Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

Chapter 555: Could you guys go to Mrs. Puddy's teahouse?

Chapter 555 Can you go to Mrs. Puddifu’s teahouse?

Harry decided to wait for Lupine and Sirius here, while Kyle packed his suitcase and left the Shrieking Shack.

 He found Connor and the others drinking butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks.

 “Kyle, your class ends so soon today?”

"No, Professor Dumbledore is not in the castle today. I came with Sirius." Kyle explained.

"Okay." Connor nodded. "Would you like anything to drink? How about an ice-cold butterbeer."

“Hmm… I think the pumpkin juice in school is also quite delicious.” Kyle glanced at the price and suddenly sighed.

“A cup of butterbeer costs several Sickles. It’s too expensive.”

Having just loaned out two thousand five hundred galleons, his confidence suddenly became less strong.

"Huh?" Fred's hand that was about to hold the cup paused. He blinked, looked at Kyle with an incredulous look, and then said:

“Ron, where did you get Polyjuice Potion and Kyle’s hair?”

George on the side also said: "I suggest you change back quickly, or find a place where no one is around to hide for two hours. If Kyle finds out, you will be dead."

 “If you don’t want to be dragon dung…”

 “Or the nourishment of biting cabbage…”

“You know your brother really well, but Ron won’t be happy…”

Kyle glanced at them and said, "Besides, dragon dung is also nourishing. Could it be that in your eyes, I am some kind of dark devil who kills without batting an eyelid?"

“I have to say, Ron, you are really good at acting, you can pretend to be like that.” Fred said, he seemed to firmly believe that the Kyle in front of him was Ron pretending.

“It’s a pity that you’ve got the wrong person.” George said, “Kyle drinks butterbeer, and he always drinks one glass at a time, so Ron, you’d better do some research next time.”

Kyle watched the two of them singing along and said angrily: "You two are the ones who are fake, right? When did I pour butterbeer?"

“I’m not giving up yet.” Fred said, “Let me ask you, what’s in the flowerpot in Kyle’s box?”



 “Are you really Kyle?” George asked cautiously.

 “Bullshit,” Kyle said.

Fred scratched his hair. "It shouldn't be..."

Kyle thinks butterbeer is expensive?

This is as incredible as Ron buying a Firebolt.

 Connor looked at Kyle who was arguing with the Weasley brothers and said amusedly: "It doesn't matter, I'll buy you a drink."

 She ran to the bar, and when she came back, she had a glass of ice-cold butterbeer in her hand.

"Thank you..." Kyle said, glancing at Fred and George by the way, "It's not like some people who kept treating me to butterbeer even though they lost a bet before, but it's only been a few years and they forgot about it. All clean."

“It doesn’t matter, I can also buy you some butterbeer. You can drink as much as you want...” Kangna held her chin and said with a smile.

"Okay." Kyle looked at her, "Then I'll take it seriously."


"I'm talking about you two. Don't go too far..." Fred put down the cup in his hands irritably.

 He felt that he had bought a fake product at Three Broomsticks, and it smelled sour.

"I'll buy you ten...no, twenty glasses of butterbeer." George couldn't drink it anymore. "Then you go to Mrs. Puddy's Tea House. That's where you should stay."

“If you go there now, you might see Cedric and Qiu.”

"I won't go." Kyle said casually without thinking, "The place is small and crowded, and the coffee is as sweet as syrup. It's not interesting at all."

 “Hmm.” Kangna nodded in agreement.

 “Tsk…” George slapped his forehead hard. He just wanted to drink a cup of pumpkin soda, why was it so difficult?   …

  When they came out of the Three Broomsticks, it was almost noon, and the Weasley brothers went to Zuko again.

Kyle and Connor were not interested in this and went straight back to the castle. Along the way, Kyle also told her about what happened at the Shrieking Shack.

“Twenty-five hundred galleons, no wonder you suddenly ran out of money?”

“Actually, there are still some.” Kyle said, “It’s just that the place where they are stored is a bit too safe, and it’s quite troublesome to take them out.”


“No, it’s in Xiu Xiu’s pocket.” Kyle said dumbfounded. “It runs away when it sees me now, just like it is hiding from natural enemies.”

Kanna found it a little funny.

 Taking out gold coins from Xiu Xiu’s bag, can’t it run away?

 “Then do you want me to lend you some.”

"No, it's just for this period of time." Kyle shook his head, "It will be fine after the Triwizard Tournament is over. The championship prize is a thousand Galleons."

"Are you so confident that you can win the championship? What if you lose to Fleur and Krum in the end?"

"This is impossible..." Kyle said, "Even if it is for the prize of one thousand galleons, I will not lose it."

“Others are doing it for honor, but you are doing it for the bonus.”

 “It’s all the same, it’s all the same...” Kyle waved his hand.

When they passed through the school gate and returned to the castle, they saw a person rushing towards them like a whirlwind from a distance.

 “It’s really yours, Kyle!”

 Sirius danced happily.

“I tried for months and couldn’t get Moon Face to stay, but you did it in only half an hour...I really should have brought you here earlier.”

 “Have you discussed it yet?” Kyle asked.

"You still need to discuss? Of course I agree." Sirius said, "I bought this place because of Moon Face, because he said at the beginning that the happiest day in his life was when we completed the Animagus for the first time. Transformed, the moment he appeared in the Shrieking Shack.

Because it is difficult for werewolves to find a job, I discussed with James when I graduated. When I have money, I will buy this place, open a shop, and then ask Moony Face to help, so that he can have a decent job. , and also have a place to stay. "

 At this point, Sirius paused suddenly and said with a complicated expression: "You should know what happened next, so I won't go into details. In short, our idea was not realized, but it is not too late now.

 “I’ll go to Gringotts immediately to get the money and return those galleons to you.”

With that said, Sirius hurriedly walked out, but was pulled back.

"If you still want Lupine to stay here, don't do this." Kyle let go of his hand and shook his head: "Lupine understands your good intentions, but he will not accept your gift. This is his fault." The bottom line...you can understand that you want to maintain the last dignity in front of your friends.

"So he can accept the galleons I lend him, but he can never accept yours."

"But, this is not necessary." Sirius didn't understand, "Moon Face knows, I don't care about this at all."

"But he cares." Kyle shrugged, "I can guarantee that once he knows that you helped pay back the money, he will leave without hesitation."

 “Then…” Sirius frowned.

"Don't worry about this." Kyle continued: "You don't think Lupine doesn't have this ability, do you?"

"No way." Sirius said firmly, "Moony is the smartest one among us, he will be fine."

"That's enough." Kyle said with a smile: "The most important thing you should do now is think about what you can do to help Lupin. The Shrieking Shack has been abandoned for so long, and it is not easy to renovate it."


 (End of this chapter)

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