Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

Chapter 161: Charms class is always full of surprises

Chapter 161 Charms class is always full of surprises

Looking at Kangna who turned around and walked into the Charms classroom, Kyle felt numb. He really didn't expect that Kangna actually took what he said before seriously.

This is a blessing elixir!

If it were the Weasley brothers, let alone saying it was just a joke, even if it really turned into a swallow-tailed dog, they probably wouldn't care.

Kyle wanted to say something else, but Kangna was already sitting in the classroom and talking to her roommate.

When Kyle saw this, he could only put away the bottle of elixir and followed it into the classroom.

 This lesson is about the Expansion Charm, which is a very practical household spell that Hagrid often uses.

 The pumpkins in his field grew so big because of the expansion spell.

This is also the most magical place. Magic cannot create food out of thin air, but it can make existing food larger, and the taste will not be different.

 But for some unknown reason, few people would eat food that has been cursed with expansion.

 Hagrid’s pumpkins were eventually used as Halloween decorations.

 “Gestures are important…”

Professor Flitwick stood in front and said seriously: "Remember what I just said, keep your arms steady, use your wrists to draw a circle downwards... Also, don't pronounce the wrong spell..."

 Although the expansion spell is something that can only be learned in the second grade, it is not difficult, at least it is much simpler than the floating spell.

Kyle looked at the buttons on the table in front of him and gently turned his wand.

 “Get bigger quickly!”

 In an instant, the button began to expand rapidly, like a filled balloon, and soon became almost as big as a plate.

“Oh, well done!” Professor Flitwick clapped his hands and shouted: “Look, everyone, someone has already succeeded, five points for Hufflepuff!”

  It's easy for Kyle to do it, but it's a different story for others.

Mikel and Ryan imitated what Kyle had just done, turning their wrists again and again, but the button that should have been enlarged still lay motionless on the table.

In a fit of rage, Mikel poked with his wand...the button flew off with a bang, grazing Professor Flitwick's hair and hitting the wall.

On the other side, Gryffindor's situation is similar.

“Get bigger quickly…Get bigger quickly!” a young Gryffindor wizard shouted loudly. He completely forgot what Professor Flitwick had just said and waved his arms like a windmill.

The button didn't respond, but because he moved too much, he accidentally poked Katie Bell with the wand next to him.

"Merlin's beard..." Professor Flitwick seemed to anticipate something and covered his face with his hands.

The next second, Katie Bell swelled into a ball and slowly floated to the ceiling.

She looked frightened, waving her arms and letting out a shrill scream.

 “Don’t panic, Miss Bell, don’t panic.”

Professor Flitwick hurriedly ran over and quickly recovered her, and then sent Katie Bell, who was in shock, to the school hospital.

In Charms class, he had seen many such accidents, and he was very familiar with handling them.

“Mr. McLagan, you are waving your arms too much and it is very dangerous.”

 Professor Flitwick said angrily: "Ten points from Gryffindor!"

 After the Charms class, Kyle wanted to go find Connor, but she had already left first.

 And she never mentioned it again, as if it was not a precious elixir but a bottle of pumpkin juice that could be found everywhere.


There are never any secrets at Hogwarts.

The story about Gryffindor McLagen blowing up his classmates into balloons spread the next day.     “This is incredible.”

At the dinner table, Harry was eating toast and curiously said to Ron beside him: "How on earth did he do it..."

 “Never mind that for now.”

Ron obviously didn't want to discuss this. He looked at Harry and asked eagerly: "Is what you just said true? Professor McGonagall really made you a Seeker?"

 “That’s what Professor McGonagall said.”

Harry said: "And she also took me to find a fifth-grade boy named Wood and said she wanted to train me."

 “Oliver Wood?” Ron asked.

Harry nodded.

 “He’s the Quidditch captain of Gryffindor, which is incredible, you’re only in your first year.”

 Ron put the piece of pie he had been holding into his mouth and said: "Harry, you must be the youngest player on the house team in many years."

"It's been a century." Harry also took a piece of pie. "Wood told me."

"one century…"

Ron sat there, looking at Harry blankly.

"I'll start training tomorrow." Harry said, "Don't tell anyone, Wood wants to keep it a secret."

At this time, Fred and George walked into the auditorium. As soon as they saw Harry, they walked over quickly.

“Good job,” George whispered. “Wood told us that we are also on the college team and are batsmen.”

“Let me tell you, we will definitely win the Academy Cup this year.” Fred said excitedly: “You must not have imagined how surprised Cedric and Kyle were when they heard this.”

"They are the Hufflepuff team." George said: "Before this, they always thought that Gryffindor was destined to lose, oh...two stupid top students."

 “Has Kyle joined Quidditch?”

Harry was a little surprised. He had always thought that an outstanding student like Kyle must be just as interested in learning as Hermione, but he actually also liked Quidditch.

“Strictly speaking, not yet,” Fred said. “But he will go through the final selection tomorrow and if he passes, he will be a member of the team.”

“I think you can go and take a look then, just to get to know the opponent’s intelligence in advance…”

"Is it okay?" Harry's eyes lit up: "I mean, isn't that Hufflepuff's selection?"

 He is now very interested in everything related to Quidditch. It would be great if he could see how others play in advance.

"Go ahead." Fred smiled: "Slytherin's words will definitely not work, but Hufflepuff won't care."

“We have to go, Li Qiaodan thinks he has discovered a new secret passage that can lead to the outside of the school.”

“I guess it’s the passage behind the statue of Gregory the Toady, we discovered it on the first day of school.”

 “Good luck to you and see you later.”

“Goodbye!” Harry waved to them, turned around and asked Ron: “I’m going to have a look tomorrow, do you want to come with me?”

"Then let's go together." Ron thought for a moment and said, "Although saying this may destroy your morale, I have watched Kyle and Fred play Quidditch, and he is really good."


Hearing what he said, Harry became even more curious. He was scratching his head like a cat and wished it would be tomorrow.

 (End of this chapter)

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