Chapter 349 Civet Cat

The three Oren quickly left the Oak Barrel Bar, just like three ordinary tourists, without attracting any attention.

At the same time, Kyle, who was still in the Fire Dragon Sanctuary, didn't know that the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor who wanted to kill him had also arrived in Romania.

 He is currently busy teasing the civet cat on the ground.

 Civets are also magical animals, much larger than civets, and their oval eyes are like two sparkling sapphires.

However, this kind of creature is extremely rare in Britain, and this is the first time he has seen one alive.

Kyle scratched the civet's chin with his hand. The civet raised its head comfortably and made a "purring" sound in its throat.

 “Shakir seems to like you very much.”

Professor Locknear squatted next to Kyle and smiled, "It is usually very fierce, and it almost never trusts a stranger so much like it does now."

 He looked at the civet's exposed belly with envy in his eyes.

 Let alone strangers, civet cats almost never show their belly even when facing their master.

 “No, why.” Professor Locknear felt sour.

However, Kyle has no doubt that he said civet cats are evil.

Even though it is quite docile now, it was not like this just now. It was chasing a guy who stole dragon eggs, scratching and biting him.

  Civet cats are inherently flexible, and their claws and teeth are also long and sharp, and they can easily leave a wound on the opponent's body.

And the most important thing is that when they are attacked by magic, they will split into several pieces, and the danger index will also increase exponentially.

It is not afraid of magic attacks, and it attacks more and more. This alone can make most wizards facing civets collapse.

 That person just now was... When the dragon keeper finally passed by, he even laughed out loud, as if he had seen a savior.

It is worth mentioning that, with the help of the magical beast masters around, the matter of stealing the dragon eggs was completely solved within five minutes of the call for help being sent out.

 Then Aurors from the Romanian Ministry of Magic also came and escorted them out of the Fire Dragon Sanctuary.

 The whole process went smoothly, and it looked like it had been rehearsed many times before.

Kyle originally wanted to help, but ended up being a spectator the whole time... No way, Newt was watching from the side, and he couldn't get involved.

 After petting the civet for a while, Chris came back.

"The man who ran away is called Roy, and he is an Austrian wizard." He handed a few photos to everyone, "The people from the Ministry of Magic are already negotiating with the other side."

 “I think it’s unlikely that someone will be caught.”

 Professor Locknear shook his head and put the photo away.

 These are things that the Romanian Ministry of Magic needs to consider and have nothing to do with them.

Kyle looked at them and asked doubtfully: "Did you already know that this would happen?"

“Well, we did discuss similar situations when we first came here.”

Chris said, "But at that time, everyone thought these people would wait until we all left before taking action. I didn't expect them to be so restless."

“Yes, I was underestimated.” Professor Locknear reached out to touch the civet, but was slapped on the back of his hand by its tail.

He didn't care and just touched me.

 The worst case is just being scratched twice. He is very familiar with this kind of thing and has rich experience...

 The civet just looked back and didn't bother to pay attention to him.


This incident can only be regarded as a small episode, and soon no one is discussing it.

Charlie came over later. He applied for a day off and planned to take Kyle for a fun tour at the gathering place near the reserve. Because of his age, Charlie didn't take Kyle to the bar... In fact, he wanted to do so, but because Chris was still here, he had to restrain himself somewhat.

But the shops around the gathering place are also very interesting.

The robes in the Fire Dragon Clothing Store are completely different from the style of Madam Malkin in Diagon Alley. They are all made of rough and strong fabrics that feel irritated to the touch. There is also a dragon skin robe here, but the price is ridiculously expensive.

 The magic props shop is also very interesting. Kyle bought some accessories related to the fire dragon here.

He originally wanted to buy another set of fire dragon models, but Charlie told him in a low voice that the models here were simply used to deceive tourists. Not only did they have no features, but they were twice as expensive as other places.

If Kyle really likes it, he can go to Diagon Alley and buy it. It will be no different from the one here.

"If you want to buy a gift, those ornaments made of dragon teeth are good." He suggested: "Old John's craftsmanship is the best here, and the materials are also good."

 After coming out of the magic props store, they went to the potions store, which was also the largest store in the gathering place.

Most of the shops sell medicinal herbs for healing, and bottles of white essence and potions for treating burns line an entire wall.

 In addition, the store also has many local specialty herbal medicines.

Kyle stared curiously at a string of black vines hanging from the roof next to the door.

It is covered with fist-sized black things, which look a bit like knotty vines, but the color is wrong and the fruits are smaller.

 “This is Bubble Vine.”

Charlie explained: "The fruit explodes when hit, filling the surrounding area with sticky bubbles."

“But it’s not dangerous. In fact, local people often use it to clean their houses. It’s very simple to use. Just throw the fruit against the wall and rinse it with water.

I have tried it several times before and the cleaning effect is very good. "

"Oh!" Kyle was a little moved, "Can you wash your hair?"

"Wash your hair?" Charlie thought for a while and said uncertainly: "That should be okay..."

To be honest, he really doesn’t know this.

"Okay!" At this time, the shopkeeper who had been silent suddenly said: "And there are a lot of bubble vine fruits in the original quick and smooth hair spray."

 “I bought it, how much did it cost.”

 “One, two Sickles.”

The shopkeeper smiled and said, "I can give you ten for one galleon."

 “What about this whole one?” Kyle asked.

“There are fifty-nine fruits in total on this.”

The clerk suddenly became very enthusiastic, "If you want it, just give me five galleons, and I can also give you this vine.

This kind of vine is very strong and extremely tough. Even the fire dragon cannot break free for a while.

If you don’t believe it, you can ask your friend, he should be a dragon farmer. "

 Charlie nodded.

There are many bubble vine vines in the reserve. When the cages were not enough, they would also use these vines to transport injured and unconscious fire dragons. They are indeed very strong.

 “Okay, I’ll take it.” Kyle took out five galleons.

 The clerk immediately picked it off and wrapped the vines and fruits together.

Kyle also bought some other herbs, which are not precious, but are only available locally.

 (End of this chapter)

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