soon as possible.

At this time, Hope found that Professor Quirrell ran in hurriedly. He seemed to be quite frightened, and walked up to Dumbledore and said something.

"Students who haven't eaten yet can continue eating. The troll has been controlled by the professors, so don't worry. But don't leave the auditorium for the time being."

Dumbledore cast a sound-enhancing spell, and the sound drowned out the noisy auditorium.

Hope glanced at Quirrell. It seemed that Voldemort could no longer hold back and started to make small moves, but he shouldn't be so urgent. Could it be because of him?

The only variable here is Hope himself. Maybe some of Hope's previous actions made Voldemort feel that there was an opportunity? Or was it because Snape's recent overtime inspections put some pressure on Voldemort.

Hope didn't know, but since Voldemort had already made small moves, maybe he should get the Philosopher's Stone to avoid more trouble.

For the students, this was just a small episode. After all, most of the students had never seen a troll.

But when they left the auditorium and dispersed, they found a huge hole in the corridor on the second floor, and they all gathered around the hole in the ground to discuss it.

"Is the giant's power so terrifying?"

Ron looked at the pit and said with some horror.

"They have enormous power, it seems that the book is not wrong."

Hermione nodded in agreement.

And no one knew where the troll's body was taken to. Could it be that it was dragged away by Hagrid? It is not impossible, Huo Xi guessed secretly.

The impact of this incident was just to give students one more topic. For example, Harry heard Ron and Harry discussing heatedly after returning to the dormitory, and even discussed who was more powerful, the troll or the giant.

If Hermione was around, she would definitely accuse them of being ignorant. After all, the giant and the troll were not of the same level. In front of the giant, the troll was at most a little kid who had not grown up.

Late at night, three snoring sounds were heard in the dormitory, one big and two small, and they all seemed to be sleeping very deeply.

A figure lying flat on the bed suddenly sat up, got off the bed slowly, put on his shoes, and then snored. Then he opened the dormitory door and sneaked out.

Hope went straight to the bathroom. After entering the bathroom, he first made sure if there was anyone there and made sure that no one would disturb him. Then he walked into a cubicle and fastened the door lock.

The next moment, his figure suddenly grew taller, as tall as an adult. His face also changed, full of coldness, like a cold-blooded killer, shrouded in darkness.

After thinking about it, Hope wiped his face, and suddenly a mask appeared. With the hood on, the only thing revealed was the pair of slightly glowing eyes.

He activated the treasure perception and determined the location of the magic stone. The next moment, his figure disappeared instantly. The moment

Hope appeared, he first looked around. There was no fire here, and it was shrouded in darkness.

""Fluorescent light flashes!"

Hope's mind moved, and a beam of light popped out from his finger and fell into the air, illuminating the entire space like an incandescent bulb.

This was a very empty secret room, with no entrance in sight. There was only a large mirror standing in the secret room.

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