Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

Chapter 467: Maxim's slap

 Chapter 467 Maxim’s Slap

The situation changed too quickly. Almost in an instant, the hooded wizards who had the advantage were all lying on the ground, losing their fighting ability.

  Whether it was Mr. Weasley, Bill or Charlie, they all felt like they were in a dream.

“Has the support arrived?” Charlie asked, turning his head and looking around.

Mr. Weasley said nothing, just stared at the place where the last hooded wizard fell, frowning slightly.

 At this time, the surrounding air suddenly fluctuated.

Kyle, who had lifted the disillusionment spell, waved to them and said, "How about it, you are not hurt."

"Why are you running here!" Mr. Weasley said with a straight face: "It's very dangerous here. Go back to the woods!"


Kyle turned his head and looked at the writhing wizard on the ground, "It's okay...I think it should be fine."

 “Did you do these?” Bill asked incredulously.

"It's good luck... They were too vigilant." Kyle nodded, then reached out to pick off the biting cabbage from those people's legs and put it away carefully.

Mr. Weasley moved very quickly, and those people were knocked unconscious without much struggle, so the biting cabbage was still good, and the skin was only scratched at most.

 It’s good, I can use it next time.

Mr. Weasley watched his movements and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Although biting cabbage is not a prohibited trade product like poisonous tentacles, it is not something that just anyone can grow. It requires a lot of procedures and registration with the Ministry of Magic.

 Throwing out seven or eight of them casually like Kyle is strictly speaking not allowed.

But after all, there was no one else at the moment, so Mr. Weasley turned his face to the side silently, pretending he didn't see anything.

 The same goes for Bill and Charlie. The three of them lowered their heads in unison and began to pick up the wands on the ground.

 Then a rope was conjured and tied together tightly.

Mr. Weasley's eyes suddenly lit up when he picked up the last wand, which was the wand decorated with a snake head.

 In his impression, only one person would use such exaggerated wand decoration.

 Then he walked back quickly and lifted everyone's hoods and masks.

 "Yaxley...Crabbe...Rookwood..." Mr. Weasley called their names one by one.

 “Goyle…and Malfoy!”

Especially when he saw the last person, Mr. Weasley couldn't help laughing even though the crisis had not been completely resolved yet.

 “Now let’s see how much more you can argue with!” he said happily.

He had guessed from the beginning that among these people there must be Lucius Malfoy, a guy who had done all kinds of bad things, but there was just no evidence.

 Now that everyone has taken the stolen goods, he is dead!

Mr. Weasley has never been so happy. If it weren't for the wrong time, he would really like to call a few friends and have a drink.

 “Dong dong…”

At this time, there was a sound of heavy footsteps nearby, and a huge figure more than three meters tall ran over from a distance.

With every step she took, Kyle could feel the ground shaking slightly.

 "Gabri...Nova...Castro...Thank God you are all here!"

 “Principal Maxim!”

When they saw the person coming, the little wizards who had been huddled together and shivering immediately became excited and ran towards each other while crying.

They were holding Maxim's legs, chattering in French, and pointing at Kyle and Mr. Weasley here from time to time. Then Maxim came over with them.

"Thank you!" She thanked her sincerely, "I am Olim Maxim, the principal of Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Thank you for saving these children."

"It doesn't matter, anyone would do it." Mr. Weasley said, raising his neck.

To be honest, when he first saw Principal Maxim, he once doubted whether he was a relative of Hagrid.

Too big...Mr. Weasley is not short anymore, but when standing together, he can only reach the other person's waist.

 “Oh, I didn’t pay attention just now…”

Maxim's eyes suddenly fell on Kyle, "I thought we would meet again, but I didn't expect it would be in this situation... I heard what Gabri said, thank you for saving them."

"No, it's all thanks to Mr. Weasley." Kyle said with a smile, "I just happened to arrive here and helped a little bit."

"This is already amazing." Ms. Maxim said, with a little irritation in her tone. "Unlike some people who are usually very arrogant, they panic when unexpected situations arise, and even lose their classmates. !

I should have brought Fleur with me. At least she wouldn't embarrass Beauxbatons. "

  Maxim became angrier and angrier as she spoke. She was so angry that she took it out on the **** people.

 When no one could react, he slapped one of them on the face.

 Being slapped by a hybrid giant, the consequences can be imagined.

This powerful and heavy slap immediately knocked away the people who were tied together. After landing, a tent collapsed and they rolled out for a long distance.

 “Oh...Merlin!” Mr. Weasley hurriedly chased after him.

"I'm sorry..." Maxim had a lot of ideas, "But don't worry, I'm sensible, they shouldn't die."

Kyle looked at the teeth on the ground and expressed doubts about Maxim's words.

But he didn’t care that much and asked casually: “Didn’t Furong come to watch the game?”

"She has other things...to prepare for another grand event." Maxim said with a smile, "But you should see her soon."

Kyle nodded.

Maxim wanted to hurry up and send these children to a safe place, so he didn't stay long, thanked the Weasley family again and left.

As the chaos around them continued, Mr. Weasley found an empty tent, threw a few people who were tied together into it, and asked Charlie and Kyle to stay here to guard them.

 As for himself, he must continue to help.

 There were too many wizards rioting, at least more than two hundred, and the Ministry of Magic's manpower was completely insufficient.

"Wait!" Kyle wanted to call him, but Mr. Weasley didn't stop and ran out of the tent without looking back.

Charlie wanted to help like Bill, but he didn't feel comfortable leaving Kyle here alone, so he could only worry about it.

However, Kyle seemed much more relaxed in comparison, and stopped after chasing him out of the tent.

If Charlie observes carefully for a while, he will find that although the fighting around him is still chaotic, it is not as intense as it was at the beginning. The number of spells is much smaller, and the battlefield is becoming more and more scattered.

 It felt like the originally orderly team turned into a mess because of the lack of a leader.

 As for who are the leaders...

Kyle looked at the few people tied together in the tent...the answer was already obvious.

And more importantly, support from the Ministry of Magic has also arrived.

Not far away, a large number of beaters and Aurors had rushed into the camp from all directions. At the front was Scrimgeour, the director of the Auror Office. He looked like an angry lion, raising his head from a distance. Wand.

The same goes for the Aurors and Strikers behind him. Stunning spells and disarming spells rained down on the rioters who were still resisting.

 (End of this chapter)

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