Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

Chapter 631: Dumbledore's Secret Forces

 Chapter 631 Dumbledore’s Secret Force

 When Kyle arrived at the Defense Against the Dark Arts office, there was no one around.

 He knocked on the door.

 “Come in.” Umbridge’s voice came from inside.

Kyle opened the door and walked in.

This place is still the same as the last time I came here. There are all kinds of exquisite handicrafts everywhere, but there seem to be a lot more cat dishes on the wall.

"I am disappointed…"

When the door to the office was closed, Umbridge, who was still smiling, immediately looked at Kyle with a strange look that could not tell whether it was disappointment or pride.

“I was in this office yesterday, waiting for you to tell me something interesting, but you didn’t come.

"This may prove that you are not as loyal as you said before, but are still on Dumbledore's side."

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Professor.” Kyle said in surprise, “Is there something I should know?”

"Oh?" Umbridge chuckled: "Okay, I can give you a little reminder.

“As far as I know, in Hogsmeade yesterday, dozens of people went to the Hog’s Head pub together. Can you tell me what they were doing there?”

“There is such a thing?” Kyle asked in surprise: “How come I didn’t know about it.”

"Lie!" Umbridge's voice gradually became colder. "As far as I know, many of those people are your friends. How could you not know? Maybe you were there at the time."

“That’s impossible.” Kyle shook his head. “I’ve never been to the Pig’s Head Bar, and I don’t know if there’s any party there.”

"It seems that you don't intend to tell the truth." Umbridge showed a fake smile again and said in a cooing voice, "How about lying to the professor and putting you in confinement for another week. I thought of that time, you should just Will be willing to tell the truth."

"Everything I said is true." Kyle's expression remained unchanged, "Yesterday after I arrived at Hogsmeade, I went to the Fengya Wizard Clothing Store. Miss Daphne Greengrass of Slytherin can testify that she was It’s also in the store.”

“What happens after that?” Umbridge said, “I remember that the party is not too early. You can join it after you come out of the clothing store.”

"I've been in the Three Broomsticks since then and haven't been anywhere," Kyle said.

Umbridge glanced at him suspiciously, "Can anyone prove it?"

 “Anyone who has been to the Three Broomsticks.”

Kyle said, "I was sitting opposite the door, and a lot of people should have seen me."

Umbridge was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect Kyle to say that.

 “You didn’t lie?”

“Of course not,” Kyle said, “and Ms. Rosmerta can also prove that I didn’t go out before noon.

“Or you can ask people who went to the Hog’s Head that day and ask them if I was there.”

Umbridge was silent for a moment.

 When she raised her head again, the smile on her face became even more fake, making people feel uncomfortable just by looking at it.

"No need, I definitely believe you." She said in a strange tone, with a bit of mockery: "However, those so-called friends of yours don't seem to be like this."

“Ah, yes.” Kyle resisted the urge to punch her in the face and said, “I didn’t expect that they would hide so many things from me. It’s really disappointing.”

"Then, I need you to help the Ministry of Magic investigate this matter." Umbridge continued to smile and said: "Dumbledore chose to hold the meeting in the Pig's Head Bar, and those people also chose the Pig's Head Bar. Maybe there is something in between. "Is it possible? It's just a coincidence." Kyle said.

"Absolutely not." Umbridge said firmly, "I don't believe there is such a coincidence. Those people must be the secret troops developed by Dumbledore among the students."

Kyle didn't speak, mainly because he didn't know what to say... He rarely told the truth, but Umbridge still didn't believe it.

Dumbledore chose the Pig's Head Pub because he felt that it was safe enough because he had his own people there. Cedric and the others went simply because there were few people and they would not be overheard by others.

 So this is really just a coincidence, nothing more.

 And Dumbledore developed students as a secret force?

I have to say that Umbridge and Rita Skeeter should be able to talk, after all, they both have unpredictable and outrageous ideas.

However, seeing Umbridge's confident look, Kyle didn't say anything, just nodded and said: "Leave this matter to me, Professor, I will definitely be able to ask."

"That's up to you," said Umbridge. "Don't let me down."

"I'll find out," Kyle said. "For the Ministry of Magic."

Umbridge's expression immediately turned serious.

 “For the Ministry of Magic!”


“So, you’re going to report us?”

Fred asked in the locker room during the afternoon Quidditch practice match.

This is the Hufflepuff dressing room. Logically speaking, Gryffindor people should not come, but now that they are the only ones here, it naturally doesn't matter.

“Theoretically, I should do this.” Kyle wiped the broom in his hand and said, “I will hand you over to Umbridge in exchange for house points.”

“Tell Umbridge what we’re going to do and she’ll give you points.”

 “I don’t know, but it shouldn’t be less than fifty points.”

"So few?" George was a little disgusted, as if he thought Umbridge was too stingy. "We are Dumbledore's secret army, and we are only worth fifty points? I thought it was at least a hundred points."

“No wonder you didn’t go to the Hog’s Head that day,” said Fred. “Did you know this was going to happen?”

"It's not too early." Kyle shook his head, "I didn't think of it until I got to Hogsmeade."

“Haha, let you investigate our party.” George couldn’t help laughing: “She will never want to know the truth.”

"But I still don't understand," said Cedric, "why Umbridge came to you, and why you seemed to have to help her.

Also, what did you mean yesterday when you said you would stand against Professor Dumbledore? "

"This is part of the plan. It's difficult to explain in one or two sentences." Kyle said, "You just need to remember that we are against each other now... At least let Umbridge believe that is the case."

 George rolled his eyes. "So...can we beat you up here? After all, that's what we did when we faced Slytherin."

"That's right." Fred smiled sinisterly, "The current situation is three against one, and you have no chance of winning."


 (End of this chapter)

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