Chapter 311 Fox’s Gift

 “From this point of view, this can be considered a good thing.”

Hearing Ron's words, George blinked, "Maybe you can get a beautiful report card after the school year."

 “Stop gloating.” Ron yawned.

"what are you guys saying?"

At this time, Harry also walked out of the dormitory, and Fred and George quickly changed the topic.

 It was okay to make fun of Ron, but they wouldn't say it to Harry's face.

Harry came to Ron's side and greeted everyone, "Merry Christmas, Fred, George, Kyle...Kyle? What are you doing here?"

 He was a little surprised to see Kyle in the Gryffindor common room.

 “A few minutes ago.” Kyle smiled.

At this moment, Ron noticed that there was another person around him, "Sorry, I didn't see it just now...Thank you for the gift. I like that wizard chessboard very much."

"And the Quidditch model for me," Harry said. "That's great."

 “As long as you like it.” Kyle said with a smile.

After being taken to the Gryffindor common room by Fred and George, Kyle no longer thought about going to the Room of Requirement. He played wizard chess and crackling cards with them here all morning.

 Ginny and Percy were there too, and everyone welcomed Kyle.

Percy acted a little too formal, shaking hands with Kyle solemnly, as if he was receiving a Hufflepuff delegation.

Kyle even thought for a moment that his clothes were a little too casual... If he had known this, he should have put on Phoenix socks.

 In the afternoon, Harry and Ron were taken to the library to do homework by Hermione. Kyle, Fred and George went to Hogsmeade through the secret passage.

Every shop here is decorated very beautifully, and Christmas gifts are prepared for customers who enter the store. Zuko is a magical firework that blooms when the water appears, and Honeydukes is a candy cane...

These gifts are hung on the Christmas tree at the door, within easy reach. If you forget, the shopkeeper will remind you.

The only bad thing is that they do not provide the business of "protecting Hogwarts students from being discovered".

At The Three Broomsticks, Kyle had just taken a few sips of butterbeer when the door next to him was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

 The next second,

 Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Hagrid...Sinestar of Astronomy...a total of seven or eight professors came in one after another.

 They also discovered the three Kyles.

Professor McGonagall paused for a moment, then calmly walked past them as if she hadn't seen anything.

 “Ms. Rosmerta, three pints of mead, cherry syrup soda…”

Keir and the three of them drank butterbeer at a faster pace, wanting to get out of here as quickly as possible.

However, just when they were about to pay, the bar owner Ms. Rosmerta shook her head.

“No need, Minerva has already paid for you, do you need anything else?”

 “No, no need!”

 The three of them lowered their heads and left the Three Broomsticks in a hurry.

Sneaking out of the school and being knocked into the face without saying anything, the professor even treated me to a to put it, it was quite embarrassing.

 The three of them had no intention of playing any more and hurried back to the castle.

 “I forgot, today is Christmas.”

After coming out of the secret passage, Fred grabbed his hair and said: "Professors obviously don't stay in the office to grade homework."

 “We shouldn’t have gone to the Three Broomsticks!”

 “Fortunately Professor McGonagall didn’t say anything…”

Kyle was also a little regretful. If he had known that the professor was treating him, he should have ordered something expensive to drink.

For example, the Three Broomsticks' signature drink is ten gallons of Ogden gold mead. Kyle has always wanted to taste what it tastes like.


 At the Christmas dinner at Hogwarts, everyone ate with gusto. There are very few people staying on campus this year, and it would be too spacious to sit separately, so there is only one table left in the auditorium, where students and professors all sit together.

Dumbledore led everyone in singing several of his favorite Christmas carols. As Hagrid downed glass after glass of eggnog, his voice became louder and louder, until finally his voice was the only one left in the entire auditorium.

Fred sat next to Kyle, pointing at Percy's prefect badge and laughing non-stop. The word on it changed to "idiot" at some point, but Percy didn't notice it at all, and said "Idiot". He asked the people around him what they were laughing about.

Malfoy did not go back this year. At this time, he was sitting opposite Harry, mocking his new sweater in a rough voice. Surprisingly, Harry did not retaliate.

 The dinner was sumptuous, especially the Christmas pudding made specially by the house elves this year.

 Just like Bibi’s multi-flavor beans, you can taste different flavors in every bite, which is very unique.

After finishing the pudding, Professor McGonagall was the first to leave the table, followed closely by Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

Kyle originally wanted to leave, but was stopped by Dumbledore.

“If you have time, can you come to the office with me?”

"Of course, Professor." Although Kyle was a little confused, he nodded.

 The two of them left the auditorium together, talking and walking towards the principal's office.

This year Kyle didn't buy the latest edition of "Five Hundred Ways to Knit Wool Socks", so he gave Dumbledore a large bundle of wool.

But Dumbledore looked very happy and asked Kyle where he bought the high-quality wool.

"This is the wool of edelweiss sheep, Professor." Kyle said: "Mr. Scamander happened to have a bunch of them in his box. I collected some when I went there to play in August."

 “Is there one where Newt is?” Dumbledore asked in surprise: “Is there a lot?”

 “About thirty or so.”

Dumbledore was even happier after hearing this.

After reaching the eighth floor, the gargoyle jumped to the side from a long distance away, and Dumbledore took Kyle into the principal's office.

The furnishings here are not much different from before, except that there is a large ball of wool on the table. On the Mirror of Erised in the corner, there are still a few woolen sweaters and half an unfinished scarf. .

The headmaster of Hogwarts seems to be really obsessed with knitting clothes, and is no longer limited to socks and gloves.

Kyle estimated that the sweater under his robe was also knitted by himself.

“Professor, what do you want from me?” Kyle asked.

"It's not me, it's Fawkes." Dumbledore sighed quietly, "He likes the cloakweed and eggplant flowers you gave him very much."

 “Fox?” Kyle subconsciously looked at the perching branch at the door.

There was a wrinkled little bird standing on it, with light red stubble that had just grown on its looked so ugly.

 “Have you achieved nirvana?”

Kyle walked over.

Little Fox nodded, then picked up a small bottle and put it in Kyle's hand.

"What is this..." Kyle picked up the bottle and found that it contained a small pile of black powder.

"The ashes left after the Phoenix's rebirth are also Fox's Christmas gift to you." Dumbledore's voice was filled with a little pain.

He didn't expect Fox to be so vindictive... It was because he didn't take him out during the vacation. As a result, he still remembers it, and he didn't leave any of the Nirvana ashes for him.

Just let Snape take it away, but Kyle is only thirteen years old, can he understand such high-end goods?

 What a waste.

Dumbledore sighed again.


 (End of this chapter)

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